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  1. #1
    Atomini's Avatar
    Atomini is offline Banned
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    "Only Mitt Romney stands in his [John McCain's] way."

    "Only Mitt Romney stands in his way."

    lol wut? They make it seem like there's nobody else campaigning except those two...

  2. #2
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    Giuliani Admits Ron Paul Won All The Debates Rudy expected to drop out, endorse dead horse McCain
    Rudy Giuliani, who is widely tipped to drop out of the Republican race today and endorse John McCain, admitted yesterday that "Ron Paul won all the debates" because of his resonating message of individual liberty and personal responsibility.

    "Ron Paul won all the debates," stated Rudy Giuliani in his speech conceding defeat in the Florida Primary to John McCain. "Government works best when it empowers people to take responsibilities for their own lives.?

    Such an admission is rare considering the size of Giuliani's ego and his numerous spats with Paul on the campaign trail.

    The two famously clashed during the second debate on Fox News in May of last year, when Giuliani challenged Paul's assertion that U.S. foreign policy increases the risk of terrorism.

    The Texas Congressman also slammed Giuliani's support of a national ID card on an MSNBC appearance a month later.

    Despite the fact that one vote per IP and phone number text polls consistently showed Ron Paul to be the winner in almost every debate, establishment hacks, Neo-Libs and Neo-Cons routinely denied the fact that the Congressman had come out on top.

    Ron Paul's prediction that Rudy Giuliani would fail in Florida and be forced to quit appears to have been borne out by the former New York Mayor's poor showing in the Sunshine State.

    Giuliani is set to back his fellow establishment Neo-Con McCain with the understanding that he would be rewarded by a role in a potential future McCain administration.

    However, with Hillary Clinton being the elite's anointed one with the added luxury of favorable rigged voting machines, it seems McCain's role will be to act as a stooge and ensure the Clinton-Bush dynasty continues for at least another four years

    You gotta love that news! Guiliiani is as ignorant as McCain
    ***No source checks!!!***

  3. #3
    soccer#3's Avatar
    soccer#3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    the sooner giuliani drops out the better it is. he's just tryin to kiss mccains ass and hopefully get a vice prez position. imagine mccain as prez and giuliani vice prez. i rather see romney win it all than mccain and anything but hillary. a nightmare scenario would be mccain vs hillary in the general elections which is likely to happen

  4. #4
    sooners04's Avatar
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    I will say it again, Giuliani will be part of the White House in some way shape or form.

  5. #5
    Rotary's Avatar
    Rotary is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by soccer#3 View Post
    the sooner giuliani drops out the better it is. he's just tryin to kiss mccains ass and hopefully get a vice prez position. imagine mccain as prez and giuliani vice prez. i rather see romney win it all than mccain and anything but hillary. a nightmare scenario would be mccain vs hillary in the general elections which is likely to happen
    Yes, Rudy is wanting a cabinet position but not as Vice Pres. More likely Secretary of Defense or State.

    If it were my choice, Romney would win the nom. But, if it's McCain that wins the nomination...... he'll get my vote.

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