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Thread: Steroid marches

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    GTA, Canada

    Steroid marches

    Over here in Canada and in many other countries across the world, people have marches for a certain recreational drug that I can't mention here because of the board rules, but you all know the one i'm talking about.

    As weird as it may sound, what do you guys think is the possibility of having steroid marches?

    Don't laugh. You never know in 10, 20, 30 years there might be such a thing if steroids are still banned and/or criminalized.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I don't believe the number of people that support the drug would be even close in comparison to AAS. I also think people readily admit consuming certain substances but I don't believe a lot of people would readily admit to the usage of AAS to support their....cause.

    Personally I don't consume recreational drugs. I find it repugnant but thats just IMO

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Canada - No source checks
    Quote Originally Posted by Prada View Post
    I don't believe the number of people that support the drug would be even close in comparison to AAS. I also think people readily admit consuming certain substances but I don't believe a lot of people would readily admit to the usage of AAS to support their....cause.

    Personally I don't consume recreational drugs. I find it repugnant but thats just IMO
    i agree. its a nice concept to consider but the stigma behind steroid use is still much stronger than any other drugs out there.

  4. #4
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    Feb 2008
    I don’t think we have to go that far. If we can find a way to make steroid use profitable enough for the pharmaceutical companies they will do enough lobbying to get it legalized. I think the course of action is for plastic surgeons to administer steroid use as a form of cosmetic treatment. That way the gear can be supplied under the supervision of a physician negating all of the so called health risks. My opinion is that if a cosmetic surgeon can inject botox, lipo dissolve, and silicone into people that can inject test. They don’t know what lipo dissolve is how it works or what the sides are but it’s legal? Although a patient could die, they can hack off 20lbs of body fat and that’s legal. I bet more people die in a year from cosmetic surgery complications than in 5 years from steroid use. but prescribing a good cutting stack is illegal and lipo is not its stupid. Its stupid for the docs too, because the charge 3 to 5k for lipo and it take a couple hours they could charge 1k for a script that takes minutes.

  5. #5
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    Jul 2004
    If there were a steroid march the media would turn it into "roid raged steroid users riot!" haha

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tazwell View Post
    If there were a steroid march the media would turn it into "roid raged steroid users riot!" haha

    yeah it would be a riot, not a march for sure.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    can we do it on treadmills pre breakfast?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001 View Post
    can we do it on treadmills pre breakfast?
    The steroid users treadmillathon... they swear not to leave their treadmills until steroids are legalized in the US!!! or until breakfast... One users account "They better hurry this shit up I'm eating at exactly 9AM!!!"

  9. #9
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    Canada eh
    Ya I think it would be a waste of time, Look they are trying to get Wee legalized, Still nothing and I see nothing wrong with it, you don't need a PCT you just eat.

    And the media would go Crazy, Look at baseball and what they are doing there, Media and every other government would use it to keep the papers filled.

    Just play it safe, cause half the people on here don't want their wife to know and other don't want Friends to know, So who going to want the world to know, Only a few....

    That is just what I think.
    Last edited by High-roller; 03-01-2008 at 02:11 PM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by High-roller View Post
    Ya I think it would be a waste of time, Look they are trying to get **** legalized, Still nothing and I see nothing wrong with it, you don't need a PCT you just eat.

    And the media would go Crazy, Look at baseball and what they are doing there, Media and every other government would use it to keep the papers filled.

    Just play it safe, cause half the people on here don't want their wife to know and other don't want Friends to know, So who going to want the world to know, Only a few....

    That is just what I think.
    1stly, edit the rec drug name out of your post
    2ndly, as to the statement i bolded that you said, are you kidding me?

