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Thread: Some people have absolutely no gym edcit

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!

    Some people have absolutely no gym edicit

    Get a load of this shit! I was at the gym yesterday doing a heavy leg day. So I was into my 5th set of squats. Now I was going for my 3rd rep out of 5 and this f**king guy deceded to put his weights away right beside where I was squating. So on my lower faze he bumped the bar, I felt the bar start to sway for side to side. I don't know how I was able to regain control since my legs where almost finished by this point. He looks at me and says sorry buddy. Which he is lucky he did!!! I am one of those very focused guys in the gym so I finished that rep, stood up, regrouped and then finished my last 2 reps. I then look over at him and by this time he is half way across the gym and just shake me head, with this disgusted look on my face.

    What I am trying to say is why can't people weight that extra 15 seconds to let someone complete a set so that know one has to get injured. I am so lucky I didn't get seriously hurt. It is not like I had a plate a side here. Like man

    I wanted to go and tell him off ..but I maintained my composure and just went on with my workout. If it wasn't for the short rest periods in between my sets, I am sure I would have said something.

    So I am asking all of you if you are going to put your weights away..or get some for that matter please let someone finish there set. I am sure this has happened to many of you out there and it is not a pleasant thing.

    Thanks for letting me vent!
    Last edited by Shredz; 10-03-2002 at 01:14 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    My workout partner has done that to me before. He's trained now, but about 3 months ago I was doing some bent over rows. He tries to walk past me to get the EZ bar and bumps into the back of me, thus forcing me to topple over with max set. Landed on my knees(which are already bad) and screwed my squat workout scheduled for the day after. Luckily I fell in such a fassion that my back didn't go out.

    Good post Shredz

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    That is exactly why I workout (lift) at lunch, and then come back after work and do Cardio. It’s hopeless to try and lift during peak-time at my gym; it's just too damn crowded. And the way they have the benches and machines arranged so close together, inevitably someone is going to make contact with either you or the bar.

    I feel you completely bro..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    New Jersey
    damn good post bro. i seen it happen alot in the gym especially during peak hours. i was doing flye's, and this guy that was doing nothing but talking the whole time was watching me during my warm up and workout. decided he was going to do them too so during my set this b@stard walks between the benches, and bumps me during a rep and knocks the f@cking dumbell right out of my hand. i was quick to get up, but he was like i'm sorry i better watch next time. i continue to my next set, and he starts too. when i was looking up he moved the bench away from the guy that was next to him,and the f@cking dumbells clanked together. i got up, called him a f@cking loser i was so pissed off i went over to the pec deck finished my workout, and left..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Sorry to hear that bro.
    That shit has happend to me many times more then i want to remember, im just glad ive never gotten hurt b/c of their ignorance.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    bump for anymore comments or your own personal stories

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    orange county, CA
    last week I was doing upright rows between two empty squat racks (pretty tough to find a neutral corner in the evenings) ... well, I've got the bar up to my chin, and this bloke goes and ducks UNDER the bar to get to the 25s (not 45s!) that are hanging on the side of the rack!!!

    I didn't say anything 'cause this is the first time he's gotten in my way, and folks already think I have an attitude (especially the ones that USED to be bigger than me who I've now outgrown! ), but I admit I was a bit torqued!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Indiana. My phallus is bigger than Nathan's!
    when i went to the gym shit like that happened all the time. of course now that i have a gym at home, no problems. an equal aggravation of mine was the damn pretty boy frat guys that liked to come in 4 or 5 to a bunch and take up the whole floor. jeeze, you dont have to do all do the same excersize right in front of the hand weights.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Sad part is that's the same type of person who's in hurry when you're lifting but has plenty of time to talk for 20min while you're waiting for equipment.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    As ignorant and foolish as these people are, a good deal of the blame for this, in my estimation, should be placed on the gyms themselves. Now, many of these stories posted would have occurred regardless, but, we all know of a great deal of similar tales (often resulting in injury) brought about by simple overcrowding. The facility gets greedier and greedier for more members (as costs are very much "fixed" and aside from the low cost of some additional equipment to attract and retain these members, each membership is pure profit) and, before ya know it, four benches are so close you can't spot someone without having your ass in someone else's face, and god forbid you need to do flyes - impossible, since the free standing benches are just far enough apart to allow for pressing movements.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Shit like that happens to me all the time. People running into you when your doing curls, Ive had the squat incident happen to me. Im focused when im in the gym, maybe too focused but when somebody bumps into me in the middle of a set, I let them know that I didnt appreciate it. Thats the thing, theres not alot of people in the gym to get a good hard workout. So they dont give a fuck what they do.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Don't get ME started on this... too late...

