Warning RANT
Well im gonna rant the shit out of everyone here but i think it is a huge problem and I want to see if people are seeing it or if I am just Fvcking crazy.
I remember bring in the gym in my highschool a while back and a 10th grader coming up to me. He asked me for a few more workouts to help widen his back. Before asking me he never knew what a LAT was. He seemed eager to learn so ofcourse i showed him a few things and took 5min out of my workout to show him some stuff. He was blown away that I took the time to show him stuff considering he is just a beginner. I thought nothing of it. I was never the biggest kid in the gym but i was up there. I wasnt walking like I was a cutler or anything walking around like i was Mr.O.
I think back to when i was younger and watching Pumping Iron for the first time. I watched a 7 time Mr.O helping the smaller guys in the gym on his posing. Now adays people are looking to competing to look better then the guy next to them infront of the mirror while doing curls. I look at the kids in adidas sweat pants and wife beaters and backwards hats doing the same things day in and day out and just laugh. I hear kids talking about "light Days", i remember seeing a quote on another board i believe it was by Branch warren saying "Light Days?" "I think They have a tampon for that.".
Im drifting from the point that the average frat boy that steps in the gym dosent understand that you compete only against yourself when you are in the gym. You compete against the weights and your personal best. I know I lift for myself and for my reasons, not to attempt to out do another person. People should help anyone in the gym that wants It and never look down at others that are smaller then them. I have never seen anyone in a video form the good old days not helping anyone that wanted it. Its their Effort that counts. Everyone starts somewhere
Disclaimer: Chedda Is Pissed because of Midterms and studying all the time. This is all opinionated and should not be taken searously. Sorry for making you read my DUMBASS RANT