Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned?
isaac | News, Hardbody Exclusive | Tuesday, 15 January 2008
Alti Bautista shares her side of the Ronnie Coleman Marriage
Yesterday **********.com broke the news regarding former Mr. Olympia, Ronnie Coleman’s wedding. When I saw the photo and headline on their homepage my first thought was, What the F**k, that’s not Alti. No, it most certainly wasn’t the IFBB fitness woman we’ve grown to know as Ronnie’s girlfriend over the years. Nearly seven years, well 6 years and 8 month to be exact.
I hadn’t talked to Alti in awhile nor did I contact her about the wedding. I assumed, like many others who heard of the news, that they had ended things and Ronnie had moved on in another chapter in his life. It was none of my business. I’m friends with Alti and she’s one of the people you can go months without talking to but when you get on the phone, it’s like you never missed a beat.
This morning my phone rings and it’s Alti. Anyone who knows Alti would agree she is a spit-fire and goes 100mph all the time. We talked about numerous things but she wanted to clear the air on how she found about Ronnie’s wedding. Many things we discussed will remain off the record however this is Alti’s side of the story…
Alti and Ronnie had plans to spend New Year’s Eve 2007 together in Las Vegas. Alti has taken a liking to the UFC and they planned to attend the UFC event on December 29, 2007. According to Alti, her and Ronnie speak every day, at least once if not more on the phone. Keep in mind, Alti lives in New Jersey and Ronnie resides in Texas. As with any long distance relationship there are obstacles but it appeared they had found a balance that worked for them. On December 27, 2007 Alti received a call from Ronnie informing her of some news. The news wasn’t that he was getting married, no Alti had no clue about his upcoming wedding. Ronnie informed Alti that he was a father of not one but three children. A woman in California had given birth to triplets and he was the father. The triplets are now approximately 6 months old. Needless to say Alti was a little upset and they decided it would be best if she not go to Las Vegas for New Year’s Eve.
Fastforward to January 2008. Alti receives a call from a friend asking her about a rumor of Ronnie getting married. She confronts Ronnie about the rumor and he denies it. This wasn’t the first time rumors related to Ronnie had come up between the two. Rumors in the fitness industry? Get out. Alti chalked it up to yet another rumor and went on about her business.
When Flexonline.com broke the news yesterday, her phone blew up. Friends and associates wondered what had happened. It wasn’t until she saw the photos on Flexonline.com that it was confirmed and he had in fact gotten married. Think Alti was a little pissed? Not only was the man she’d been (at least in her mind) dating for nearly seven years a father of newborn triplets but he was also married! The woman he married however is not the mother of the triplets.
Alti is more than a little upset as you can imagine. She was told he has triplets on the December 27 and later finds out he was married on the 28th. There was no mention of any marriage taking place in that conversation nor later when confronted about the issue. Alti isn’t out to seek vengeance on the former Mr. Olympia. As would anyone, she feels betrayed, belittled and played for a fool. Ronnie has his side of the story which may or may not be the same as hers.
This story will continue to be discussed on the ******com and the various message boards. Alti recently started a thread on ****** related to this story. I’m not here to proclaim Alti is right and Ronnie is wrong or visa versa. Do I feel bad for Alti? Yes. I wouldn’t wish this situation on anyone.
Ronnie Coleman and Alti Bautista at a 2007 Olympia after-party.
Disappointing. That’s how I’d best describe this situation. I’m disappointed that a strong, beautiful woman like Alti didn’t demand the respect she deserves. As we talked today I heard the hurt and pain in her voice. Her huge heart is a “gift and a curse” as she put it. We all make mistakes and no one is perfect. The fans of bodybuilding have heard time and time again from Ronnie on how he has Jesus Christ and God to thank for everything. He’s gone out of his way to let us know his stance with his faith and he is entitled to do so. I don’t judge nor fault him for his beliefs and how he presents it, that is his decision. I am disappointed as a fan. One of bodybuilding’s elite disappointed those of us who admired and respected his openness with his faith and how he carried himself. I’m disappointed he didn’t respect for himself and the woman who loved you when given the opportunity to come clean with his actions.
Again, I’m not here to judge Ronnie and his choices nor am I taking Alti’s side. She wanted to let people know how things went down from her point of view. As her friend I feel sorry for her and this is between her and Ronnie. Let them work it out and at the end of it all they only have to answer to themselves and well, maybe even God.