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Or, a psychiatrist prescribing it. If I am not big and don't have the best possible physique, than I am depressed and not happy with life. It should be a person's choice whether or not they want to take it. As long as you know all the negative side effects and harm it can do, and still want to take them then you should be able to. Personally, I rather be dead than be small. So, if it is gonna cause heart failure or liver damage or whatever else, and that may mean living a happy life until 50, as opposed to making it to a pruned out 100, then I rather die at half the age.
I am definitely a libertarian and believe anyone should be able to do anything they please long as they are aware of the consequences and aren't harming anyone else. The only thing is they would need to have some kind of regulation, because as I stated in another post, steroids are not for everyone. If you are a mean, bad tempered, jerk you don't need to be on them. They should be legalized, but there should also be a background check for anyone wanting to take them. If you have a history of domestic or spousal abuse, you should not be allowed to take them.