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Thread: do boards help or hurt us ?

  1. #1

    do boards help or hurt us ?

    Ok dont get upset yet of course the boards help . Ive learned alot of stuff on here and Iam sure a lot of other people have also. My point is a lot of people are asking a lot of things about how we get our stuff sent and ways that we get it across. This is no flame to no one. Obviously there are certain people on the boards that want nothing more than to bust our buts. I would like to know people's opinions on this are we giving out to much info. Or do you think they already know all of our dirty little secrets

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    Well bro, I think they help us more than hurt us. While it is true what you said about sending "secret info" I think in this situation the goods far outweigh the bads. Just think of all the people who have avoided serious injury by comming to this board. How many threads have you seen of 1st cycles which should NEVER be run? Dont you think that if it wasnt for boards that those cycles would have been run, at costly outcomes? In addition, the good bros n sis's here at AR have helped a lot of people on more fronts than just AAS. This is my opinion on the subject....


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    This website is about helping people, not about telling people how to obtain gear. Sure it happens, but it really shouldn't happen. This board is for education. It is to make sure that no one gets hurt. No matter what people are going to use gear, but hopefully this board will make sure that they do it correctly. It will make them really think about what they are doing. I understand your point though. But everytime I see someone say that they now realize that they should not be touching gear because they are too young or they change their cycle so they won't get hurt, it makes all of my time that I put into the board worthwhile.

  4. #4
    good post symatech, thats what Iam looking for. Like I said I know that boards help many people. This board has helped me many times.

  5. #5
    like I said jason this was no flame and I appreciate evereyone on here. The time they take to help and share there knowledge with people. Be it begginers or vets. People here are very friendly and helpful, when I've ever asked or Pmed someone I always got a response with a good answer. Like you said if you do understand my point then you see what Iam trying to say. Its only to help not to put down. I like this board very much and I tell a lot of peole about it to try to get more members. (but not the wroung kinda people)
    Last edited by nitro4 the body; 09-16-2002 at 08:28 PM.

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