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  1. #1
    bigt10 is offline Member
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    CNN Scamming Ron Paul - CAUGHT

    Watch this video.

    Pay attention youll see his votes go down.

    America is messed up.

    As i said before TV is way to controlled by the real people who run this country. And these are the people behind the federal reserve, IRS, CIA etc and they aren't going to let ron paul ever get in or yet any president who wants to destroy the IRS and the income tax and make the fed reserve accountable.

    We see it on TV. The internet is next. good by net neutrality and having a neutral internet it will be over controlled, over governed, and our freedom on the net taking away.

    It pisses me off to watch Americans so dumbed down and stupid the general population while this country sinks in everything from debt to education.

    And one of our last methods of free communication maybee the internet no one seems to give a shit about either. Its a general thing thats happening here people are not seeing it. we keep going more into debt and we keep losing more freedoms.

    Clinton and Obama and all these other politicians are useless. just the same old as spending to fix small issues and watch the people cheer them on for their stupid little self reasons. No one else sees the big picture what is happening.

    Paul is the only one with the solution to the big problems like debt, the federal reserve, wasting money on war, and need i say again DEBT. The only politician who also understands that the federal reserve shouldnt be allowed to act like its own private cartel and how corrupted our money system is.

  2. #2
    convalescence69's Avatar
    convalescence69 is offline Associate Member
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    I am with ya man. It's down to what you think you can do about it and if you are willing to do it.

  3. #3
    joint is offline Banned
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    Vote for Bush or Die

  4. #4
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    ***No source checks!!!***

  5. #5
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigt10 View Post

    Watch this video.

    Pay attention youll see his votes go down.

    America is messed up.

    As i said before TV is way to controlled by the real people who run this country. And these are the people behind the federal reserve, IRS, CIA etc and they aren't going to let ron paul ever get in or yet any president who wants to destroy the IRS and the income tax and make the fed reserve accountable.

    We see it on TV. The internet is next. good by net neutrality and having a neutral internet it will be over controlled, over governed, and our freedom on the net taking away.

    It pisses me off to watch Americans so dumbed down and stupid the general population while this country sinks in everything from debt to education.

    And one of our last methods of free communication maybee the internet no one seems to give a shit about either. Its a general thing thats happening here people are not seeing it. we keep going more into debt and we keep losing more freedoms.

    Clinton and Obama and all these other politicians are useless. just the same old as spending to fix small issues and watch the people cheer them on for their stupid little self reasons. No one else sees the big picture what is happening.

    Paul is the only one with the solution to the big problems like debt, the federal reserve, wasting money on war, and need i say again DEBT. The only politician who also understands that the federal reserve shouldnt be allowed to act like its own private cartel and how corrupted our money system is.
    BigT, Join the campaign if you feel strongly about it. Do what you can to get the word out, donate, put up signs, write on your car (with shoe polish or window chalk), wear t-shirts, you could even join your local meet-up group and help them canvass. All these are good ways to spread his cause. It won't get done without people like us. If you didn't know there are also tons of forums for Ron Paul supporters. Check out his website to join:

  6. #6
    bigt10 is offline Member
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    Blome its nice but Paul wont win. He wont be allowed to win. even if the votes are in his favour they will be "re counted."

    The people who really run this country such as some of the big shots behind the federal reserve, big banks, IRS, CIA wont allow him to win.

    Its clearly evident on TV that he does not get his chance to shine.

    The people who really want this country dont care if we got another old white haired president.

    To them hillary clinton is a dream. She wants to still police the world, wants more socialist programs, more taxes to pay for it. And that means that america goes into more debt and more money is printed and borrowed to solve the problem while we go into more debt.

    Honestly i dont even live in the USA bro but the next president of the world is goign to have alot more to do than just America alone. I think the WORLD needs Ron Paul not America.

  7. #7
    Pooks's Avatar
    Pooks is offline Anabolic Member
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    I used to be a democrat... but Ron Paul has helped me see the light!

