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That's why a lot of protests of this nature are regulated.
As long as these protestors comply with the local requirements (getting a permit, whatever), which they most likely have done (else the cops would have taken them away), and don't yell FIRE! in a crowded theater, they're exercising their rights.
The US Government cannot stop public demonstrations because someone doesn't like what the demonstrators are saying, thanks to the US Constitution. Communists governments do this sort of thing all the time. When is the last time pro-democracy demonstrators were allowed to demonstrate in Cuba or China? Here in the southern US, black people would still have to sit in the back of buses if protestors were not allowed to have their say. Messages from anti-abortion or pro-choice demonstrators might be censored from a government that didn't like what they had to say.
IMHO, it's best to let everyone have their say, regardless of how stupid it is, than to pick and choose who gets to speak.