so i got this girl who lives with me i love her alot but as a friend.i have wanted to get away for like 2 months but i cant break her heart she worships me.but she is not the girl for what do i tell her???
so i got this girl who lives with me i love her alot but as a friend.i have wanted to get away for like 2 months but i cant break her heart she worships me.but she is not the girl for what do i tell her???
go gay?
or have a friend of yours woo her away from u?
get her drunk and have her sleep w/ some random guy?
thats horrible,but funny as sh..
just be straight up w/ her.. she is gunna hate your GUTS for quite a while but its better now than later.. trust me on that one.
you have to be straight up, it never works out easily but its the only way to go.
make sure its a real break up without any backslide sex etc, it only makes things harder
dam. it i was looking for a answer that was easy.its never easy i guess unless ur a heartless guy
I just went through the same
yea its much easier when they suck or they are whores.she is great but not for me
Or make her dump you.
ohh i have tried to make her hate me over the past 2 months,and she is a sweety she said i no ur being a ass cause the steroids.
You go up tp here and say I break with thee I break with thee then you throw dog poop on her shoes. Then when you go out you go lookin for the girl with the dog poop on her shoes. _ steve martin
Keep fuking her and find another oneyou have p u s s y at home and you want to get rid of it? damn youngsters, just bang some other girls
God how do you guys get by?
Get her into nasty stuff and have her do it with other girls while you tape it, been having a ball with my new cameraI'm geting good as a director.
Did you actually see broke back mountain? Do you think it was good or just hype since it was a main stream gay film?
I thought it was a pretty good movie. Shows how "real" guys spend most of their lives fighting their true feelings. Perfect example of how men marry and have kids thinking after all that they will forget all about this "fetish" only to realize its much more than that. I thought they could have made the ending a little more emotional but who am i to judge.
Good movie.
I think both of the main actors did a flawless job !
Last edited by DSM4Life; 01-19-2008 at 09:25 AM.
I would do this:
Sit her down and be honest sure it will hurt her and probably u 2 but the longer u stay in the relationship the harder on everyone it will be and bump what someone else said about no back sliding,that means end it in a honest manner then no sex or in my opinion no contact at all 4 awhile.
Treat her as you would like to be treated in the same situation.
Sit her down and be 100% honest with her. It might hurt her at first but in the end she will respect you for it.
"'s not me, it's you."
I'm thinking keep hitting it till she pisses you off then they her to get the fuk outThat's how chics do it
Good observation, I never though about it, that is how they do it. There is always some minor thing I do to piss them off, then that's it. It might be as small as being rude to them on the phone because you are busy and taking a call on the other line instead of listening to whatever useless thing they had to say. Just that little bit of anger is enough to fuel them through the break-up, and not care how you feel about it.
def. keep her around and still hit it while seeing other women. Bad for her good for you. pvssy is pvssy, no emotional attachment there, only a dick attachment. Just go out and look, and if your not finding anything stay with her or if you really cant stand her and want to break it off then just tell her straight up that its not working and you need time to think, its me not you. Bam she gets pissed and leaves. Now you have NO pvssy and will go into depression because you lost your current ass toy and its fvckin with your mind in which girls can see then you get none for a long time. So, keep her until you get something else....or keep smashing both of them like i did for a bit![]()
Anyway, once you are sitting all alone in your house or apt., and have nobody to have sex with and the ladies at the bar are giving you no love (at least the ones you want attention from), you will start to get depressed and start thinking how awsome she was and that maybe you really did love her. Happens all the time, it is like a defense mecanism built into your brain that doesn't like it when no sex is happening.
See I'm not the only "pig" on the forumyou don't owe her shlt, hit it and then hit it some more
just say there's someone else and break it off.
Oh and eventually youll get screwed over so enjoy it while you can bro. If your a nice guy tho and not like that then yeah just cut it off. Id stay with her for a bit tho to "see how things go".![]()
i came on here tonight to ask the same thing man. iv just moved to england from ireland with my gf and been living with her for a few months. just hasnt been the same and i see her more like a rly good friend. i love her, but im not in love with her. i just thought it was the move and the whole new life thing, it isnt
plus im shagn a 39 yr old who iv rly fallen for, so im just doing the dirt there!!
yea i am guessing everyone has been here before,i will have to man up i guess and be like a women,selfish hatefull and spitefull and just tell her i love you and your awsome,but hey im you see its much easier when you hate them.dam. it.its time to send her on the way.i just started my new cycle anyway it will be alot more peacefull cause she thinks i am crazy because the roids anything i do wrong she says(its the aas its not you.or your jerk go to the gym)this cycle will be much beter without her but damn all that test in me there will be lots of jerking off hahah
Dude you have to hit the ***** until you find a replacement. You let go of this one and no ***** for a long time. You will hate life.
Shit, that's what my ex always did, waited till the guy pissed her off then kicked him out without explanation. She never talked to majority of the guys afterwards. Kinda cold-hearted but treat them to how they figure their gonna treat us. Life is a two-way street, time for these broads to experience the flip side of the coin.
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