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    qualityclrk1's Avatar
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    Need a topic for informative speech

    been here long enough to ask for this i hope lol......
    i've got to give an informative speech on something- can be whatever i choose. I just don't want to bore the class to death with somethign stupid. The teacher is pretty open minded (young guy), and a huge baseball fan, so i thought an informative speech on steroids might be a good one.....present both sides of the issue here, how the government and other people are trying to portray them negatively, and show their side of the story, then turn around and show the other side that says they aren't as bad as they are portrayed- trying to sound as unbiased as that a good idea you think? i don't want to have to dig for days for information and sources, and thats the only worry i have with that maybe u guys can think of something else, maybe from a speech you've given in the past, i realize theirs a lot of college aged people on this board... or give me alittle help on where to go for both sides of the steroids story?

  2. #2
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by qualityclrk1 View Post
    been here long enough to ask for this i hope lol......
    i've got to give an informative speech on something- can be whatever i choose. I just don't want to bore the class to death with somethign stupid. The teacher is pretty open minded (young guy), and a huge baseball fan, so i thought an informative speech on steroids might be a good one.....present both sides of the issue here, how the government and other people are trying to portray them negatively, and show their side of the story, then turn around and show the other side that says they aren't as bad as they are portrayed- trying to sound as unbiased as that a good idea you think? i don't want to have to dig for days for information and sources, and thats the only worry i have with that maybe u guys can think of something else, maybe from a speech you've given in the past, i realize theirs a lot of college aged people on this board... or give me alittle help on where to go for both sides of the steroids story?

    I gave a speach for a public speaking class on steroids . My argument was that the government was wrong to criminalize and schedule the drugs. One of my main sources was testimony Rick Collins gave to Congress when they were considering harsher sentencing guidelines. I also cited statistics on the amount of people killed by cigarettes and cars each year to prove my point. I might even have the speech saved with all my sources as well.

  3. #3
    rockinred's Avatar
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    that is a very good topic that can cover many different angles.. as long as you don't mind announcing that you juice it would be a good one. Don't forget about constitutional rights and infringement... there are a lot of debateable issues where the government turns their head on real issues that society needs them to address and focus on other issues that are more questionable. You would have to dig down to the root of why they were made illegal.. and you will use that as your baseline for debate... I think you might be suprised that it has nothing to do with what they say the reasoning is now... good topic and controversial for sure.

    Make sure you get your shit straight on it so that you don't sound like an uninformed drug addict who wants legalization of something bad... that is how you will come off at first and then you will have to convince your audience that it is not like that at all.... the first thing they will do is judge you on the same level as a crack head wanting to legalize dope.

    oh and btw, if people don't agree with you... Please, please, don't loose your cool... they will attribute it to roid rage .

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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    I gave a speach for a public speaking class on steroids. My argument was that the government was wrong to criminalize and schedule the drugs. One of my main sources was testimony Rick Collins gave to Congress when they were considering harsher sentencing guidelines. I also cited statistics on the amount of people killed by cigarettes and cars each year to prove my point. I might even have the speech saved with all my sources as well.
    u'd be my hero- because this is exactly where i wanted to go with it....i'd of course paraphrase u (and i mean that truthfully, i'm not the kind to plagiarize, especially considering u were kind enough to supply me with the info in the first place)......and that way i wouldn't be considered a cheat- something else i'm not (and another HUGE issue i'd like to touch on if i could find a good point somewhere in the speech to fit it in, and to still having everything "flow together"= "are the people who use steroids cheaters?")

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    don't forget to read up on the "I got a response from local senator" thread and throw the part on the legalization of vitamins, etc.. this will get your audiences attention on your subject real quick.

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    i done an informative speech on censorship/freedom of speech in music, television, art... etc.
    i found it interesting anyway.

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    Topic: The holy roman empire. It was neither roman nor holy.

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    You can thro in some info on the truth about roid rage too.

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    pumpd4lif's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by qualityclrk1 View Post
    been here long enough to ask for this i hope lol......
    i've got to give an informative speech on something- can be whatever i choose. I just don't want to bore the class to death with somethign stupid. The teacher is pretty open minded (young guy), and a huge baseball fan, so i thought an informative speech on steroids might be a good one.....present both sides of the issue here, how the government and other people are trying to portray them negatively, and show their side of the story, then turn around and show the other side that says they aren't as bad as they are portrayed- trying to sound as unbiased as that a good idea you think? i don't want to have to dig for days for information and sources, and thats the only worry i have with that maybe u guys can think of something else, maybe from a speech you've given in the past, i realize theirs a lot of college aged people on this board... or give me alittle help on where to go for both sides of the steroids story?
    Blow there minds!!!!

