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  1. #1
    rodgerj's Avatar
    rodgerj is offline Associate Member
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    First cycle, feeling hot and prickly

    So I am 3 weeks in on my first cycle of test E at 500 pw. I have been noticing that I feel hot every now and then and the other night I was hot and felt tingling/prickly heat on my back and chest. I also noticed yesterday at the end of the day at work my chest felt quite prickly and I was hot so when I went for a piss I looked at my chest in the mirror. It was quite reddish as though I had just done 20 push ups. This subsided after a while. I have also noticed that my skin is allot more greasy so I am washing loads more. The redness subsided later ....

    Is this normal? Other then that I am putting on weight like crazy (11 pounds so far) and strength is going up slowly. Sure it has not kicked in fully yet as I am on week 3.....

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Keep track of your blood pressure. As for the oily skin, that's typical. I don't get red and prickly, but sometimes my prick gets red, but that's my own fault (friction).

  3. #3
    rodgerj's Avatar
    rodgerj is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    Keep track of your blood pressure. As for the oily skin, that's typical. I don't get red and prickly, but sometimes my prick gets red, but that's my own fault (friction).
    Hmmmm that is the response I was expecting. Not what I wanted to hear though. I am concerned that my BP may be high. If it is, what is the solution? should I drop to 250 pw? Or quit? That would be unfortunate but I am not risking heath.

    Once I get it checked I will post what it is for further advice.....

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    I've had good success with lowering my blood pressure with Hawthorn Berry, Garlic, and a baby aspirin in the morning.
    Last edited by Big; 02-16-2008 at 08:13 PM.

  5. #5
    rodgerj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    I've had good success with lowering my blood pressure with Hawthorn Berry, Garlic, and a baby aspiring in the morning.
    Thanks! I'll look into that if I have an issue. Last question.... what is 'baby aspiring' is it aspirin? Didn't see much on google...

  6. #6
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodgerj View Post
    Thanks! I'll look into that if I have an issue. Last question.... what is 'baby aspiring' is it aspirin? Didn't see much on google...
    sorry, I meant "baby aspirin"

  7. #7
    rodgerj's Avatar
    rodgerj is offline Associate Member
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    Ok, so as I was concerned due to the redness skin, elevated temp and some headaches I got my BP checked. Because I wanted it to be as accurate as possible I did it over a long period and am looking at the average. Here are the results.

    Test1 (just sat down)
    Sys: 137
    Dia: 72
    Pulse: 91

    Sys: 122
    Dia: 70
    Pulse: 89

    Sys: 132
    Dia: 72
    Pulse: 86

    So Then I had a break, went for a drive and when I got back I did 10 tests to show the average with about a minute or twp between. I sat for 3 or so minutes before I started. Here are the results.

    Sys: 135 Dia: 64 Pulse: 90
    Sys: 130 Dia: 73 Pulse: 83
    Sys: 121 Dia: 74 Pulse: 85
    Sys: 124 Dia: 66 Pulse: 85
    Sys: 130 Dia: 65 Pulse: 85
    Sys: 124 Dia: 61 Pulse: 80
    Sys: 127 Dia: 52 Pulse: 78
    Sys: 123 Dia: 66 Pulse: 76
    Sys: 122 Dia: 59 Pulse: 74
    Sys: 125 Dia: 69 Pulse: 72

    So although initially it looked a little high it did go down. I asked the pharmacist about BP and she said as long as the Systolic does not stay at or above 30 then you should be good. I got some Hawthorn Berry all the same and am supping with that and Garlic just in case. I will save the Asprin till I need it for sure it at all.

    I wonder what my symptoms point to then? Other then BP, I attributed the prickly feeling and thermogenic response (including redness of the skin) to a surge of natural GH as a side to the extra Test. That is just a guess - any thoughts?
    Last edited by rodgerj; 02-17-2008 at 03:50 PM.

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