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Thread: Ron Paul wont back McCain

  1. #1
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    Ron Paul wont back McCain

    From the Chicago Tribune:

    NEW YORK — Sen. John McCain, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, secured more major endorsements on Monday, including former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and evangelical leader Gary Bauer.

    But there's one vote he shouldn't count on—from fellow presidential candidate Ron Paul.

    Paul, a Texas congressman, said he will not back McCain if he is the party's nominee unless the Arizona senator "has a lot of change of heart."

    "I cannot support anybody with the foreign policy he advocates, you know, perpetual war. That is just so disturbing to me," Paul said in a Monday telephone interview. "I think it's un-American, unconstitutional, immoral and not Republican."

    As the Republican field has tightened to McCain and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Paul's chances for victory have narrowed as well. He now cannot directly attain the 1,191 delegates needed to secure the nomination, even if he wins every remaining contest—an all but impossible task considering he has yet to win a state.

    "It is true the numbers are bad, but influence is important too," he said. "If we have a significant number of people and we're still here, why can't we influence the party to become conservative again?"

    Paul has pledged to soldier on through every contest to spread that message. If he dropped out, he could use his remaining campaign funds—about $5 million—to help other candidates by creating a "multiple-candidate" political action committee, as Paul put it.

    "If you're officially not in the race, there's more flexibility, but there's a lot we can do between now and the convention," he said.

    For now, a leaner Paul operation—cut from 110 staffers to 50 last week—will focus on the White House bid, while the candidate spends more time on keeping his congressional seat in Texas' 14th District, where he faces a primary challenge March 4.

    Paul says he will not run as a third-party presidential candidate, as he did in 1988.

  2. #2
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  3. #3
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    doesnt come as a surprise

  4. #4
    RP would have been a damn good president.
    ill do a write in vote anyways

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Why would he back that cocksucker McCain? McCain is about as unconstitutional as the rest of them.
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  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    Why would he back that cocksucker McCain? McCain is about as unconstitutional as the rest of them.
    no shame McCain sounds about right.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by yamaha145 View Post
    RP would have been a damn good president.
    ill do a write in vote anyways

    This so called "Americans" do not want a President that protects civil liberties, hell most don't even know what their civil liberties are let alone expect someone to protect them.

    Instead, these "Americans" prefer someone who talks complete and utter BS 24x7 and of course they gotta go with whoever CNN tells them to go with.

    It's not secret the only thing that would get this nation on track is another Revolution. We did it once because of the exact samethings going on now (even more is going on now than before).

    The problem at this point is that the majority have been brainwashed into an ideology of the state and can no longer function for themselves without the state's guidance and say so.

    Ron Paul openly spoke of these things and in true fashion, people called him a "Cooky", "Consiracy Theorist", "He will never win", "It's hopeless" bla bla bla

    I'm tired of hearing everyone's "I can't do anything about it" attitude. How the **** do you think civilizations make change? They stand together and fight for what is right. They didn't sit around and piss and moan about shit and only say "Nothing I can do about it, oh well I guess we are ****ed".
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  8. #8
    hahah way to true.
    u hit that right on the top
    of the head

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Who cares if ron paul backs mccain. Paul doesnt have a huge voting following that is going to make or break mccains bid for nomination.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Kingweb50 View Post
    Who cares if ron paul backs mccain. Paul doesnt have a huge voting following that is going to make or break mccains bid for nomination.
    another go with the flow follower i take it?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    No I backed Mccain last election also. Ron Pauls Ideas dont make much sense on most things any ways

  12. #12
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    Feb 2006
    Britain switched to the Gold Standard back in 1926 and they didn't like it, they ended up switching back a few years later back to the fiat system.

    IT was churchill's idea.. and he called it the stupidest mistake of his life.

    people were complaining cause suddenly there was deflation, and high unemployment.

    to return to Republican roots, we'll have to become a poor nation first, than people will have incentive to revolt.

    IT is hard to go from World Dominating Superpower, to a republic state.
    Too much greed and power.

  13. #13
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    Mar 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Kingweb50 View Post
    No I backed Mccain last election also. Ron Pauls Ideas dont make much sense on most things any ways
    Which ideas?

