Official release from the Ron Paul campaign giving a progress report. He says some things there that allude to what he is going to do
For those of you that are giving up hope, don't.
Official release from the Ron Paul campaign giving a progress report. He says some things there that allude to what he is going to do
For those of you that are giving up hope, don't.
That is not good, all it will do is give the Presidency to a Democrat. A third party is NOT GOING TO WIN the Whitehouse. As I have stated before, Ross Perot was much higher in the poles than Paul is and he still came in a very distant third. I'm glad that you guys have a cause, but it amounts to the same thing as a "rain dance" in its chance of succeeding. A rain dance that gives the Presidency to Hillary Clinton..........![]()
stop making a fool of yourself mate <666>
I dont know we need his policies now before this country is long done into the tubes of debt and in total control of the federal reserve.
hes the only one that sees the big problem.
I see what Logan is saying, but as mentioned in another thread, he does have a lot of support from Dem's that have lost faith in their party too, and a lot of those were unable to change their party affiliation to vote for Ron Paul in the primary.
Some dems I've spoken to like him a lot, but they wouldn't change their party over to vote for him because they hate the Neo-cons so bad that they felt the equivalent of contracting cooties by registering republican, which is a dumb reason.
Anyways, if he did 3rd party, I wouldn't necessarily think he would hand it to Hillary, or Barack (I have no idea which one is gonna make it this time) since he'd pull in lots of Dem's too (Damn I'd love to see Hillary have to debate Ron Paul, LOL!).
God I hope not..... As bad as I would love something anti establishment to occur like and end to old white guy monopoly... with a black or woman prez... their both such big douche bags I dont want either of em =P .... Clintons a lunatic with some sick evil agenda and baracks a sniveling little brat =P
Romney is just goona be a money grubbing loony mccain will start WW3 so will huckabee but he'll get us around the whole church and state thing as well some insane religious legislation I cant even think of right now a guiliana(or what the **** ever) will stage another 9-11 and make himself a hero...... again starting ww3 with someone... bleh
America has been transformed into a democracy.
In a democracy, the majority rules.
In America smart people are the minority. You figure it out.
Perhaps, but he would be better than Hillary. Although both of them want to raise my taxes to create socialized programs. Perhaps you are looking for a hand-out, so a Democrat would be your best bet. Just remember, voting for someone because of race is just as racist as not voting for someone because of race........
Vote for Bush or Die
Just got back from the voting booth, cast my vote for.........Huckabee!
LOL! F^ck that! I voted for Ron Paul!!!
This has to be one of the dumbest comments I've seen you post.
Government hand out? I'm looking for a hand out? I probably make more money than you.
I'm voting for him because of race?Where did I say this? You're making an assumption. I thought you were more intelligent than this. ASSUMING someone Black is voting for someone because of race is racist. I actually supported Clinton. After following the campaign I do not support her platform. Also, she depends way to much on her husband. She's running for office, not him. Her being White or Obama being Black is irrelevant. You on the other hand think Black people are a separate species from you. And have the nerve to try and point out racism where there is none.
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
How anyone can vote for candidates that never speak of the serious issues affecting this country is beyond me???
I will vote for Ron Paul or none of them, the rest are scumbags that probably cannot even tell you anything about the Constitution let alone defend it.
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Ron Paul has a better chance of being elected mayor of hell than being president.
The one I liked dropped so I guess Im going with Romney.
Obama is no more qualified to run for President as you or I.
CHICAGO - An indicted businessman who poured thousands of dollars into the campaigns of Barack Obama and other politicians was jailed Monday after prosecutors disclosed he received $3.5 million from an Iraqi billionaire while claiming to be broke.
Real estate developer and fast-food entrepreneur Antoin "Tony" Rezko was arrested Monday at his home in Wilmette and held after his attorneys failed to dissuade Judge Amy J. St. Eve from revoking his $2 million bond.
Rezko is charged with scheming to pressure companies seeking state business for kickbacks and campaign contributions.
His name has surfaced in the Democratic presidential race because of his ties to Obama, who ended up donating to charity thousands of dollars in campaign contributions connected to Rezko. During a South Carolina debate, Hillary Rodham Clinton accused Obama of representing Rezko "in his slum landlord business" when Obama was a young Chicago lawyer.
Obama actually represented partners of Rezko's company in government-subsidized apartment rehabilitation projects, not Rezko himself. Obama says he did no more than five or six hours of work for the partners.
Rezko has contributed thousands of dollars to the campaigns of Obama
Rezko is due to start trial Feb. 25 on charges of mail fraud, wire fraud, money laundering and attempted extortion. He is charged separately with swindling the General Electric Capital Corp. out of $10 million in the sale of a pizza restaurant business.
Forbes magazine listed Auchi in 2007 as the world's 279th richest man. He also has been convicted of fraud in France, the government said in a court filing seeking the warrant to arrest Rezko.
Prosecutors said in their filing that $3.5 million was wired into a fund maintained at a Chicago bank by attorneys handling Rezko's tangled finances. They said the money was later transferred into other Obama accounts and disbursed within a week.
In one of several filings Monday, prosecutors said they have a cooperating informant who claims to have seen documents describing Rezko's transfer of "a significant portion of his 62-acre property" to Barak Obama.
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We need to stop being good Republicans, Democrats or a Libertarians and start being good Americans!
Those political parties are just a distraction from the real issues concerning this country.
When people ask me "What are you?" I say " An American"..then they look at you like "Huh?"..just goes to show how deep the brainswashing BS is ingrained in everyone.
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Coudlnt have said it better myself.
Basically everyone else besides ron paul will make shit worse they dont understand the big problems.
Republic/democrat w/e u wanna call it doesnt mean shit.
Everyone else wants to spend more, more tax, more inflation, print more dollars, more war.
Everyone else still seems to think we can police the entire world and try to run a welfare /socialist state.
Paul is the only one who wants fix our corrupt money system, stop wasting money trying to police the world having bases in every country. Then once we have an honest money system and he gets rid of the IRS. then we have some real money to do other things with thats when people can talk about the small issues like healthcare and education.
Here in simpler terms.
The only way to stop the beast is to cut its head off. Everyone else seems to think taking a foot or an arm of is going to stop it, it will for a bit but it will just grow back stronger and cause more problems.
Ron paul is the only candidate who has a plan to CUT THE HEAD OFF THE BEAST.
simple as that
Well wouldnt call them small isssues.
But aslong as were spending tons of money at war with the world trying to police the world as we keep going more and more into debt....
Wasteful spending needs to stop.
The solution isnt spend more without cutting then just borrow or print the money to make up for it.
If we werent going into such debt and have such other huge problems then we would have plenty of time and money to fix and tweak things like health care and education.
This is where you are wrong, unfortunately they DO know about the problems that are rotting us to the core. They simply do not give a flying **** about anyone but themselves. They have accepted the New World Order and the plan of the Elite.
I am telling you now, wait and see...they will start pushing the Amero soon as an excuse because of the decline of the dollar.
It is all set in stone, they only need to slowly inject it into the minds of the populace via the #1 brainwashing tool of the 21st century - TV/Media.
***No source checks!!!***
Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Great place to start researching !
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