    I am sick of those who DROP DUMBELLS! The little washer at the end gets loose and will fall off. Even after retightening with an Allen Wrench the threading will get stipped.

    Because of someone else's ignorance I got smashed in the face once. I was doing some warm-ups for incline dumbell presses with the 60s and the washer fell off sending 3 10's from one side of one of the dumbells onto my face!

    My workout partner was like, "Dude! Are you okay!" After dropping what was left on to the floor I put both hands over my face.

    I stood up in front of the mirror and slowly moved my hands away to reveal the damage.

    To my surprise I looked unscathed! But then it happened... slowly the bruises began to form. One on my cheek bone and another on my forehead. I was rushed to the hospital to get checked for any chipped bones - and luckily there were none.

    The after action report suggested two landed on my cheek and another on my forehead. I WAS LUCKY. I could have been smashed in the nose or the teeth.

    The next day everyone wanted to know what the other guy looked like - suggesting I got into it with someone out in town. I had to tell the story a few times...


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    long island new york

    I agree with you, the guy should've waited until you were done with your set. At least he put his weight away, although at the cost of possibly injuring you it wasn't a smart move on his part.

    What pisses me off is when you get to a piece of equiptment and there is shit left all over from the people before you (DB's, bars loaded with weight, extra bars or plates left on the floor) The way I see it is if your strong enough to lift it you should be strong enough to put it away.

    Personally I feel like theese assholes disrespect every other member of the gym when they pull shit like that.

    Warrior, I'm with you on the DB dropping thing. If you can't put it down get a spotter or go lighter. I've had wrist and elbow injuries from using bent DB's and trying to stablize them while they're rolling out of my hands.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    eek, sorry to hear that man, that sucks...=/ but its hard for me not to drop em sometimes. i mean, i don't slam them down or anything, but i have very weak wrists and forarms and its extrememly hard for me to go from the cleaned position down to my sides sometimes. dumbell press, incline dumbell press, and arnold presses are particularly hard on my wrists when i'm trying to put the weights down...=( sorry i'm going on like this, but i know i do drop them sometimes and i always feel like people are glaring at me in the gym, but i can't help it! sometimes when i'm lowering the weights to the ground, it feels like my forearms are going to snap in half...=(

    -clocky baby

    Originally posted by Warrior
    Don't get ME started on this... too late...

    I am sick of those who DROP DUMBELLS! The little washer at the end gets loose and will fall off. Even after retightening with an Allen Wrench the threading will get stipped.

    Because of someone else's ignorance I got smashed in the face once. I was doing some warm-ups for incline dumbell presses with the 60s and the washer fell off sending 3 10's from one side of one of the dumbells onto my face!

    My workout partner was like, "Dude! Are you okay!" After dropping what was left on to the floor I put both hands over my face.

    I stood up in front of the mirror and slowly moved my hands away to reveal the damage.

    To my surprise I looked unscathed! But then it happened... slowly the bruises began to form. One on my cheek bone and another on my forehead. I was rushed to the hospital to get checked for any chipped bones - and luckily there were none.

    The after action report suggested two landed on my cheek and another on my forehead. I WAS LUCKY. I could have been smashed in the nose or the teeth.

    The next day everyone wanted to know what the other guy looked like - suggesting I got into it with someone out in town. I had to tell the story a few times...


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