Yep... It was at one of my bestfriends apartments it was him, his roommate, and his roommate's bf and myself. We started drinking at 3 and continued on thru the whole night. Eventually 2 of my other buddiez showed up (lets call them Jay and Bob)... Now that's the background.
It was going fine the whole day until his roommate and his bf passed out on the living room couch at like 12. My best friend and Jay went out on the balcony to smoke a cigarette and drink a glass of wine. I'm 16 or 17 martini's deep at this point and I'm drinking a sex on the beach (I know, extravagant isn't it?). My best friend and Jay come inside and go into the kitchen and that's when I stumble in lau***ng and joking (as we all were). I accidentally tripped and touched Jay's private area or something (don't quite remember) but I stumbled and my best friend suddenly gets serious and gets like really pissed and is like, "Don't f****** touch my man!" So I go off into my bestfriends bedroom where Bob is waiting for me and has the computer playing music (Christina Aguilera if I remember). We were just chillen in there when My best buddy comes in and saw me and Bob kissing and is like, "You can't be f****** up in here!" Still really pissed off, even tho he already told me out there. So I'm like, "Ok... Sorry but this isn't Jay!" (Now given, he has let other friends makeout in his room and never got this lit up).
And then he repeats himself so I just say, "f u." Half jokingly... And he gets lit up and is like, "f u? In my own f****** house!" And I tell him to calm down and it was an accident and he continues yelling saying how I disrespected him and Bob bla bla bla. So it goes back and forth and he eventually just leaves the room and then the funny part happened... His roomate walks in (having woken up) and gets right my face yelling how I'm being disrespectful so I say fu to him to... He then grabs my neck and pushes me against the wall and I'm just like, "OMG, and blow a kiss at him" So I kiss him on the face and we embrace and almost fall down... But then that's where Jay and Bob broke it up and we went for a walk to cool down.... I made up with my best buddy (as we were both drunk) and his roommate, which I'm definately on the best terms with right now and will probably see him again later... Just thought I'd share my strange ass night with you guys