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Thread: 8 grams of Vit C a day when a cold flares up. Who else??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    GTA, Canada

    8 grams of Vit C a day when a cold flares up. Who else??

    Okay, i've read studies and reports stating that anything above 500mg of vitamin C is useless.... but I want to know if anyone else has experienced this.

    Whenever I wake up in the morning and I feel something starting (usually something in the throat, like a bit of swelling or inflammation accompanied by a bit of soreness/scratchyness and dryness), I will immediately throughout the day intake a total of 8 grams of vitamin C. ONLY when I feel something starting up, as described above. By late in the day (sometimes if i'm lucky, by mid-day) or the next morning, all of those symptoms are completely GONE and I don't end up getting a full blown cold. And I could swear that when I DON'T do this, the cold always builds and flares up and by the end of the day, i've got a full sore throat and crap. I know studies have shown that taking that much vitamin C is useless and apparently doesn't do anything, but my results seem to show the opposite.

    On normal days I just take 1 gram of vitamin C, and whenever I get sick or show beginning signs of a cold, I crank it up to 8 grams throughout the day. When that happens, I take 2 grams with my first 4 meals, totaling 8.

    So, does anyone else do this? If so, do you experience the same thing with the colds going away?

  2. #2
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    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    Okay, i've read studies and reports stating that anything above 500mg of vitamin C is useless.... but I want to know if anyone else has experienced this.

    Whenever I wake up in the morning and I feel something starting (usually something in the throat, like a bit of swelling or inflammation accompanied by a bit of soreness/scratchyness and dryness), I will immediately throughout the day intake a total of 8 grams of vitamin C. ONLY when I feel something starting up, as described above. By late in the day (sometimes if i'm lucky, by mid-day) or the next morning, all of those symptoms are completely GONE and I don't end up getting a full blown cold. And I could swear that when I DON'T do this, the cold always builds and flares up and by the end of the day, i've got a full sore throat and crap. I know studies have shown that taking that much vitamin C is useless and apparently doesn't do anything, but my results seem to show the opposite.

    On normal days I just take 1 gram of vitamin C, and whenever I get sick or show beginning signs of a cold, I crank it up to 8 grams throughout the day. When that happens, I take 2 grams with my first 4 meals, totaling 8.

    So, does anyone else do this? If so, do you experience the same thing with the colds going away?
    Theres a 65 year old Marathon runner at my gym been doing this for 30 years swears by it....

    The moment you start to feel sick he says start taking Vitamin C @ 1g every 2 hours then day 2 kick up to 2g every 2 hours if you start to get diarrhea cut back but keep going for 3 full days.... says he never gets a full blown sickness I have yet to try...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    look at this thread lots of good info ..


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    South Carolina
    when i start to get cold symtoms i take 4g a day and it knocks it out

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merc. View Post
    look at this thread lots of good info ..

    i remember that thread

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by soccer#3 View Post
    i remember that thread
    Yea, it's a oldie but goodie ...

  7. #7
    i do this everyday regardless even without having to feel anything come on....hum? when was the last time i started feeling a bug?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    idc what studies show....vitamin C works....and i'll continue to take it almost daily.....

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by jef View Post
    i do this everyday regardless even without having to feel anything come on....hum? when was the last time i started feeling a bug?
    how much do u take daily?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by soccer#3 View Post
    i remember that thread
    I tried it out when that thread came out, works like a charm

  11. #11
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    See, I knew I should have taken 8 grams yesterday. I woke up yesterday morning feeling something in my throat but I thought it might have been just because I had a dry throat throughout the night, so I just took my usual 1 gram dose...

    Now I just woke up and it's a bit more sore. I just took 2 grams. I'm gonna blow this thing away.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale View Post
    I tried it out when that thread came out, works like a charm
    sounds like something i need to get on. got a cough i need to shake off

  13. #13
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by soccer#3 View Post
    sounds like something i need to get on. got a cough i need to shake off
    Make sure you use Sodium Ascorbate and not Ascorbic Acid. It comes in powder form.

    Why do we need Sodium Ascorbate?

    The GLO Gene is absent in many people, scientists believe that this happened around 60 million years ago. The absence of this gene makes us unable to biosynthesise a specific enzyme L- gulonolactone oxidase. This is an end stage liver enzyme that bio-converts blood glucose to Ascorbate, this means our bodies cannot produce any Ascorbate. In the long term, a lack of Ascorbate causes our bones to dissolve and teeth to fall out - in other words sub-clinical scurvy and a tendency to development of cancer.

