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  1. #1
    Atomini's Avatar
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    LOL.... Florida...

    I'm just lau***ng now. I'm not even going to complain any longer... i'm just going to laugh. It's interesting that i'm living in a era where I will be able to see the USA go straight down the tubes in front of my eyes.

  2. #2
    3bd's Avatar
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    yeah... and it will drag everyone else down with it

  3. #3
    PEWN's Avatar
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    thats why as soon as my company finishes offices in other countries .... im out bitches ...

  4. #4
    3bd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pewntang View Post
    thats why as soon as my company finishes offices in other countries .... im out bitches ...
    that's like saying you're going to move one mile from ground zero

  5. #5
    PEWN's Avatar
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    esplain buddy...

  6. #6
    3bd's Avatar
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    when our economy tanks so will everyone else's. afterall, that's what it's all about anyway.

  7. #7
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    naw ... man .... your telling me that india and china will collapse with us ... i dont think so ....

  8. #8
    PEWN's Avatar
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    i bet you a million dollars that 20 years from now ... United States will be maybe 3rd strongest world power ..... speaking from a economic point of view ..... not as an american ...

  9. #9
    3bd's Avatar
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    we'll just have to wait an see now won't we

  10. #10
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pewntang View Post
    esplain buddy...
    Well, he's right. Once they ('they' meaning the elites) bring down the USA under their control, the rest of the world becomes that much easier. Their plan is not just the USA, but the whole world. That's why it's called the New World Order.

    But, in a few years when the shit really hits the fan and North America is transformed into the NAU, i'll probably end up moving off to some jungle island in the middle of nowhere in the Pacific somewhere in a straw hut all by myself and living like Rambo did in the latest movie. That's the only way to get away from this shit. This world makes me sick.

  11. #11
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Hey, Americans can go straight to hell for all I care at this point. GODDAMNIT!

    The only thing that will be funny is the reactions from these dumb/blind mother****ers when they are chipped and the NAU is in full affect. Then again, I honest to god believe at this point the majoirty of Americans will accept it without thinking twice. They are that ****ing brainwashed.

    Naturally Ron Paul was not mentioned in that article yet Gulliani was and only got 1%
    ***No source checks!!!***

  12. #12
    Pooks's Avatar
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    I on this election!

  13. #13
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    This country is ****ed! The only thing that would restore it to decency would be a true Revolution.

    Honestly, we should not call ourselves Americans and come up with some other name. Americans traditonally have stood up for themselves and held the government accountable and respectful.

    This must be how our founding fathers felt when being treated like shit by England. Unlike us "Americans" today. They stood up said enough is enough and fought for freedom.

    That is all that is left to do to get this country back.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  14. #14
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    You guy's seem to loose faith so easliy. First of all, this was a closed primary, meaning that only Republicans could vote in the election. All the democrats or independents who found out about Ron Paul less than 29 days ago couldn't have voted for him because of the deadline. If I was a dem (I wasn't) in NY I wouldn't be able to vote for him either in the coming Feb 5 election because I wouldn't have made the deadline. Second of all, there have only been about 5-6 primaries. There's about 44 more states to go. At this point candidates should start dropping like flies so as long as Paul has enough grassroots support he should be able to go right up to the convention with possible only one other candidate in the running. This should create a lot of media attention, which is what he badly needs.

  15. #15
    convalescence69's Avatar
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    Blome is right, and I appreciate the optimism. However....

    You other guys, you are right too. Here is another badass
    Just a couple days ago he pushed for impeachment on the senate floor. I don't think anyone is taking him seriously.
    These changes, the Rfid chip, the NAU, and the Nafta crap, they are coming and it is true, people will demand them. It is called "pressure from above and below". Apply pressure from an outside and inside force on the people, then supply them with the only option to bring back peace and stability. That option will look promising, but will have a high price, something that is massively beneficial to the elite.
    The link I posted to Ron Pauls progress report, he does allude to running as an Independent. He says at one point during the video that he won't stop his fight as long as the people support him so, despite the loss in florida and elsewhere I will try and remain optimistic.
    I doubt even an Independent run will win him the whitehouse, but there is still hope.

  16. #16
    Diary of a Mad-man's Avatar
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    yeah, have fun in China, being executed by the police for having a bible, and having your dog beaten to death in front of you when a rabies warning goes out in your city......oh, and watch what you say on the Inet......roids= prison too, unless the gov gives them to you.

    no, have more fun in india, where my roomate is get aids upon landing at the airport and child molestation is smiled upon.....

    have fun with your "revolution" know, technology has gone a bit over the head of pitchforks and torches......

    not that I want to undermine you guys and your great independent thinking (thats a good thing), but im not jumping ship yet. keep the wheels turning though, that never hurt anything.