  10. #10
    qualityclrk1's Avatar
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    well i e-mailed the guy my topic- because he still has to necessarily "approve" of the topic (not going to offend anyone).....anyway we have another speech later in the semester that'll be more persuasive than informative, he feels like my speech may be more persuasive and i should save the steroids topic for the next speech- and try and get people to open their eyes on the situation really going on there....heres the e-mail he sent me:
    What I am saying is that you sound like you are arguing a point and
    that is not to be done for the informative... You have to wait and do
    that for persuasive...

    Now you can inform us about it if you feel you WON'T TRY AND PERSUADE...
    i guess i could get up there and explain what anabolic -androgenic steroids are but that'd just be pointless and stupid- most of the class wouldn't care.....i read the rick collins testimony and it is perfect for quoting so i'm going to hold onto this topic and probably use it next time...because well, i do have to agree that by using that i'd try and persuade more than just inform.....anyone know of a crisis thats goin unnoticed to the general public- that if they found out about it, it'd shock them.....maybe like the child soldiers in africa or something lol i'm getting less exciting about giving this speech because i feel like i'm limited now

  11. #11
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by qualityclrk1 View Post
    well i e-mailed the guy my topic- because he still has to necessarily "approve" of the topic (not going to offend anyone).....anyway we have another speech later in the semester that'll be more persuasive than informative, he feels like my speech may be more persuasive and i should save the steroids topic for the next speech- and try and get people to open their eyes on the situation really going on there....heres the e-mail he sent me: i guess i could get up there and explain what anabolic-androgenic steroids are but that'd just be pointless and stupid- most of the class wouldn't care.....i read the rick collins testimony and it is perfect for quoting so i'm going to hold onto this topic and probably use it next time...because well, i do have to agree that by using that i'd try and persuade more than just inform.....anyone know of a crisis thats goin unnoticed to the general public- that if they found out about it, it'd shock them.....maybe like the child soldiers in africa or something lol i'm getting less exciting about giving this speech because i feel like i'm limited now
    Well...for a biology class, I gave a powerpoint presentation on Anabolic /Androgenic steroids , explaining how they work in the body, what they are, and their risks/side effects. It was an analysis of research from the New England Journal of Medicine. I got an A+ on the presentation and a letter of recommendation from the professor because he was extremely impressed. I know for a fact I still have that saved on one of my laptops, I'll just have to dig it up..

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Well...for a biology class, I gave a powerpoint presentation on Anabolic/Androgenic steroids, explaining how they work in the body, what they are, and their risks/side effects. It was an analysis of research from the New England Journal of Medicine. I got an A+ on the presentation and a letter of recommendation from the professor because he was extremely impressed. I know for a fact I still have that saved on one of my laptops, I'll just have to dig it up..
    yeh that'd be fantastic, the only thing is this is just a standard oral communications class. Most of the people in my class aren't even going into a health related field such as ourselves- mostly its criminal justice or liberal arts students (criminal justice = the perfect audience to persuade both sides of the steroid issue to) i think i'll just explain to people what the Naegleria fowleri ameba (i'd explain what an ameba was etc.) I could shock some people at how real this actually is and the damage that it can inflict on a human . I bet it'd shock the audience and entertain them all at once. Naegleria fowleri is an ameba that is found anywhere in the world, but only in certain environments (not well kept swimming pools, lakes, ponds). It goes through the nose and enters the spinal and cranial cavities- and then begins to eat at the brain tissue......sooo....its a brain eating once celled organism lol
    i'll without a doubt use the steroid issue for my next speech, and i'll bump this thread about that time and post highlights from my outline...Thanks for the help thus far, its really been productive....

  13. #13
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    check ur PM bro...

  14. #14
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    Gave my speech on steroids on friday, but got the grade back today....B+.....was the best in the class....with all other points included i'll finish with an A in the class as long as i do decent on my final, which i expect. Heres not my exact outline, but my rough draft: if you were unaware- Dr. Norm Fost is a professor at the University of Wisconsin and has his bachelors from princeton, his masters from harvard, and continued to his PhD at Yale (which i made sure to mention to the class)......