    ****, I even like Bush now!
    He just needs to grow more ballz, and veto all spending bills.. useless democrat congress..

    2 mistakes BUSH made...

    1. War in Iraq (more than likely)
    and 2. Playing nice with democrats, even when Republicans had the majority in Cogress. Blah!

  8. #8
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigt10 View Post
    Blome its nice but Paul wont win. He wont be allowed to win. even if the votes are in his favour they will be "re counted."

    The people who really run this country such as some of the big shots behind the federal reserve, big banks, IRS, CIA wont allow him to win.

    Its clearly evident on TV that he does not get his chance to shine.

    The people who really want this country dont care if we got another old white haired president.

    To them hillary clinton is a dream. She wants to still police the world, wants more socialist programs, more taxes to pay for it. And that means that america goes into more debt and more money is printed and borrowed to solve the problem while we go into more debt.

    Honestly i dont even live in the USA bro but the next president of the world is goign to have alot more to do than just America alone. I think the WORLD needs Ron Paul not America.
    Oh, if you don't live in the USA then it's a moot point, but saying it's worthless because he won't win is exactly the reason why he won't win.

  9. #9
    Logan13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blome View Post
    but saying it's worthless because he won't win is exactly the reason why he won't win.
    If you have lived through the Ross Perot days, you can say it.

  10. #10
    soccer#3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13 View Post
    If you have lived through the Ross Perot days, you can say it.
    what year was ross perot runnin? who were the other two candidates?

  11. #11
    DNoMac's Avatar
    DNoMac is offline Senior Member
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    He ran in 92 and 96. I think you know the outcome.

  12. #12
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by soccer#3 View Post
    what year was ross perot runnin? who were the other two candidates?
    92 and 96. Bush and Clinton in 92. Dole and Clinton in 96.

  13. #13
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    America is ready for direct democracy...It was not logistically possible even 20 years ago. With our technology today, I see no reason that every citizen should not have the opportunity to vote on every issue from the convienience of their own home.

  14. #14
    bigt10 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    America is ready for direct democracy...It was not logistically possible even 20 years ago. With our technology today, I see no reason that every citizen should not have the opportunity to vote on every issue from the convienience of their own home.
    ya good idea but electronic voting also causes alot of problems.

  15. #15
    JDawg1536 is offline "Rock" of Love ;)
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    I just finished mad cardio so maybe its the lack of oxygen to my brain, but I didnt see it.

  16. #16
    bigt10 is offline Member
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    its like 50 votes. watch it its mainly in the beginning. paul on the right side of screen hes dark grey.

  17. #17
    UberSteroids's Avatar
    UberSteroids is offline Anabolic Member
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    I totally agree.

    The thing is, the people "Behind the Scenes" have already so much power that, even if guy like Ron Paul wins, guess what? If he would try to make too much of a change for better, they would probably take him down, I mean literally take him down. Just as it happened while ago with the LAST REAL president of this country.

    Everything is %100 manipulated and with such ratio of people that know what is going on and people that don't, there is basically no chance to ever stop this.

    This is what I THINK.

    Good luck

  18. #18
    Logan13's Avatar
    Logan13 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by soccer#3 View Post
    what year was ross perot runnin? who were the other two candidates?
    GHW Bush
    Bill Clinton
    Jerry brown
    Pat Buchanan
    there may be more, but these are the ones that I recall.
    June polls:
    Perot 39%
    Bush 31%
    Clinton 25%
    election results:
    19% of the popular vote
    0 electoral votes

    election results:
    8% of the popular vote
    0 electoral votes

  19. #19
    soccer#3's Avatar
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    so in 92 a third candidate "helped" the republicans. but in 96 he "helped" the dems. so it went both way. i gotta say 19% in 92 isnt bad at all.

  20. #20
    Logan13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soccer#3 View Post
    so in 92 a third candidate "helped" the republicans. but in 96 he "helped" the dems. so it went both way. i gotta say 19% in 92 isnt bad at all.
    no, he took moderate conservative votes away from Bush.

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