    Ascorbic Acid has mistakenly been called Vitamin C - it is actually a liver metabolite rather than a vitamin. It is produced in large quantities in almost all animals, e.g. 6 grams a day in a goat, or up to 100grams daily if the goat is stressed. But it is not Ascorbic Acid that our body requires, rather a SALT of Ascorbic Acid. A daily supplementation of Ascorbate several times a day is a simple way to make up for this genetic defect.

    Ascorbate is also essential for the hydroxylation of the amino acid Proline which forms hydroxyproline - a major component of collagen. Collagen is an essential structural protein in the body accounting for around a quarter of all the protein in our bodies and is critical to the structural integrity of our bodies.

    Linus Pauling PhD (Twice Nobel Laureate) stated "It is highly probable that most people in the world would only receive 1- 2% of the amounts of Ascorbate that would keep them in the best of health".
    Last edited by Kale; 02-16-2008 at 07:23 AM.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale View Post
    Make sure you use Sodium Ascorbate and not Ascorbic Acid. It comes in powder form.

    Why do we need Sodium Ascorbate?

    The GLO Gene is absent in many people, scientists believe that this happened around 60 million years ago. The absence of this gene makes us unable to biosynthesise a specific enzyme L- gulonolactone oxidase. This is an end stage liver enzyme that bio-converts blood glucose to Ascorbate, this means our bodies cannot produce any Ascorbate. In the long term, a lack of Ascorbate causes our bones to dissolve and teeth to fall out - in other words sub-clinical scurvy and a tendency to development of cancer.

    Ascorbic Acid has mistakenly been called Vitamin C - it is actually a liver metabolite rather than a vitamin. It is produced in large quantities in almost all animals, e.g. 6 grams a day in a goat, or up to 100grams daily if the goat is stressed. But it is not Ascorbic Acid that our body requires, rather a SALT of Ascorbic Acid. A daily supplementation of Ascorbate several times a day is a simple way to make up for this genetic defect.

    Ascorbate is also essential for the hydroxylation of the amino acid Proline which forms hydroxyproline - a major component of collagen. Collagen is an essential structural protein in the body accounting for around a quarter of all the protein in our bodies and is critical to the structural integrity of our bodies.

    Linus Pauling PhD (Twice Nobel Laureate) stated "It is highly probable that most people in the world would only receive 1- 2% of the amounts of Ascorbate that would keep them in the best of health".
    u lost me bro. powder? i was just gonna go to the local gnc or supermarket and get some vit-c in pill form. is that bad? i dunno where i can get the powder form u talk about

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by soccer#3 View Post
    u lost me bro. powder? i was just gonna go to the local gnc or supermarket and get some vit-c in pill form. is that bad? i dunno where i can get the powder form u talk about
    All the good vitamin stores cell Sodium Ascorbate. Its a powder and you just mix it with water. It is much easier on the stomach and highly concentrated in Vitamin C and you need a fraction of the amount you would need from Ascorbic Acid. Read that whole thread its all explained in there

  16. #16
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    in dreamy land
    i just take 3 defend and resist from shaklee whenever i feel something coming on.....but not that i'm on this Mona Vie juice i just don't even ever feel something comin's sweet

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale View Post
    All the good vitamin stores cell Sodium Ascorbate. Its a powder and you just mix it with water. It is much easier on the stomach and highly concentrated in Vitamin C and you need a fraction of the amount you would need from Ascorbic Acid. Read that whole thread its all explained in there
    Interesting... so what does that mean about my 8 grams of Ascorbic Acid? Is most of it not doing anything??

  18. #18
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    Ill be giving that a try the next time one attacks.

  19. #19
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    Just took my 6th gram of Vit C for the day. It's 11:38AM right now and my sore throat that I woke up with at 7:30AM is pretty much practically GONE.

    Vitamin C IS the cure for the common cold!

  20. #20
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    When I start to get sick I take around 4-6g of vitamin C and Echinacia (spelling?) and it never gets worst than just a sore throat or anything. I swear by that regimen.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by soccer#3 View Post
    how much do u take daily?
    5-7 g

  22. #22
    Yep, That is what I do... But once you feel better like your not getting the cold, one usually stops the high does of V-C and then the cold comes back.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by solid-d View Post
    Yep, That is what I do... But once you feel better like your not getting the cold, one usually stops the high does of V-C and then the cold comes back.
    Doesn't happen with me.

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