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Okay, i've read studies and reports stating that anything above 500mg of vitamin C is useless.... but I want to know if anyone else has experienced this.
Whenever I wake up in the morning and I feel something starting (usually something in the throat, like a bit of swelling or inflammation accompanied by a bit of soreness/scratchyness and dryness), I will immediately throughout the day intake a total of 8 grams of vitamin C. ONLY when I feel something starting up, as described above. By late in the day (sometimes if i'm lucky, by mid-day) or the next morning, all of those symptoms are completely GONE and I don't end up getting a full blown cold. And I could swear that when I DON'T do this, the cold always builds and flares up and by the end of the day, i've got a full sore throat and crap. I know studies have shown that taking that much vitamin C is useless and apparently doesn't do anything, but my results seem to show the opposite.
On normal days I just take 1 gram of vitamin C, and whenever I get sick or show beginning signs of a cold, I crank it up to 8 grams throughout the day. When that happens, I take 2 grams with my first 4 meals, totaling 8.
So, does anyone else do this? If so, do you experience the same thing with the colds going away?