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Thread: Apparently... all of us on here have eating disorders

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Apparently... all of us on here have eating disorders

    According to some people with phd's in nutrition, most of us on this board have eating disorders. My nutrition proffesor at the college told me i am in the same class as bulimics, etc. Since we over eat, and eat when our bodies are not calling for us to eat (when we are not hungry) to pack on weight we are considered to have an eating disorder , thought i might share that with you guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Tell them they are full of shit, Nutritionist are nuts anyway. Nutritionist never factor in physical activity above that of the average adult, and for some reason they think they know physiology. Plus how is eating 3500 clean calories a eating disorder compared to those who eat 3500 calories from fast and processed foods.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Its called Bigorexia. Its a disease thats opposite of Anorexia in which our minds trick us into thinking we are bean poles (some of us are tho ) and then keep telling us to eat eat eat eat eat and eat some more to get bigger. So yeah were pretty much all f*cked.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Yes I have an eating disorder, I eat small frequent, nutritious, meals. I must be cursed since my BF, BP, cholesterol, sexual life, energy levels and intellectual well being are all above average.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Yes I have an eating disorder, I eat small frequent, nutritious, meals. I must be cursed since my BF, BP, cholesterol, sexual life, energy levels and intellectual well being are all above average.
    I feel the same way, i argued with her(or course its a female... sorry ladies) for a good couple minutes, and she had a rebudle for everything i said

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    well if getting yoked up is a disorder, im retarted.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    well if getting yoked up is a disorder, im retarted.
    hahahaha LMAO!!! Classic...

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    ON, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Discipline_1 View Post
    According to some people with phd's in nutrition, most of us on this board have eating disorders. My nutrition proffesor at the college told me i am in the same class as bulimics, etc. Since we over eat, and eat when our bodies are not calling for us to eat (when we are not hungry) to pack on weight we are considered to have an eating disorder , thought i might share that with you guys.
    How does she define overeating? You have to ask her that. Im assuming she is going by the avg calories consumption of adult men, which is around 2000. That number is based on bodymass and since we hae more bodymass it makes no sense.

    And Im not sure about other people but i NEVER force feed myself, I am always 100% hungry when I eat my 6-7 meals. If you have to force feed yourself than you are most likely a beginner who doesnt have a whole lot of muscle mass and are trying to consume way too many calories to begin with.

    This kind of stuff is just a waste of time anyways, I mean these are the people who are supposed to be experts? Good lord. They like to think they are smart and try to come up with new crap all the time that really has absolutely ZERO bearing on anyone or anything.

    Ok so I love my life I look great and all that shit Prada said and this woman will tell me I have an eating disorder...I would say...ok cool. lol

    Besides, a disorder is something that causes problems and usually leads to disease or is a form of disease. It is something that impairs normal function and causes mental or physical distress. None of those which apply to a bodybuilding diet.

    What a bitch.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Middle of a Cornfield
    I had a nutritionist professor who said that 50 grams of protein was sufficient for any adult male no matter the size to gain muscle mass or to lose weight. I got the question "wrong" on my exam, then brought her in about 50 pages of fact and she changed the answer!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Souf Afrika
    I have a sex disorder......... Im constantly thinkin of sex..

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino View Post
    How does she define overeating? You have to ask her that. Im assuming she is going by the avg calories consumption of adult men, which is around 2000. That number is based on bodymass and since we hae more bodymass it makes no sense.

    And Im not sure about other people but i NEVER force feed myself, I am always 100% hungry when I eat my 6-7 meals. If you have to force feed yourself than you are most likely a beginner who doesnt have a whole lot of muscle mass and are trying to consume way too many calories to begin with.

    This kind of stuff is just a waste of time anyways, I mean these are the people who are supposed to be experts? Good lord. They like to think they are smart and try to come up with new crap all the time that really has absolutely ZERO bearing on anyone or anything.

    Ok so I love my life I look great and all that shit Prada said and this woman will tell me I have an eating disorder...I would say...ok cool. lol

    Besides, a disorder is something that causes problems and usually leads to disease or is a form of disease. It is something that impairs normal function and causes mental or physical distress. None of those which apply to a bodybuilding diet.

    What a bitch.
    Relax bro.

    Unfortunately there is a lot of misconceptions and ignorance in our sport. They think that AAS did it all so anyone can do it and therefore no sense of accomplishment. Fact of the matter is BB IS a full time job. Eating regularly, fixing meals and being so freaking disciplined is not easy as they think. I just do my shi# and sometimes dont even feel like wasting my time explaining things because they are so brainwashed with idiocy. The sad part is that even attempting to educate them seems futile.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    yeh we all have body dysmorphia, but who gives a fvck

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    between corn and soybeans
    people that are professionals like to use a lot of terminology and thnk that everything needs to be classified and labeled, as it help them organize information and put it on paper and data. To say we have an eating disorder doesnt really mean much, because its a relative thing we do and she is using the term out of context. You gota do what you need to do to get where you want, if you want to label that, i would call it AMBITION, not an eating disorder

  14. #14
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    Aug 2004
    Most "teachers" are ignorant and no longer try to educate youth, they simply shove ideology and brainwashed ideas into everyone.

    They teach complete BS so they can be politically correct and not offend any group. Hence the reason why "we" have a disease just like the Obese, Bulimics and Anorexics.

    I could go on and on about the shitty education system in the US.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    How are we in the same class? I don't "have" to eat like I do, I just know if I don't I won't grow...

