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  1. #1
    Pooks's Avatar
    Pooks is offline Anabolic Member
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    I F'in HATE MS WORD!

    Piece of shit software program....

    I'm working on a Math Q&A type BS and spend 3 hours on it this morning..

    I have a 3 monitor setup and to make it easier I had .. 2 Words open with the same file in it..

    one to look at the questions..
    and another one, scrolled down futher where I enter the answers..

    so I finally finish the Piece of s*hit

    so i go to CLOSE the question one... cause obviously i dont need that one..
    so i click on the X to close the program..

    it asked if i want to save it.. I say NO.

    and it freakin shuts down both Running MS WORD programs!!!


    I had 2 things runnings.. not one!..
    it was 2 different separate MS WORD applicantions open, with 2 different documents, just with the same name..

    I on this BS microsoft program..

    the auto-recover doesn't work when u say NO to saving it..

    now am using some wack ass DiskInternalsWindows recovery program, that will make me pay for it, if it can recover it.. UGH!!
    I think i know how to go around that,, but still i don't even knwo if it will find it UGH! and its as slow as a comatose diabetic

  2. #2
    Pooks's Avatar
    Pooks is offline Anabolic Member
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    Ok, finally DONE! thank ****in god I remembered the answers ... That software prog sucked ass BTW...

    and ummm I'm gonna go drink winny now to celebrate and smash empty vials against the wall... **** it.. and watch ron paul youtube videos

  3. #3
    StoneGRMI's Avatar
    StoneGRMI is offline Giggity Giggity Giggty!
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    You have duel processors to run two different applications at once?

  4. #4
    Pooks's Avatar
    Pooks is offline Anabolic Member
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    I got a Video card with 2 monitor outputs..and than for the third monitor I use the mother board one..

    3 22" LCD's Widescreens... it makes a lot of things a lot easier to do.. cause u dont have to deal with the tabs on the start menu, everything is right infront of u.

    I just did not expect MS WORD to shut down all instances of it, when I shut down one of them. o well.

    I had a problem opening 2 at the same time when I went for the redo.. cause it was realizing that one is open, so it figured I had all i needed..

    so i had to save one as something else, than i could open the 2 files..

    I got away with downloading 2 of the same named files earlier, cause I was opening an attachment.
    Last edited by Pooks; 02-10-2008 at 08:20 PM.

  5. #5
    Odpierdol_sie!'s Avatar
    Odpierdol_sie! is offline Senior Member
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    I think MS sucks full stop!

  6. #6
    Ammar's Avatar
    Ammar is offline Senior Member
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    I did that in MS Access in one of my classes...we were given an hour to write a script and I Xed out the screen and it took both of them out. I had to fire out what I could do in the final 10 minutes and explained it to the professor thankfully he understood.

  7. #7
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    Sounds like you are to blame, not the software. So the software is dumb huh?

    Click here computer genius!!!
    ***No source checks!!!***

  8. #8
    StoneGRMI's Avatar
    StoneGRMI is offline Giggity Giggity Giggty!
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    Sounds like you are to blame, not the software. So the software is dumb huh?

    Click here computer genius!!!

    Those skits are funny. We have a computer guy at my office that's like him and I hate it...

  9. #9
    soccer#3's Avatar
    soccer#3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    dont skip ur remedial class

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