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Thread: Funeral protestants?

  1. #1
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    Funeral protestants?

    Man, so I just read it in news paper that there was a protest on the funeral of the NIU victims.

    Some group of The Topeka Kan - based church.

    "Church memebers protest funeral across the country because its members believe the deaths are God's punishment for America's acceptance of homosexuals"

    Here are some photos:

    What in the F#@%$ is this?! Is this a JOKE!?

    Are these people sick or out of their minds?!

    Please, don't let me come across one of these protests, because you will hear about it in the news... and I will get arested too...
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  2. #2
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    They say that these people are a "church" group but all the members of this group have the same last name and dont actually have a "church"....

    Its just a bunch of nutcases using religion the wrong way.

  3. #3
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    They sound like Democrats... except Democrats substitute the word "world" for "god"

    but seriously all my foreign myspace friends luv me!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack View Post
    They say that these people are a "church" group but all the members of this group have the same last name and dont actually have a "church"....

    Its just a bunch of nutcases using religion the wrong way.
    actually the meaning of the word "church" is a group of people that believe the same thing..

    a body of believers..
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack View Post
    They say that these people are a "church" group but all the members of this group have the same last name and dont actually have a "church"....

    Its just a bunch of nutcases using religion the wrong way.
    I understand.

    But, how the F$%# do they get away with that?! This is my question...

    How is this even allowed? If this happened on the funeral I am on... I am walking out straight to the first of these insane, lost minded people and take them down.. one after one man.

    I am sorry but this blows my mind...

    I wish I was a cop in moments like this...

  6. #6
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    Church ordered to pay $10.9 million for funeral protest

  7. #7
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    Thanks for the article!

    They are insane...

    Put all this together and here we go...

    Crazy F%$^ goes out of his mind and kills innocent students then takes his own life... then at the funeral we got bunch of lost minded saying that they died because of America's acceptance for homosexuals....

    What a nice society we live in!!
    It blows my mind!

    WHAT THE F$%^ !!!!!

  8. #8
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    ^^ they've racked up huge bills from protesting these funerals. I don't know if they have paid anything yet though. If you search for their videos on youtube it will almost make you sick enough to puke how disgusting these people are. I also hate how their church says it's a Baptist church, what a crock.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks View Post

    Church ordered to pay $10.9 million for funeral protest
    that's what they wanted, see, now they can show harm, and get the case elevated through the court system..

    plus they will get many many $$$$ via contributions from all over the country
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    A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
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    one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.

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  10. #10
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    Something similar happened in the town I was born in. A girl was killled by a drunk driver, and shortly after being buried, people starting messing with her gravesite. Throwing road kill on her grave, hanging rotting meat on her stone, grafiti, just screwed up stuff. We watched her dad, who was a reasonable, rational man, with a heart big enough to forgive the man who killed his daughter, turn into a basketcase. I'm sorry you just don't mess with a family dealing with is hard enough as it is.

  11. #11
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    These people are insane, should be locked up in mental hospital or terminated.

    As rough as it sounds, i don't see any way out... because they don't even want to listen or care to explain.

    Totally brain washed.

    I am really suprized that they are still alive, especially the main guy that runs this crap.

  12. #12
    these pieces of shit tried to do the same thing to a bunch of miners that died here in wv. But, being the region of the state where, "people don't take kindly to strangers" they wouldn't have had much success... When their leader or whatever made the statement that they were coming to protest and would like police protection, the police department told them that if they came, the locals would make sure they didn't leave. It was one of those things where the police would "look the other way"... needless to say, they didn't protest.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheArtist View Post
    these pieces of shit tried to do the same thing to a bunch of miners that died here in wv. But, being the region of the state where, "people don't take kindly to strangers" they wouldn't have had much success... When their leader or whatever made the statement that they were coming to protest and would like police protection, the police department told them that if they came, the locals would make sure they didn't leave.
    Haahahahah! Nice!

    I don't know why would anyone give them protection.

    By doing this, they feel safe, as they can do whatever the F$%# they want.

    Let one military chopper fly over with one of the Asahi M-134A Vulcan Miniguns and spray some bullets with rate of 10,000 per minute. Cut those suckers down.