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018 View Post
    How are we in the same class? I don't "have" to eat like I do, I just know if I don't I won't grow...
    why do u need to grow? are you not happy with the way you look when u don't grow? hence the reason you're placed in the eating disorder category.....skinny people don't think they look good when they eat- they don't want to make themselves bigger, and decide that eating, or keeping the food down is bad..if ur hungry eat..if not, then i could see why it'd be classified the way it is (a disorder)...but is anyone here not happy? if ur happy then f*ck it and keep doing what ur's ur life

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    I've got 2 ribeyes in front of me, pretty damn happy right now!

  18. #18
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    why do u need to grow? are you not happy with the way you look when u don't grow? hence the reason you're placed in the eating disorder category.....skinny people don't think they look good when they eat- they don't want to make themselves bigger, and decide that eating, or keeping the food down is bad..if ur hungry eat..if not, then i could see why it'd be classified the way it is (a disorder)...but is anyone here not happy? if ur happy then f*ck it and keep doing what ur's ur life
    this is the EXACT response i got from the proffesor, almost to a T

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    In the Gym, if i could
    Quote Originally Posted by Discipline_1 View Post
    According to some people with phd's in nutrition, most of us on this board have eating disorders. My nutrition proffesor at the college told me i am in the same class as bulimics, etc. Since we over eat, and eat when our bodies are not calling for us to eat (when we are not hungry) to pack on weight we are considered to have an eating disorder , thought i might share that with you guys.
    In one way that may be true, did you ask what his BF % was??

    have you noticed most "nutritionist" look like hell??

    and does he meet the BMI suggested for his height??

    I'm suppose to be 155 lbs.. yea, like when i was 22..
    The answer to your every question


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  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    In one way that may be true, did you ask what his BF % was??

    have you noticed most "nutritionist" look like hell??

    and does he meet the BMI suggested for his height??

    I'm suppose to be 155 lbs.. yea, like when i was 22..
    The BMI is a total farce IMO.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Training Hardcore Style
    Quote Originally Posted by qualityclrk1 View Post
    why do u need to grow? are you not happy with the way you look when u don't grow? hence the reason you're placed in the eating disorder category.....skinny people don't think they look good when they eat- they don't want to make themselves bigger, and decide that eating, or keeping the food down is bad..if ur hungry eat..if not, then i could see why it'd be classified the way it is (a disorder)...but is anyone here not happy? if ur happy then f*ck it and keep doing what ur's ur life
    I understand this angle they are trying to use, but with food it is much more complex and can't be analyzed like this due to the fact that if you eat you grow, if you don't eat you shrink and everyone is different... so we all make choices on our level of health and size no matter what. we on this board just decide to grow in a positive manner... I don't understand why people try to put so many disorders or a sociopathic analysis on everything... I don't buy into all that, and I feel like they feed their own field and sell it good and people buy it... kind of like a psychologist saying "oh this guys got a mental disorder and that is why he went and raped lil children and killed them... everyone please be kind to him he can't help it".. screw that BS.. it is an excuse and I don't care... you can say it is a disorder all you want, but you ar feeding your own field...cause I am not buying it for one second. We all make choices.

    so to me there is no eating disorder or no more complexity to what we do and eat... it is for fun or health and some for a living or all of the above... so what??? If we look at it like that, what is the great expertise or knowledge that the professor or people in the health field going to sell or share to the public about the disorder?

    sorry for the rant. I just had a fat out of shape doctor try to lecture me about stuff once and I thought to myself "are you serious"? All fat and out of shape you have the nerve to act smart???? That is always the case.

  22. #22
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    I've had this discussion with lots people, especially my family. But whenever I bring up my physical fitness, BP, cholesterol, etc, they tend to shut the f*** up.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Anorexia and bulimia are both health risks, eating like we do is not. To classify them together is misleading. Me eating to get bigger is no different than the average Joe who eats a normal healthy 2000 calories per day just to prevent himself from looking like a slob, I guess he has an eating disorder too

  24. #24
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    Jul 2005
    The BMI is a total farce IMO.
    couldnt agree more...

    i agree with you too rockinred, i can see where they are coming from calling it an eating disorder, but i dont agree with it, yes they have a point because if you arent listening to your body then... but like you said, that whole situation about telling me we have an eating disorder is just an over analyzed bs theory, you can make almost anything out to be a disorder if you want to go in depth enough about classification of a situation, personally i am happy with my lifestyle, and i am staying healthy along side it, happy growing i say

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Eating disorder:
    What is meant by eating disorders?

    "Eating disorder" is when a person eats, or refuses to eat, in order to satisfy a psychic need and not a physical need. The person doesn't listen to bodily signals or perhaps is not even aware of them. A normal person eats when hungry and stops eating when the body doesn't need more, when he feels the signal of satisfaction.

    Eating disorders are usually classified as anorexia nervosa , bulimia nervosa or binge eating disorder in accordance with the symptoms. However, a person may have an eating disorder without belonging exactly to any of these categories.

    Those who lose weight because of illness, e.g., cancer, are not considered to have an eating disorder.
    I believe we have a physical need and not a psychic need. A physical need to nourish our body for hypertrophy. One can argue that a BB eats as a perfectionist because our macros have to be spot on in oder for optimal growth. If we were to suffer from a disorder, then we would eat eat and eat as much as we can thinking we would get bigger and bigger but alas we would become fat. We are just perfectionists and disciplined thats all, IMO.

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