  17. #17
    soccer#3's Avatar
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    and we all know ron paul wasnt supposed to win florida anyway. its just one of those states where they like the opinions of the other candidates

  18. #18
    convalescence69's Avatar
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    I live here in FL, tons of old folks here, and rednecks. They like the idea of "kicking ass" on terrorism. They feel noble about war.
    The redneckie people I suspect it is just in their character to like the idea of fighting, shooting, etc.
    There is a good size student population here too, but they don't give a f^ck whats going on, they just like to party it up, get hammered and smashed on all kinds of recreational drugs. It's florida, the beach time party state, and retirement community.
    The old folks though have a very noble idea of what war is about because of WW2. It is an admirable thing that they are so steadfastily patriotic, but they are a throwback to a situation when the war was for the right reasons. Psychologically it is called negative transfer; applying the same solution to a different problem, in this case one that the previous attitude is not applicable.

  19. #19
    Diary of a Mad-man's Avatar
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    well, Im from Florida and its obviously not just old people and angry rednecks.
    But you are saying Florida is a republican state because of the two?

    EVERY old person here is a democrat...cant find one that isnt. ..they arent the bust everyone's balls WWII stereotype you are giving them, they are the "i want all my medicine and shit to be paid for by young people" stereotype I am giving them.

    To say all rednecks are angry republicans is ****ing stupid......seeing most rednecks these days are a hybrid of redneck and hippy. Around here, I cant find a single redneck who isnt a pot smoking democrat (yes democrat) that hates bush and would rather be eating a cheeseburger in paradise. They are Nu Rednecks.......conspiracy theorists with chili in their beard that dont like the man.

    We have a huge minority population (majority????).....usually democrat

    We have a huge yuppy population, of BMW driving, wine tasting, douche bags.........always democrat.....gets you laid with young chicks, seems popular amongst young people. These are the college students that graduate and move to our massive suburban areas.

    Lastley there are my old redneck or Jew relatives.....each one of them democrat.....

    Last edited by Diary of a Mad-man; 01-30-2008 at 09:37 AM.

  20. #20
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    something has got to give here in FL. can anybody give me a reasonable explanation on why my mortgage just went up $850 a F'n month. I don't think so. I'm so pissed off right now... Canada here I come!!!

  21. #21
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    How can anyone take Flordia seriously when a Bush is the ****ing governor?
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  22. #22
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Charles Crist is the governor of Florida.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by RJstrong View Post
    something has got to give here in FL. can anybody give me a reasonable explanation on why my mortgage just went up $850 a F'n month. I don't think so. I'm so pissed off right now... Canada here I come!!!
    this guy from canada said the other day he wanted to move to florida. maybe u guys should trade or something. oh, he also said its -50C in canada... brrrrr. still wanna move?

  24. #24
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blome View Post
    Charles Crist is the governor of Florida.
    Well, he has got to be better than that dumbass Jeb Bush!
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  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by soccer#3 View Post
    this guy from canada said the other day he wanted to move to florida. maybe u guys should trade or something. oh, he also said its -50C in canada... brrrrr. still wanna move?
    OK... Costa Rica here I come!!!

  26. #26
    pumpd4lif's Avatar
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    we are all ****ed start saving canned goods now ; |

  27. #27
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    ***No source checks!!!***

  28. #28
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    Michael Bloomberg, Ron Paul Run Third Party Campaigns

    As I have stated, this is a warning!
    Summary: The pair of third party candidates attract from 13% to 17% of Republicans in each match-up. i.e, helps the Democrats.

    Michael Bloomberg, Ron Paul Run Third Party Campaigns
    Wed Jan 30, 12:16 PM ET

    Twenty-six percent (26%) of American voters believe New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is at least somewhat likely to make a third-party or independent bid for the White House in 2008. That includes 5% who say he is Very Likely to do so.

    Twenty-nine percent (29%) say that Texas Congressman Ron Paul will run as an alternative to the two major parties. Eleven percent (11%) believe he is Very Likely to do so.

    The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that roughly 15% of voters would currently vote for one of these two candidates in general election match-ups.