    They will think much more before planning next protest.

    Man, this country need a MAJOR OVERHAUL. A man with BALLZ to run this country. It is getting out of control.
    Last edited by UberSteroids; 02-19-2008 at 10:26 AM.

  14. #14
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    These people make me SICK. That is why I ride with the Patriot Guard Riders. We are invited to soldiers funerals by the families to be the shield between them and the protesters. Lately the protesters won't even show up, that’s what happens when you get 200 to 300 bikers together as "security". If you own a bike, please look into it in your area.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Football_Bill View Post
    These people make me SICK. That is why I ride with the Patriot Guard Riders. We are invited to soldiers funerals by the families to be the shield between them and the protesters. Lately the protesters won't even show up, that’s what happens when you get 200 to 300 bikers together as "security". If you own a bike, please look into it in your area.
    That's pretty good!

    Yeah, all these bikers should kick the living sh!t out of these protesters.

    I would like to join but, you know... I don't have a bike like that.

    Would Hayabusa count?

  16. #16
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    ignorant 100% ignorant. I cant beleive that people are still upset about gay/lesbians, who fvckn cares. They are people to, what is the big fvckn deal??? My mother is a christian biggot, n i cant stand it for 1 second. Her n her friends have never gone n protested this kind of thing but they hole heartedly beleive that what these people do is right. N this is what god wants ect. its shocking to see how primative some of us really are.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Football_Bill View Post
    These people make me SICK. That is why I ride with the Patriot Guard Riders. We are invited to soldiers funerals by the families to be the shield between them and the protesters. Lately the protesters won't even show up, that’s what happens when you get 200 to 300 bikers together as "security". If you own a bike, please look into it in your area.
    that's pretty cool.. I ride and haven't heard of that... I am going to look into.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids View Post
    That's pretty good!

    Yeah, all these bikers should kick the living sh!t out of these protesters.

    I would like to join but, you know... I don't have a bike like that.

    Would Hayabusa count?
    I am only one of two or three out of the 300+ bikes that rides a racer. My bike is a Katana. At first i felt a little out of place, but we are all there for the same cause and everyone gets respected for that. BUT, I do plan on buying a criuser soon. The State Leader drives a sweet Victory, but that is outof my budget.

    As for kicking the shat out of them, we would love to, but that is what they want. Then they could sue, and trust me those pu$$ies would.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Football_Bill View Post
    These people make me SICK. That is why I ride with the Patriot Guard Riders. We are invited to soldiers funerals by the families to be the shield between them and the protesters. Lately the protesters won't even show up, that’s what happens when you get 200 to 300 bikers together as "security". If you own a bike, please look into it in your area.
    Nice post! and I own a bike

  20. #20
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    But what do they have to do with Protestants

  21. #21
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    They are probably some members of

    Those assholes used to go on Howard Stern alot to protest they're hate.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Football_Bill View Post
    As for kicking the shat out of them, we would love to, but that is what they want. Then they could sue, and trust me those pu$$ies would.
    Well, if we kill all, there won't be any left to sue us, right?

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018 View Post
    But what do they have to do with Protestants
    lol, i caught it too... but i just figured i'd let it ride

  24. #24
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    As I said before, bottom line is that this country needs major OVERHAUL and someone with BALLZ to run this place.

    Let this happen in Russia or some other European countries...

    Dude, if they did a nonsense protest like this, they would get arrested if they are lucky, because most likely they would get beaten the F%$# down or shot on the spot for BS like this...

    This is a parody...

    Sending all the soldiers to fight some wars everywhere else, but no one home is willing to fix the issues here...

    No discipline... no respect. They have so much FREEDOM that they do whatever they F^&% they want!
    Last edited by UberSteroids; 02-19-2008 at 05:31 PM.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids View Post
    I understand.

    But, how the F$%# do they get away with that?! This is my question...

    How is this even allowed?
    Because of the First Amendment to the US Constitution:

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

    Back in the 1980's, when these rat bas-tards focused their protests on funerals and memorials of gay people, we'd complain that they were giving grieving folks more misery. We were told, "They have a Constitutional right to protest."

