Okay let me begin by saying for those of you who don't know that I see JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING for various reasons that explain my level of movie diversity, but bear with me...
27 Dresses...Let me preface this by saying that I like both stars Katherine Heigl, probably best known for Grey's Anatomy, "The Ringer", and more recently "Knocked Up". Then there's James Marsden a.k.a. Cyclops from "The X-Men". Anyway this film is what romantic comedies are supposed to be, in other words it's a good one to take your lady too, because the fellas can enjoy it and ladies certainly will. It's funny yet based in reality, for a change.
Meet the Spartans...Again a preface: As a rule spoofs are not very good, that said, this one is no exception. However, if you truly loved "300" then you'll be able to appreciate it, because it is humorous throughout but don't expect much knee slapping. Oh, but Carmen Electra does what she does best here, namely electrify the screen...WOW!
Rambo...No prefacing here, this movie was great! You heard me right GREAT, written and directed by Sly, it's a homerun. A little on the short side at a scant 93 minutes after a brief but sufficient developmental phase the action keeps coming. It thoroughly engages you, as well as closes Rambo's (like Rocky's) book forever. So good (for guys) that it gets my rarely seen MBG or money back guarantee. If you're not completely satisfied with this film simply send me your ticket stub(s) along with a return address for a full refund.
Jumper - the theatrical trailer (not the teaser)
Dark Knight - the theatrical trailer (not the teaser)
Ironman - only the teaser is presently available
The Eye - the theatrical trailer (not the teaser)