  14. #14
    some things RP talks about are out their, but they do make sense if they COULD work

  15. #15
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    Sep 2007
    How do you want to abolish taxes. How will you pay for anything the goverment pays for military, fed highways ect. How will we get rid of the cia fbi we will not have any intel on anyone and with no military but a defense force you dont think other people will try to exploit that. With his ideas of getting rid of all these jobs and making things legal how many people will that put out of work? I havent heard much of how he is going to bring jobs to all the people that dont have jobs now and the people he will put out of work if he has I havent read it.

  16. #16
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    It seems to me most people on here like him cause of the possability of making laws on steroids legal it doesnt seem to me that anyone on here has a problem now getting them.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kingweb50 View Post
    No I backed Mccain last election also. Ron Pauls Ideas dont make much sense on most things any ways
    They do not make sense to those who do not know the facts! He simply wants this country to return to the prosperous nation it has always had the potential to be.

    The Constitution has been shoved aside to the point you and most Americans could not even begin to understand what he is talking about. I'm sure you also think America is a Democracy too huh?

    I just ask you to simply look into the issue he talks about, why be a goddamn sheep and go with the herd when you have the ability to think for yourself.

    Go look up these issues Ron Paul talks about and you will soon realise just how corrupt and far gone this country is.

    Ron Paul only sounds like a "Quack" because "Americans" are no longer educated on their own civil liberties and the Constitution and what it protects us from.

    It is easy for a gov't to take away rights from it's people when they don't even know they had those rights. It's like taking candy from a baby.
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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kingweb50 View Post
    It seems to me most people on here like him cause of the possability of making laws on steroids legal it doesnt seem to me that anyone on here has a problem now getting them.
    Maybe you need to read a little more, jsut because I am on a AAS board does not mean I advocate their use as legal? But I do believe a human being has the right to put whatever they want into their body, it is their body. Not mine.

    Nicotine is one the most addictive drugs (yes it is a drug) ever, yet the gov't say's it is ok to use it openly. Why is that? they know it is a drug and that it kills millions of people, why would they allow that and not another form of drug?

    Ron Paul is not simply saying "Everyone can use drugs openly" but he certainly believes each of us have and deserve to make our own choices with our lives. We do not need the State telling us how to think, how to feel, how to live.
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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kingweb50 View Post
    How do you want to abolish taxes. How will you pay for anything the goverment pays for military, fed highways ect. How will we get rid of the cia fbi we will not have any intel on anyone and with no military but a defense force you dont think other people will try to exploit that. With his ideas of getting rid of all these jobs and making things legal how many people will that put out of work? I havent heard much of how he is going to bring jobs to all the people that dont have jobs now and the people he will put out of work if he has I havent read it.
    well for one income tax isnt the only source of revenue for the govt, however, by getting rid of income tax, you allow the consumer to have a lot more money to put into the economy and as a results businesses boom, more jobs are created, and the economy is much stronger than it is today..I paid over 30K in taxes last year..I sure would love to have that money back and Im sure most people would too!!

  20. #20
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    Like I assumed, he only hears a little from Ron Paul and runs with it. He has done no research into Ron Paul.

    Do you realise how many billions fo $$$$ this farce of a war costs? Wouldn't it be wonderful to have all those billions being spent here where it is needed, you know here in America.

    I mean god forbid we take care of our own instead of ****ing with everyone around the goddamn world dropping bombs and assasinating people in the name of "Democracy". /sarcasm

    Godfather....take it from here. I'm out for awhile.
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  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by yamaha145 View Post
    some things RP talks about are out their, but they do make sense if they COULD work

    People fail to realise that it DID work. There was no illegal income tax for hundreds of years and we did just fine. There was little to no inflation during that time.

    There in fact was a little inflation during the Civil War when Lincoln had to print massive amounts of money for the war. Other than that, it was very minimal.
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  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Lincoln is my homeboy....another republican that i would have voted for....

  23. #23
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    Yeah I agree the war is costing alot but it will cost alot more if we were to pull out now. We would just be back in a few years in a bigger scale war then to take care of it now.

  24. #24
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    Before I reply to your questions, just realize I’m not trying to attack you or trying to prove you’re wrong. I’m just giving you some insight into how Ron Paul thinks. It’s true, Dr.Paul’s policies if taken at face value do look crazy, but that is why you have to look deeper into them. A lot of them go against conventional wisdom, but conventional wisdom has not served us well for the past 90 years.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kingweb50 View Post
    How do you want to abolish taxes.
    Ron Paul admits that he would most likely not be able to abolish the IRS if he became president. Although he would take drastic steps toward eliminating it, it would be too drastic a change to abolish it completely in the few years that he would serve as president. He would cut back on a lot of government spending that the public thinks is necessary. For example, he would cut the Department of Education (again, sounds crazy, but this is an issue onto itself and it’s basically handled better at the state level anyway). He would cut the Department of Agriculture, which if anyone is paying attention to the news needs to be done soon so we don’t have to start importing wheat because of government subsidizing of corn.