    Freedom of speech is an awesome thing . . . not too many people on this planet have it. IMHO, it's more important to allow the occasional idiot to speak their minds and make a fool of themselves, than to let government idiots establish the precedent of making "exceptions" to Rights guaranteed by the Constitution.

    Quote Originally Posted by ubersteroids
    If this happened on the funeral I am on... I am walking out straight to the first of these insane, lost minded people and take them down.. one after one man.
    I understand.

    But it's more important, IMHO, to honor the right of free speech the US Constitution gives them, than it is to vent your anger on them.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock View Post
    Because of the First Amendment to the US Constitution:

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

    Back in the 1980's, when these rat bas-tards focused their protests on funerals and memorials of gay people, we'd complain that they were giving grieving folks more misery. We were told, "They have a Constitutional right to protest."

    Freedom of speech is an awesome thing . . . not too many people on this planet have it. IMHO, it's more important to allow the occasional idiot to speak their minds and make a fool of themselves, than to let government idiots establish the precedent of making "exceptions" to Rights guaranteed by the Constitution.
    There are limits to free speech to, like yelling fire in a crowded theater, inciting a riot, disorderly conduct, disturping the peace, etc etc any or all of which these jerks are violating.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06 View Post
    There are limits to free speech to, like yelling fire in a crowded theater, inciting a riot, disorderly conduct, disturping the peace, etc etc any or all of which these jerks are violating.
    That's why a lot of protests of this nature are regulated.

    As long as these protestors comply with the local requirements (getting a permit, whatever), which they most likely have done (else the cops would have taken them away), and don't yell FIRE! in a crowded theater, they're exercising their rights.

    The US Government cannot stop public demonstrations because someone doesn't like what the demonstrators are saying, thanks to the US Constitution. Communists governments do this sort of thing all the time. When is the last time pro-democracy demonstrators were allowed to demonstrate in Cuba or China? Here in the southern US, black people would still have to sit in the back of buses if protestors were not allowed to have their say. Messages from anti-abortion or pro-choice demonstrators might be censored from a government that didn't like what they had to say.

    IMHO, it's best to let everyone have their say, regardless of how stupid it is, than to pick and choose who gets to speak.

  28. #28
    stop acting like you're in the land of the "free"... we're about as free as any other communist country

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids View Post

    Please, don't let me come across one of these protests, because you will hear about it in the news... and I will get arested too...
    Here ya go, pick a meetin and get to beatin.

  30. #30
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    They are from the Westboro Baptist Church..... bunch of freakin nutjobs! The weird thing is all of the church members are family or extended family. The leader Fred Phelps and his wife Shirley are very "intelligent", well spoken people. Of course when I say intelligent I am referring to the fact that they are very well read and knowledgeable of the law. I think Shirley owns a law firm. (someone correct me if I am wrong on her) Mike Gallagher, a national talk radio host, will usually give them 30 minutes on his show as part of an agreement so they wont protest outside military funerals, ....etc. The sad thing is that these people exploit the very things that make this country great.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Voice of Reason View Post
    Here ya go, pick a meetin and get to beatin.

    What?! They have a schedule up for this!?!

    Buaaaahhahaha! That's just... .. .

    I have no words for it.. totally blew my mind...

    There is one in Dekalb IL... I live only 40 minutes away.

    I can get a nice BB gun. I also have a wrist rocket with .75, 1 and 1.25 inch bearings. Like 20lbs of it.

    Also a paint ball gun!!!
    Last edited by UberSteroids; 02-20-2008 at 12:02 AM.

  32. #32
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    they are saying america sucks and hatin on dead soldiers, yet there are exploiting the very right (free speech) that is brought about by America and the soldiers. I find that somewhat funny...

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock View Post
    That's why a lot of protests of this nature are regulated.

    As long as these protestors comply with the local requirements (getting a permit, whatever), which they most likely have done (else the cops would have taken them away), and don't yell FIRE! in a crowded theater, they're exercising their rights.

    The US Government cannot stop public demonstrations because someone doesn't like what the demonstrators are saying, thanks to the US Constitution. Communists governments do this sort of thing all the time. When is the last time pro-democracy demonstrators were allowed to demonstrate in Cuba or China? Here in the southern US, black people would still have to sit in the back of buses if protestors were not allowed to have their say. Messages from anti-abortion or pro-choice demonstrators might be censored from a government that didn't like what they had to say.