    Steroids and Why I Feel They Should Be Legalized
    As frequently evident by officials nations wide, American's, when drugs are considered, rarely choose logic when they can opt for hysteria. Case in point, the recent uproar over steroids. In light of the excess media attention, the public service announcements, and the wailing in Washington, one would assume the scientific evidence establishing the health risks of steroids is overwhelming; but it's not. On the contrary, when it comes to steroid use among adult males, the evidence reveals no fire, amongst all the smoke. The only evidence or data collected on the topic suggests conclusions few people want to hear. You want to know how many scientific studies definitively relate the use of anabolic steroids to death or even serious health risks? You're thinking maybe one, fifteen, twenty? There are zero. (1)Within my speech I hope to bring forth real evidence to debunk some of the things you may have heard about anabolic steroids . I'll try to show you why you may have heard some of the things you have heard, and prove to you that some of the media reports that have been filling your heads are exagerated. I'll show you what scientific evidence does show in regards to side effects. (2) Hand in hand with this, I hope to show that steroids have been deemed illegal without merit(3) and I'll show why I feel the legalization of steroids would in fact be a step in a positive direction.
    I. Side Effects: Facts and Myths
    A. Steroids cause both long term and short term side effects
    i. No scientific evidence to directly link the use of steroids to any deaths or serious health risks
    ii. the side effect called gynecomastia , or "bitch tits," (enlarging of the male breast), is preventable by taking other drugs during a "cycle". Though the drugs won't reverse the effect if already present, surgical procedures will remove the uncosmetic tissue. Gynecomastia is not known to be harmful to ones health.
    iii. Testicle shrinkage is common, but only temporary. Men can still get their spouses pregnant while on steroids, and testicles return to their normal size. The recovery process can also be sped up with assistance from other drugs.
    iv. No difference were found between the exercise groups and the no exercise groups or between the placebo groups and the testosterone groups in any of the five subcategories of anger assessed by the multidimensional anger inventory. No significant changes in mood or behavior were reported by the men on the mood inventory, or by their live-in partners, spouses, or parents. (NEJM 1996)
    v. Side Effects found in study by New England Journal of Medicine: “acne, breast tenderness, and no other side effects were noted”
    vi. Question: “What's wrong with the doctors saying it causes liver cancer, heart problems, and infertility?” Dr. Norm Fost: “Whats wrong with Dick Cheney saying their were WMD's? It's just wrong- thats all. There is no data, no evidence anywhere to support these claims”
    II. Deemed Illegal Without Merit
    A. Only hormone (testosterone, which is found in every man, woman, and child on the planet) on the government's list of illegal “controlled substances”
    B. Anabolic-Steroids Control Act of 1990 classified anabolic-steroids as Scheduled 3 controlled substance, despite the American Medical Association's, The Department of Health and Human Services', and Drug Enforcement Agency's objections.
    C. National Institute Of Health states on their website “the life-threatening effects appear to be low” (remember this is our own government agency saying this)
    D. Why is hormone replacement deemed unfair- examples of RBC count in Kenyan's running at higher altitudes, Tiger Wood's and Lasik Eye surgery. Where is the line drawn?
    III. Illegalization Makes Steroids Unsafe:
    A. Statistics show that steroid users are actually responsible, otherwise law abiding, male adults, who follow a strict diet and weight lifting regime. Center for disease control lists the risk of abuse of steroids as low.
    i. Illegalization takes steroid distribution and manufacturing underground, but doesn't stop the use. Products are measured differently, and can be made under unsanitary conditions. Making side-effects harder to deal with.
    ii. Pressure to develop undetectable substances, and little work is put into safety of the product. Legalization would stop this.
    iii. Still under these uncontrolled circumstances, not a single death has been linked directly.

    Everything I've presented to you today has been backed up by consistent evidence, something my opposition can't bring to the argument. Not a single person has ever died from the direct result of anabolic steroids, and as I've proven, the side effects are greatly exaggerated. I'd really like you to keep in mind the point that the American Medical Association, the DEA, and The Department Of Health and Human Services were all opposed to the scheduling of anabolic steroids. Remember that steroids can be taken responsibly and legalization would only make things safer for everyone involved. The drug war the government has been imposing on us since the 1960's has proven to be a failure, and has shown that even through prohibition, people will find ways to get around the laws- so why won't the government do what they were intending to do, and keep people safe by regulating testosterone and other hormones. Why should the government who are elected FOR the people's voice, be allowed to stop responsible participants who understand the potential effects? Shouldn't they be allowed to make their own decision on how they'd live there life? Men who seek better physique through steroids, in my mind are no different than women who seek cosmetic breast implants. I want you to walk out of here today questioning WHY steroids have been deemed illegal. I want you to question why the line was drawn where it was, and why steroids aren't on the list of other great medical breakthroughs? Keep in mind there is only one PROVEN long term side effect of steroids: they work!

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    qualityclrk1's Avatar
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    ooo i should tell u guys, i held off on steroids for my informative, and i decided to use it for my persuasive speech..

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