    When the two candidates are mentioned as independent options in match-ups between Mitt Romney and the two Democratic frontrunners, Paul and Bloomberg attract roughly the same level of support. When John McCain is mentioned as the Republican candidate in a match-up with Barack Obama, Ron Paul earns 11% of the vote while Bloomberg attracts 5%.

    At this time, the net impact of such third party efforts appears to benefit the Democrats.

    In a head-to-head match-up between Romney and Obama, Obama currently leads by nine percentage points. When Bloomberg and Paul are added to the list of possible candidates, Obama's lead grows to twelve points, 42% to 30%. Paul attracts 8% of the vote, Bloomberg 6%.

    Hillary Clinton leads Romney by five in a head-to-head match-up, but her lead grows to fourteen points with Bloomberg and Paul in the mix—Clinton 46% Romney 32% Bloomberg 7% Paul 7%.

    In a McCain-Obama poll, the Democrat leads by five. That grows to seven points with the third party options—Obama 40% McCain 33% Paul 11% Bloomberg 5%.

    The pair of third party candidates attract from 13% to 17% of Republicans in each match-up. They earn only 5% to 10% of the Democratic vote.

    Rasmussen Reports is an electronic publishing firm specializing in the collection, publication, and distribution of public opinion polling information.
    Last edited by Logan13; 01-30-2008 at 08:56 PM.

  29. #29
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    McCain Leads Obama by Six, Clinton by Eight

    McCain Leads Obama by Six, Clinton by Eight

    The latest Rasmussen Reports survey of Election 2008 shows Republican frontrunner Senator John McCain with single-digit leads over Democratic Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. McCain now leads Clinton 48% to 40%. He leads Barack Obama 47% to 41%.

    In a Rasmussen Reports poll conducted mid-January, McCain was two points behind Clinton, five behind Obama. A couple days later McCain won the South Carolina primary.

    McCain has led Clinton in four of the last five polling match-ups conducted by Rasmussen Reports. He has had the edge over Obama in three of the last four polls. (see history and trends). Following his victory in Florida, Rasmussen Markets data indicates that McCain is the overwhelming favorite for the Republican Presidential nomination.

    This weekend, Rasmussen Reports will begin daily tracking of general election match-ups featuring McCain vs. both Clinton and Obama.

    Individual polls can sometimes overstate volatility in a race, especially during the ups and downs of a Primary Election season. This is especially true when the results carry a four percentage point margin of sampling error. One way of addressing this is to look at a rolling-average of three consecutive polls. Using this approach, McCain now has a narrow advantage over Obama 45% to 43%. Prior to this latest poll, they had been tied at 44%. Both men have now been within four points (the margin of error) of the 45% mark for seven consecutive individual polls. Using a three-poll rolling average, McCain leads Clinton by five percentage points, 47% to 42%.

    In the new survey McCain enjoys an 22-point advantage among male voters with Clinton as his opponent. He lags by only three points among female voters. There isn't much gender discrepancy in the McCain-Obama match-up. Here McCain leads by eight points among men, five points among women.

    McCain does better than either Democrat with unaffiliated voters in the new survey, but especially when Clinton is his opponent. Against the former First Lady, he leads 52% to 31% with unaffiliateds.

    John McCain is viewed favorably by 52% and unfavorably by just 43%. His favorables have been in the 50%+ range since late November.

    Hillary Clinton is currently viewed favorably by 47%, unfavorably by 51%. Barack Obama is viewed favorably by 51%, unfavorably by 45%.

    Rasmussen Markets data gives Clinton a 62.2% chance of winning the Democratic nomination and Obama a 38.5% chance. On the Republican side, McCain is now given a 82.9% chance of winning the nomination while Mitt Romney is at 13.4%.Using a trading format where traders "buy and sell" candidates, issues, and news features, the Rasmussen Markets harness competitive passions to provide a reliable leading indicator of upcoming events. We invite you to participate in the Rasmussen Markets

  30. #30
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    I found out today that I have "Electile Disfunction"

    It was the Urban Dictionary Word of Today in MyYahoo home page.

    It means failing to obtain arousal to vote from any of the possible candidates in an existing election race.

  31. #31
    Diary of a Mad-man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    Well, he has got to be better than that dumbass Jeb Bush!
    you dont even know if he's the governor or not, but you are pretty sure he is a dumbass......can you say, blind hatred? Its ok, I have lots of it too.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    How can anyone take Flordia seriously when a Bush is the ****ing governor?
    How can anyone take you seriously when you don't even know who the Governor of Florida is ?

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rotary View Post
    How can anyone take you seriously when you don't even know who the Governor of Florida is ?

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