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  1. #1
    Beefkake31's Avatar
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    3 inches on Arms in 4 weeks?

    Just curious guys has anyone here had his arm size go up 3 inches in 4 week period? Or anything close to that, please share, I want to know if it's normal. I'm thinking with muscle memory and steroids it would be possible.

  2. #2
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    maybe if you turn green when your angry... is that you bruce banner

  3. #3
    qualityclrk1's Avatar
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    my arms grow quicker than anyone i've ever met, and i've never put on 3 inchs in a month...but i've never taken aas

  4. #4
    tankboy112's Avatar
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    dame that would be nice

  5. #5
    Odpierdol_sie!'s Avatar
    Odpierdol_sie! is offline Senior Member
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    I did a gain of 6 inches in 8 weeks does that count?

  6. #6
    tankboy112's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Odpierdol_sie! View Post
    I did a gain of 6 inches in 8 weeks does that count?
    nop not at all took u too long

  7. #7
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    cough couch bullshit

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    soccer#3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale View Post
    cough couch bullshit
    cough couch bullshit??

  9. #9
    rockinred's Avatar
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    I only know one thing that grows more then 3 inches in a matter of seconds... the rest of my body takes time...

    btw, that is impossible... even if you use to have 19 arms and they shrunk down to 16, it would take several months if not years to get back...

  10. #10
    SayIWont21 is offline Associate Member
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    yea its really un heard of, you would have to over load on andro and test lol to maybe get those kinds of results but in 4 weeks lol nah i dont see it happening, now if my dick grew an extra 3 inches in 4 weeks, shit id show everybody! haha

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by tankboy112 View Post
    nop not at all took u too long

    Awww damn it.... after all that nitro tech i used doing it too. I was using 500 bucks a day on that stuff was worth it tho. my arms shot up from 8 inches to 14. i got a real decent pair of big 14's now! and all thanks to Nitrotech and some old fashioned lifting!

  12. #12
    admirals56 is offline Banned
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    definetly abuse synthol

  13. #13
    Beefkake31's Avatar
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    Ok guys the reason I was curious is because well, that's what happened to me, I just didn't want to make it obvious or seem like I was bragging or anything stupid like that. I was just curious if this was normal or anyone else has grown that fast. And I am not on any steroids whatsoever.

    Only reason I guess this is possible is muscle memory I'm thinking. I mean I hadn't lifted for over a year and I used to have 18's. When I started back up 4 weeks ago I was at 15's but as of today I'm at 18 (17.8 to be exact). And no this isn't with a pump that I'm counting this . And my testosterone level is in the 900s and my genetics have always been there so I'm thinking these 3 factors are what made me go back to my lifting size of a year ago.

    Just really weird sometimes I guess, but I had to ask this here because I haven't really seen or heard of anyone grow that fast and at least I would find out here if there were others like me to see if I am normal .

    Anyway again, I'm not gloating here just was genuinely curious, so if it comes off like I'm bragging then so be it dammit

  14. #14
    Hollywood080's Avatar
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    You're not gloating. Could you be bloating?

  15. #15
    Beefkake31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hollywood080 View Post
    You're not gloating. Could you be bloating?

  16. #16
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    I can gain/lose weight and size really quickly. I stopped working out for 2 1/2 months and lost 20 pounds. I'm starting my third week back and I've already put 10lbs back on.

  17. #17
    Pooks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beefkake31 View Post
    Ok guys the reason I was curious is because well, that's what happened to me, I just didn't want to make it obvious or seem like I was bragging or anything stupid like that. I was just curious if this was normal or anyone else has grown that fast. And I am not on any steroids whatsoever.

    Only reason I guess this is possible is muscle memory I'm thinking. I mean I hadn't lifted for over a year and I used to have 18's. When I started back up 4 weeks ago I was at 15's but as of today I'm at 18 (17.8 to be exact). And no this isn't with a pump that I'm counting this . And my testosterone level is in the 900s and my genetics have always been there so I'm thinking these 3 factors are what made me go back to my lifting size of a year ago.

    Just really weird sometimes I guess, but I had to ask this here because I haven't really seen or heard of anyone grow that fast and at least I would find out here if there were others like me to see if I am normal .

    Anyway again, I'm not gloating here just was genuinely curious, so if it comes off like I'm bragging then so be it dammit
    is your before measurement, without a pump.. (cause well at 15in I don't think u can even get a pump

    and now are u measuring 17.8 after a work out..

    so maybe u only gained like 1.5" after u cut out the inefficiencies.

    Plus if u're on TEST.. we're talking bloat too...
    Not trying to chop down your bloatful gloatin man..

    That is still awesome!!
    17.8" are decent arms.. **** 15" those are woman arms

  18. #18
    Hollywood080's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks View Post
    **** 15" those are woman arms

  19. #19
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    lol it's ok you guys can put me down I deserve it for gloating right .
    And no Pook I already said I'm at 18 without the pump and I'm not on any Test or steroids .