  11. #11
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    Canada eh
    I am sorry I put that word in there didn't think it was bad, as other words in here.
    And with what you bolded I don't understand, when you are on "herbs" (is this OK), You don't need a PCT, So if you were going to try to Legalized ROIDS, The government would look at the bad side and what you have to do to stop your body of getting gyno and such others...
    I am not against it, I am a user, I just don't think there is a chance.. sorry!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by High-roller View Post
    I am sorry I put that word in there didn't think it was bad, as other words in here.
    And with what you bolded I don't understand, when you are on "herbs" (is this OK), You don't need a PCT, So if you were going to try to Legalized ROIDS, The government would look at the bad side and what you have to do to stop your body of getting gyno and such others...
    I am not against it, I am a user, I just don't think there is a chance.. sorry!
    okay, i get it now, i didnt understand what you said before.

    comparing the rec drug and pct is kind of silly though, they have nothing to do with eachother

  13. #13
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    Canada eh
    I was just trying to put it beside each other, cause there are people out there that are trying to Legalized Herb, And this has been going on and on, So for something that the Doctor's can give and the government still won't legalize it, Then what makes you think they will let roids go though.

    And if they did then times what you pay now by or 4 with ID AND doctors note

  14. #14
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    GTA, Canada
    Guess what? A couple years ago just before our last election, the Canadian government was going to legalize herb but then the liberal party lost the election so it didn't end up happening. So there very well is a chance. Not in the USA, though, that's not a free country.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by wilson9d View Post
    I don’t think we have to go that far. If we can find a way to make steroid use profitable enough for the pharmaceutical companies they will do enough lobbying to get it legalized. I think the course of action is for plastic surgeons to administer steroid use as a form of cosmetic treatment. That way the gear can be supplied under the supervision of a physician negating all of the so called health risks. My opinion is that if a cosmetic surgeon can inject botox, lipo dissolve, and silicone into people that can inject test. They don’t know what lipo dissolve is how it works or what the sides are but it’s legal? Although a patient could die, they can hack off 20lbs of body fat and that’s legal. I bet more people die in a year from cosmetic surgery complications than in 5 years from steroid use. but prescribing a good cutting stack is illegal and lipo is not its stupid. Its stupid for the docs too, because the charge 3 to 5k for lipo and it take a couple hours they could charge 1k for a script that takes minutes.

    Or, a psychiatrist prescribing it. If I am not big and don't have the best possible physique, than I am depressed and not happy with life. It should be a person's choice whether or not they want to take it. As long as you know all the negative side effects and harm it can do, and still want to take them then you should be able to. Personally, I rather be dead than be small. So, if it is gonna cause heart failure or liver damage or whatever else, and that may mean living a happy life until 50, as opposed to making it to a pruned out 100, then I rather die at half the age.

    I am definitely a libertarian and believe anyone should be able to do anything they please long as they are aware of the consequences and aren't harming anyone else. The only thing is they would need to have some kind of regulation, because as I stated in another post, steroids are not for everyone. If you are a mean, bad tempered, jerk you don't need to be on them. They should be legalized, but there should also be a background check for anyone wanting to take them. If you have a history of domestic or spousal abuse, you should not be allowed to take them.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruteman View Post
    Or, a psychiatrist prescribing it. If I am not big and don't have the best possible physique, than I am depressed and not happy with life. It should be a person's choice whether or not they want to take it. As long as you know all the negative side effects and harm it can do, and still want to take them then you should be able to. Personally, I rather be dead than be small. So, if it is gonna cause heart failure or liver damage or whatever else, and that may mean living a happy life until 50, as opposed to making it to a pruned out 100, then I rather die at half the age.
    I am definitely a libertarian and believe anyone should be able to do anything they please long as they are aware of the consequences and aren't harming anyone else. The only thing is they would need to have some kind of regulation, because as I stated in another post, steroids are not for everyone. If you are a mean, bad tempered, jerk you don't need to be on them. They should be legalized, but there should also be a background check for anyone wanting to take them. If you have a history of domestic or spousal abuse, you should not be allowed to take them.
    so your saying steroids cause you to die early, you would rather be dead than small and roid rage is real? I dont agree with this

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    Guess what? A couple years ago just before our last election, the Canadian government was going to legalize herb but then the liberal party lost the election so it didn't end up happening. So there very well is a chance. Not in the USA, though, that's not a free country.
    Thank god the liberals lost.

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