    If the income tax were cut than we would be left with a federal budget resembling the budget ten years ago. Of course Social Security and Medicare would not be affected because both are funded by FICA payroll taxes.

    An added bonus to eliminating the income tax is that we would see a return of nearly 11 trillion that has been stashed offshore in tax exempt havens.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kingweb50 View Post
    How will you pay for anything the government pays for military, fed highways ect.
    Road building/maintenance is paid for by gasoline taxes (excise taxes that you do not see). However, the money should go to the state instead of the federal government so that the states can handle how the roads get built. The building of roads could also be handed off to the private sector to increase competition and reduce costs.

    Let’s not forget, we also pay for our military which is than used to bomb Iraq and who do you think pays for those roads and bridges to be rebuilt over there. We do.

    After the government cut spending on wasteful programs, which every candidate claims will do, yet offers no actual plan on doing so, we would have enough money for an extremely strong military. This issue here is one that turns many people off of Ron Paul, they think he’s weak on national defense, but they fail to realize that we are weaker now not only because we are spread so thin protecting other countries and because we have immigration and energy problems, but because our economy is tanking. What do you think caused the collapse of the Soviet Union? It was a weak economy that caused the collapse and we’re in the same exact situation they were in.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kingweb50 View Post
    How will we get rid of the cia fbi we will not have any intel on anyone and with no military but a defense force you dont think other people will try to exploit that.
    He would not abolish the CIA and the FBI. He would keep the function of accumulating information for defense purposes, but he against the CIA conducting cloak and dagger missions to over throw governments and he’s against he CIA performing torture. He’s also against the FBI accumulating a wealth of information on innocent Americans just because they “might” be a threat.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kingweb50 View Post
    With his ideas of getting rid of all these jobs and making things legal how many people will that put out of work? I havent heard much of how he is going to bring jobs to all the people that dont have jobs now and the people he will put out of work if he has I havent read it.
    Let’s look at Bush’s economic stimulus plan, which is to send $600 to each individual who makes under $75,000/year. What does he hope will come about from this plan? He hopes that with the increased money that people will have it will motivate them to spend it on goods and services, which in turn will create jobs. Obviously, this plan is seriously lacking in it’s ability to actually fix the economy, but it may actually create more jobs. If Paul did eliminate the income tax Americans would be left with 1/3 more of their earnings per year. That’s like Bush’s economic plan on steroids. Americans would be spending a lot more (it’s in our nature to spend it), thus creating more jobs. Yes, the economy may become overheated for a short time, but that would be temporary.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kingweb50 View Post
    It seems to me most people on here like him cause of the possability of making laws on steroids legal it doesnt seem to me that anyone on here has a problem now getting them.
    This is just a generality that you’re making. Your right that people don’t have a problem getting them now, but let’s look at what it does to the prices and the quality. Illegal drugs send the prices skyrocketing and dealers make huge profits that aren’t taxed by the government. The quality is most likely going to be sub par because they are made in someone’s basement and are not tested for quality assurance. If they were legal (with a prescription), the prices would drop and there wouldn’t be as much of incentive to produce the drug in underground lab. Not to mention, the laws on AAS are completely ridiculous and hypocritical to begin with, but that’s a different subject.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kingweb50 View Post
    Yeah I agree the war is costing alot but it will cost alot more if we were to pull out now. We would just be back in a few years in a bigger scale war then to take care of it now.
    If we pulled out now and fixed our economy and secured OUR borders making us safer and stronger militarily than we wouldn't have a problem fighting them at a later date (if they attacked us). We would destroy them, which is why a third world power would not attack us. To think a group of "radical islamic extremists" are going to criple the US is completely ridiculous. However, in our current state it's not only possible, it's probably fairly easy for them to accomplish.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    damn blome. ur gettin at it, good shit

  26. #26
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    Yes, BLOME stepped up in a positive way. I'm trying to learn to be that way.

    Also people need to realise that this illegal income tax is used to pay off debt to the Federal Reserve. Every last dime of it!