    IMHO, it's best to let everyone have their say, regardless of how stupid it is, than to pick and choose who gets to speak.
    I agree 100%. However getting a permit to protest at a funeral seems a bit unlikely. I haven't researched it but I bet they don't get the permits and hope no one would give them the permits(except Berkely). Some things should be held sacred, hands off.

  34. #34
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    These people have been around for years. The woman that usually speaks on their behalf is one of the most bizarre lunatics I have ever seen. But it is a lesson we all can learn. If you can not do anything in this world, yet wish to be famous, simply do something controversial. This will allow you to become famous for this alone. This group has nothing to offer other than frustration and that is all they are worth. For all I care they can stick their signs up their butts because that would probably be a better use of their signs.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06 View Post
    I agree 100%. However getting a permit to protest at a funeral seems a bit unlikely. I haven't researched it but I bet they don't get the permits and hope no one would give them the permits(except Berkely). Some things should be held sacred, hands off.
    I don't give a damn sh!t about Freedom of speech and the way they are using it as an excuse to do something outrageous like that!

    So if they showed up on the funeral I was at, I am going to start taking them down one after one and I bet you I would have people around me that would go with me!

    Last edited by UberSteroids; 02-20-2008 at 06:20 PM.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06 View Post
    I agree 100%. However getting a permit to protest at a funeral seems a bit unlikely. I haven't researched it but I bet they don't get the permits and hope no one would give them the permits(except Berkely). Some things should be held sacred, hands off.
    If they don't have whatever permits the local authorities require, then it's a simple matter of detaining them until they do. I'm guessing that they've got everything they need . . .

    As far as free speech goes, IMHO, I'm 100% in favor of individual people and groups of people holding things sacred. I am also 99% opposed to government officials deciding what those sacred things are (If I get to be the government official making those decisions, then it's ok).

    IMHO, the US Constitition's principle of free speech for everyone is more important than making exceptions for obnoxious anti-gay Baptists. Once a precedent was established making banning their protests legal, then a more anti-religion government could ban other religious protests. And all sorts of other unpleasant BS would ensue after this . . .

    So, I said it once, I'll say it again: The 1st Amendment to the US Constitution guarantees the right of free speech to every American, even to Christians. And I hope this never changes.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids View Post
    I don't give a damn sh!t about Freedom of speech

    Lots of folks gave their lives defending the US Constitution. They'd be sorry to hear what you think of their sacrifice.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock View Post
    Lots of folks gave their lives defending the US Constitution. They'd be sorry to hear what you think of their sacrifice.
    You cut out part of the sentence....


    "I don't give a damn sh!t about Freedom of speech and the way they are using it as an excuse to do something outrageous like that!"

    That's totally different.

  39. #39
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    These people always have a camera on hand recording during their "protests." If you hit them, they got you. Youd have to do something sneaky, like put a buncha piss in a super soaker n douse them. Even tho that probably counts as assault, you could do it n make a quick break and hope you get away. Although with all the cops that are needed to make sure they dont get their limbs torn off, its a slim chance they wont see you.

    I think a good alternative would be a buncha dudes in speedos, greased/oiled up, with a boombox, all dancing vigorously/sexually around them as they protest, to some weird techno. If they really hate homosexuals that much, that would blow their minds, as it is free speech, and really funny to watch im sure. I mean a lot of dudes, enough to circle them, and dancing Party Boy style (from jackass)

  40. #40
    As A Marine, I Wold Like Theese A$$ Holes To To Aknoledge The Service Men Who Sacrifised Thier Right To Bad Mouth Us. But If They Don't Then O-well. I Say Fuk Em And If They Showed Up To One Of My Brothers Funerals, I Honestly Think I'd Avoid Physical Violinse As It Would Further Traumatize The Deceased's Family.

    Just Two Cents From A Guy Who's Been To A Few Funerals.
    Last edited by DOGGYBLASTER03; 02-21-2008 at 04:40 AM. Reason: GRAMMAR

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