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  1. #1
    Ajc330's Avatar
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    Need advice please

    this is my situation...

    i started talking to this girl in the beginning of december and everything was going so great. she was texting me non stop and always texting me goodnight with a heart every night, and we were together a lot having a good time always going out. so i'm saying to myself "ok i got this one in the bag now to step my game up ima play the i don't care act" so one night i didin't text her all night then in the middle of thenight before she went to bed she was like goodnight? and i didin't answer it until thenext day in the afternoon and i asked her what was up with the text and she was like you didin't talk to me all night idk so i was like i thought you wanted to take it slow.. and she said yeah you're right.. after that conversation it hasn't been the same, then i ****ed up again down the road once more.. so she stopped texting me all the time and either she lost a lot of interest/respect for me or she stepped her game up and i have no idea how she feels, i asked her and she replied "i feel bad for making you wait for me it's not fair to you" so right then i instantly knew wow she doesn't want to be with me, so i was like yeah you're right maybe we are best to stay friends and that was that.. she texted me the next day at like 7 am and was like do you think we can still hang out as friends? i have a good time with you.. so i go back to sleep and don't answer, then an hour later another text wakes me up, "please text me when you wake up" i was still a little bitter from the previous night so i was kinda nasty to her and the conversation ended peacefully but she got the vibe that i was like "**** off" so she changes her myspace song to this depressing love song and my cousin and her friends tell me she still likes me but she hasn't shown it for the past 2 or 3 weeks, i leave her a comment saying "the (insert name here) i know is always happy sooo this songs gotta go =)" so her next song was "what a man" idk who sings it but it's saying how she has this great guy the total opposite of her last song, and i'm extremely confused.. so when i saw 27 dresses the other night i saw the preview for step up 2, and she loves to dance and she loved the first one, so i asked her to see it with me on valentines day and she accepted, but it's been running through my mind lately and i just want you guys to analyze the whole situation for me because i know you guys have a better perspective then me because you guys are not in the situation... i'm pretty sure i mentioned all the important events that happened... oh yeah yesterday i come home from working out and i got 2 texts from her, and she texted me saying how someone pranked her, but i have no idea why she would tell me that she doesn't normally text me for stupid shit like that, well she did when we first started tlaking but after me telling her to take it slow she hasn't, and i didin't answer the text cus i was working out so shesent another like 20 mins later with "!" i guess to make me answer.. was this just a way for her to talk to me or was she just trying to talk to me on a friendly level and keep it friends.. cus she said she still wanted to hang out as friends cus she has fun with me

    i know it's long thanks for listening guys

  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    You screwed up. Why would you start to "step up your game" if you had her. She is backing off and playing safe because you started your IDK bullshit. Games are for kids. If you really like her start acting like you did in the beginning and maybe she will start too. Swallow your pride even if she doesn't text you back right away keep acting like you did.

  3. #3
    StoneGRMI's Avatar
    StoneGRMI is offline Giggity Giggity Giggty!
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    I say you talk to her instead of texting junior high convos back and fourth or you could send her this:

    Seriously thought...just talk. A relationship isn't going to survive on texts.

  4. #4
    Ajc330's Avatar
    Ajc330 is offline Senior Member
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    haha nice artwork..
    i started playing games because of past experiences but apparently this wasn't the case

  5. #5
    Fordfan01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    You screwed up. Why would you start to "step up your game" if you had her. She is backing off and playing safe because you started your IDK bullshit. Games are for kids. If you really like her start acting like you did in the beginning and maybe she will start too. Swallow your pride even if she doesn't text you back right away keep acting like you did.
    exactly dont bullshit her playing the whole im not gonna care is something ppl do in hs if u like her then show gixxer said time to grow up

  6. #6
    goodcents's Avatar
    goodcents is offline "body piercing & body jewelry expert"
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    Everyone is writing novels lately

  7. #7
    Ajc330's Avatar
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    ouch you guys are harsh! but you guys are also right thx for the help, i put my pride aside and have been showing a lot more attention and effection and i feel like our relationship has made a complete 180 to the right direction

  8. #8
    cjp4eva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ajc330 View Post
    ouch you guys are harsh! but you guys are also right thx for the help, i put my pride aside and have been showing a lot more attention and effection and i feel like our relationship has made a complete 180 to the right direction
    dont show her TOO MUCH cause then she gonna think that she has you in her pocket, just show her enough but dont start telling her poems n shit, hope it helps.

  9. #9
    cjp4eva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents View Post
    Everyone is writing novels lately
    *cjp4eva says hi*

  10. #10
    firmechicano831's Avatar
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