    I mean, do you honestly believe the Fed is going to print paper and give it to out gov't without interest? hahaha Puh-Lease!
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  27. #27
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    Im a NC Democrat and I love what Ron Paul has to say. I wish he had a better chance off winning. how bout an Oboma- Paul ticket!!! Id vote for that, or the other way around!!!!!

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    Yes, BLOME stepped up in a positive way. I'm trying to learn to be that way.

    Also people need to realise that this illegal income tax is used to pay off debt to the Federal Reserve. Every last dime of it!

    I mean, do you honestly believe the Fed is going to print paper and give it to out gov't without interest? hahaha Puh-Lease!
    That's exactly what I was going to say but didnt get to this thread in time. Blome covered it very well... Whenever I hear anyone say in response to Paul cutting out the IRS and income tax, "how will we pay for roads, the military, etc," it is an instant indicator that they have absolutely no idea what they are talking about and have done absolutely no research what so ever into the subject.

    The FACTS of the matter are clear. The Federal Reserve bank, a privately owned company, with private shareholders, and 12 regional branches nationwide; is essentially given permission by Congress to print the United States currency. They do this without it being backed by Gold or Silver, the only legal currency under the Constitution of the United States of America (where we live). The Federal Reserve bank, charges the US Government(the US taxpayers actually) interest in order to print our money for us. 100% of the taxes collected from income tax each year goes towards paying that interest to the Federal Reserve.

    Also, we are charged a "hidden" inflationary tax. The Federal Reserve prints money out of thin air, it is backed by absolutely nothing, except the Federal Reserve "saying" its worth $20. This currency gets by on the fact that several countries around the world accept it, and trade their goods with it. This gives the illusion that our money is actually worth something when in actuality it is not. When the Federal Reserve continues to print money for Congress for various pet projects, but most noteably US imperialism which costs $1+ Trillion/year to maintain, it debases the value of our currency further. The surplus dollars which are put into circulation after the military/industrial complex spends the money, eventually reaches its way back to us, at which point our purchasing power is slightly lower than what it was when the military/industrial complex spent the money.

  29. #29
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    Back The Way you Came
    look at this debate

    i love when he is asked about how mccain says he would keep soldiers their for over 100 years.

    then he says " well where is the money going to come from."

    then he talks about printing money causing these cycles.

    excellent video again love what he says about our monetary system.

  30. #30
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    Back The Way you Came
    i love at the end his lasts words are the dollar is goign down and this is the end.

    this is our number one problem the federal reserve and our money system and their best freind the IRS.

    years ago america had the best prosperity, less tax, less regulation, and no income tax.

  31. #31
    Ron Paul, the Heroic Intellectual, the man that wants to give you the freedom to choose what kind of life you want for yourself.

    Today he sent out another progress report, here is the link, if you are interested:

  32. #32
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    I will support this march on Washington! Mark my words, I will join in. Will you?

    I'm ****ing fed up and so should be every true American that loves this country.

    I honestly believe we have to many goddamn immigrants and illegals that do not give a shit about America, they are only here to leach off our system etc... (Another reason why illegal immigration is encouraged).

    And you wonder why you hear "This candidate is pandering to the Hispanic vote", "What should the candidate do to secure the hispanic vote?"...see what I mean? These "Hispanics" do not care for our way of life and our Constitution, they will simply vote for any nominee who they think can get them further in this country.

    You know who the nominees should be pandering to? Americans! not Hispanics, not Whites, Not Blacks, Not Pink mother****ers..but GODDAMN AMERICANS!

    I'm ****ing fed up with this bullshit division in this country. The "Elite" know this is a perfect way of keeping everyone at odds which only allows them to achieve their goals much easier. They keep everyone thinking "Democrat vs Republican", "Black vs White" etc..

    I'm ****in fed up! Are you?

    True Americans should understand the power of the Constitution and what it protects us from, unfortunately most do not know.

    ***I could easily describe my poiunt of view better but I'm in a hurry, I hope you can see threw this and know what I am trying to convey***
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  33. #33
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    You realize that only documented Americans can vote, right? I'm not sure if you heard, but there are some Americans that aren't white, and they make up a pretty huge part of the population. Any candidate who refuses to appeal to different ethnic voting bases is doomed to lose.

    I understand what you're trying to say, and in part I agree with you, but I don't think you fully understand how American government works.

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