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  1. #1
    PEWN's Avatar
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    Go ahead, America... a REAL reason to laugh at Canadians...

    This is ****ing pathetic. I'm so ashamed of the people that are actually allowing this to go through. Keep in mind, this is in the same country that actually considered recognizing Sharia law, too.

  2. #2
    Atomini's Avatar
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    The funny thing is it's blacks that want this to happen.

    Over here, it's a white racist that wants it to happen:


  3. #3
    Logan13's Avatar
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    civil rights movement fought to desegregate schools in the 60's. Now in the 21st century blacks are fighting for just the opposite, what the hell..........

  4. #4
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    If someone wants to ''self''-segregate, let 'em.

    So long as it is not forced segregation, not a big deal in my book.

    It is the forcing part, either way, that I don't like.

    It comes down to choice, they want the "option" of going to an all-black school.

    It does not mean that they wont have other options.

  5. #5
    goodcents's Avatar
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    wtf is sharia law?

  6. #6
    PEWN's Avatar
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    god i wish amorphic canadian ass was still here...

  7. #7
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents View Post
    wtf is sharia law?
    It's Islamic religious law. Pretty much an Islamic theocracy.

  8. #8
    PEWN's Avatar
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    goodcents is just to lazy to google it ...

  9. #9
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Well this is a step backwards if I've ever seen one...

  10. #10
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    Also, I don't recall at any time in Canadian history where our government was close to recognizing Sharia law. If this did happen, it probably wasn't a large issue at all. The basic principle is that in Canada you follow the Canadian laws, the Canadian constitution, and the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms despite whatever background you have. Only a month or so ago, some crazy Muslim guy strangled his daughter to death here in the Toronto area just because she refused to wear the Hijab (that veil that Muslim women wear). He's now facing the law because of it. I con't see the Canadian government ever even coming close to taking the stance that he would get off from what he did just because of Sharia law. You live in Canada, you obey Canadian law. Period.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Well this is a step backwards if I've ever seen one...
    Yeah and the funny thing is, it's not white people forcing this on blacks. It's those select blacks in that article actually wanting it.

  12. #12
    Logan13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    Yeah and the funny thing is, it's not white people forcing this on blacks. It's those select blacks in that article actually wanting it.
    what would happen if whites wanted an all-white school............

  13. #13
    novastepp's Avatar
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    this is exactly why racism is still around. because the minorities separate themselves. but as a white man, i cannot separate anyone by race because i am then considered racist. i hate race, its not even real, its just a difference genetically. just the same as blue to brown eyes.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13 View Post
    civil rights movement fought to desegregate schools in the 60's. Now in the 21st century blacks are fighting for just the opposite, what the hell..........
    And that is why I find the news more entertaining then a fiction novel...

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    this is exactly why racism is still around. because the minorities separate themselves. but as a white man, i cannot separate anyone by race because i am then considered racist. i hate race, its not even real, its just a difference genetically. just the same as blue to brown eyes.

    there are def differences between races..... if you think there arent then you are sheltering your self from the truth of the world......

    Dont want to go into depth with this because of people getting offended .... but im not referring to any particular race or point fingers..... for all you guys know i could be black or asian...... my self....

  16. #16
    C_Bino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13 View Post
    what would happen if whites wanted an all-white school............
    Thats the real question now isnt it my friend?

    Me and my girlfriend were talking about this very thing last night (she is Asian). There is this idea that white people already have everything, black people make the United Negro College Fund, BET, now Afro-centric schools. If Indians or Asians were to request the same there probably wouldnt be a problem. But if white people were to request it than it would be considered the ultimate form of racism...well because everything already is caucasian-based...(in their eyes at least). And it's a load of BS.

    The problem is when people feel they have been hurt (in whatever form) they feel they have to right to hear what they want and furthermore make rash decisions based on those events/circumstances. This feeling seems to have be inherent among blacks...which now I will probably catch slack for because yes of course its not ALL blacks but hey there must be a lot if now they have their own schools.

    Blacks will argue that they have BET because all the other stations already are white, ABC, NBC, CBC etc. And this is where the problem with that comes into play. Can you IMAGINE that uproar if one night a news station was reporting on the war in the middle east and doing a tribute to all of the fallen soldiers in the past months and ONLY named the white people? Well Im sure people would be fired and shit would stir up real fast...well guess what, BET did that very thing, reporting only the blacks who died in the line of duty.

    Its being taken too far is my point. If you wanna have BET fine do it, but to take it to the point where you ONLY see black people and are blind to the rest than that is the worst segregation you can create.

    The main reason I have heard about the cirriculum is that they want it more afro-focused. I mean the problem is YOU MOVED TO CANADA, we learn abotu CANADIAN history for god sakes.
    Yes everyone is welcome and I love and I mean love our multi-culturalism. But my god its like trying to make it the opposite. You choose Canada because you want opportunity and because we ARE so diverse, everyone is accepted as an equal and its one of the reasons blacks move here yet then they dont want to have to go to school with people of other races LOL. Its a shame really that this is what it has come to.

    Honestly the more I hear about this its kinda of getting funny.

  17. #17
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    ***No source checks!!!***

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino View Post

    Honestly the more I hear about this its kinda of getting funny.
    Agreed. Anytime I read or hear the word "racist" I just smile. The word has no meaning to me any longer.....and I think that this pisses off those who throw it around.

  19. #19
    juicy_brucy's Avatar
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    A lot of people are pissed off about this here in Canada. It isn't what multi-culturalism is about, and that is what Canada is supposed to be all about... blah blah blah.
    Those blacks wanted this. This is a step forward to some, but a step forward for others... This was voted on, and statistics were used to formulate this decision. I could care less personally, but this is a "free country". There are already All-Inuit schools here, and also All-aboriginal schools here. No one says anything about them- maybe because they are in small underfunded communities, and not in a city of 2 million people.
    None of this effects me at all. The only people that are pissed off about this are non-blacks! I asked my ex gf what she thought of this... she is black, and she said she didn't like it at all, but said it's not a bad thing.
    Like I said, I have no opinion on this. but a lot of Canadians are pissed off.

  20. #20
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    Also, on that note... Like my ex gf saying that she would never ever go to an all black school, but having one isn't bad.... I would hate to go to an all white school, and an all white school would never fly...
    I still can't believe there is a "race" school in Toronto.

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