    Maybe it's the 1 gram of creatine per serving in N.O. Xplode lol. I'm not bloated though and I'm at 13% so I'm not ripped either.

    Either way I'm gonna see what happens in the next 4 weeks, but sadly I know the gains are going to come to a snails pace.

  20. #20
    Beefkake31's Avatar
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    I will post pics later tonight if necessary I'm out for now.

  21. #21
    Pooks's Avatar
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    Awesome sounds good man! Keep up the good work

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    before and afters work for me. see ya round 10.

  23. #23
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    I think it is possible, but not in lean muscle. If you are bulking, cycling and eating like a moose I think it could be possible with water retention.

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    IronReload04's Avatar
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    does bodyfat gain count?

  25. #25
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  26. #26
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    Ok guys here's the pics and the after pics are from end of week 3 so these pics are a 21 day difference rather than 28 or 30. If needed I will post pics again but I would need to take more pics these were already stored just had to put them side by side. Anyway sorry they're not the best of pics and I still think I look ridiculous anyway, just trying to get back to my prime days a few years back. I would have rather waited to post pics of me when I look decent but since people wanted pics for proof I said what the hell. You guys wouldn't believe me if I didn't.

    This is day 1-21
    before (arms 15 inches)
    after (arms 17.25 inches) ..... I've gained another .75 to present day

    I'm not really flexing my biceps in these pics, more half ass flexing. And I'm closer to the camera on my after pics so it might help make it appear bigger as well so take that into consideration. Either way I've measured from day 1 till now and it's a 2.8 inch diff in 4 weeks.

    So anyways guys I don't know why I went and put these up and everything lol but in the end I was just curious if it was normal or not that's all. My body isn't amazing or anything so I don't have anything to brag about, just had to make that clear again.

  27. #27
    SaSqUaDgE's Avatar
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    wow great progress i wish mine would grow like that what all did you do?

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beefkake31 View Post
    Ok guys the reason I was curious is because well, that's what happened to me, I just didn't want to make it obvious or seem like I was bragging or anything stupid like that. I was just curious if this was normal or anyone else has grown that fast. And I am not on any steroids whatsoever.
    Ok 3 inches is 7.5 cm, i whould say
    its impossible to add 7.5 cm to your arms in only 28 days..
    Even with a SHITLOAD OF AAS! and you added that with nothing at all
    in only 28 days?

  29. #29
    largerthannormal's Avatar
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    did you use a ruler?

  30. #30
    Beefkake31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NightWolf View Post
    Ok 3 inches is 7.5 cm, i whould say
    its impossible to add 7.5 cm to your arms in only 28 days..
    Even with a SHITLOAD OF AAS! and you added that with nothing at all
    in only 28 days?
    Ya man honestly no reason whatsoever to come on here and lie about that. If anything, I was curious too because I knew it wasn't normal so I posted about it. But in no way is it impossible, again I think it was mainly because of muscle memory, I had 19 inch arms for a long time a few years ago so I know the memory is the main reason. And again with a high testosterone level and good genetics I think even though rare, it's very possible.

    And also I've been eating like I am possessed I get about 4,500-5000 calories a day and the only things I am taking are the bsn line of True mass and N.O. Xplode.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    did you use a ruler?

  32. #32
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    ha im just kidding with ya bro..hey any increase is better than a decrease so id be happy if it was anything in 28 days ..hopefully ur strength is going up as well!

  33. #33
    *Alex*'s Avatar
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    i got 15 inch arms and my wife says size dosent matter!

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    ha im just kidding with ya bro..hey any increase is better than a decrease so id be happy if it was anything in 28 days ..hopefully ur strength is going up as well!
    Ya my strength shot up at an amazing rate too, probably shouldn't disclose the numbers or I'll get some of these ...... lol, but ya my strength has gone up a lot.

    It's really bad though because the first month you get amazing gains like this then it goes at 1/10 the pace so it's very discouraging and I know that's what is going to happen. But hey if somehow I keep gaining fast I will post pics but I doubt that will happen.

  35. #35
    pumpd4lif's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NightWolf View Post
    Ok 3 inches is 7.5 cm, i whould say
    its impossible to add 7.5 cm to your arms in only 28 days..
    Even with a SHITLOAD OF AAS! and you added that with nothing at all
    in only 28 days?
    maybe some synthol

  36. #36
    Beefkake31's Avatar
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    I'm still going up at a fast rate, made decent progress from week 3 to 5. Gained another .3 inches putting me at 18.3. The first pic is 5 weeks ago at 15 inches, second pic is 3 weeks in at 17.2 and the third pic is 5 weeks in at 18.3 so I'm at 3.3 inches in 5 weeks. I keep thinking it will slow down now, but still not happening, but I can't complain. Anyway this is for those interested, if not just let the thread die and I won't post about this anymore. But if there are people still interested I will post again IF I make more progress at this rate.

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