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Thread: Almost Beat Up A Friend O' Mine

  1. #1
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    Almost Beat Up A Friend O' Mine

    Yep... It was at one of my bestfriends apartments it was him, his roommate, and his roommate's gf and myself. We started drinking at 3 and continued on thru the whole night. Eventually 2 of my other buddiez showed up (lets call them Jay and Bob)... Now that's the background. It was going fine the whole day until his roommate and his gf passed out on the living room couch at like 12. My best friend and Jay went out on the balcony to smoke a cigarette. I'm 16 or 17 beers deep at this point and I'm drinking a 40 of Steel Reserve (I know, nasty). My best friend and Jay come inside and go into the kitchen and that's when I stumble in lau***ng and joking (as we all were). I accidentally tripped or something (don't quite remember) but I stomped on the floor and my best friend suddenly gets serious and gets like really pissed and is like, "Don't f****** stomp!" (They live in an apartment and are upstairs). So I go off into my bestfriends bedroom where Bob is on the computer playing music. I'm just chillen in there when My best buddy comes in and is like, "You can't be f****** stomping up here!" Still really pissed off, even tho he already told me out there. So I'm like, "Ok... Sorry!" (Now given, people had been stomping all nite and he never got this lit up). And then he repeats himself so I just say, "f u." Half jokingly... And he gets lit up and is like, "f u? In my own f****** house!" And I tell him to calm down and it was an accident and he continues yelling saying his neighbor came up and asked him to be quiet. So it goes back and forth and he eventually just leaves the room and then the funny part happened... His roomate walks in (having woken up) and gets right my face yelling how I'm being disrespectful so I say fu to him to... He then grabs my neck and pushes me against the wall and I'm just like, "Oh hell no..." So I knock him in the face and he flies back and almost falls down... But then that's where Jay and Bob broke it up and we went for a walk to cool down.... I made up with my best buddy (as we were both drunk) but not his roommate, which I'm definately not on the best terms with... Just thought I'd share my strange ass night with you guys lol...

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    anywhere my son lives
    jay and silent bob? they are pussies bro

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Sounds like this wouldnt have happned if you wall werent drunk

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigtwin View Post
    Sounds like this wouldnt have happned if you wall werent drunk
    Yeh I know... I'm actually very nice when I'm drunk and I joke constantly and so does my buddy... I just would have never thought of him to get so serious and violent... It's just never happened before so I was a little shocked to say the least.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    alcohol sucks.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Big D
    Lawman excuse me if I have you mistaken with someone else, but didn't u just get done with work release?

  7. #7
    number twelve's Avatar
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    17 beers? geeze

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hollywood080 View Post
    Lawman excuse me if I have you mistaken with someone else, but didn't u just get done with work release?
    I have no idea what work release is...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    so this is the cliffnotes version

    your drunk with 5 guys in an apartment. You and your bestfriend are in the bedroom alone. His roommate comes in and gets mad and a fight happens.

    Sounds like a gay party turned bad. He was probably jealuse

  10. #10
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    sounds like having his own apartment/house is getting into your bro's head. Need to knock some sense into him man, cause next thing u know he'll want a wife and a dog too

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    so this is the cliffnotes version

    your drunk with 5 guys in an apartment. You and your bestfriend are in the bedroom alone. His roommate comes in and gets mad and a fight happens.

    Sounds like a gay party turned bad. He was probably jealuse
    I wouldn't say cliffnotes version... I'd say your personal fantasy

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    so this is the cliffnotes version

    your drunk with 5 guys in an apartment. You and your bestfriend are in the bedroom alone. His roommate comes in and gets mad and a fight happens.

    Sounds like a gay party turned bad. He was probably jealuse
    Every thread he starts turns gay. LOL

    Lawman I have got to ask, are you gay? not that there is anything wrong with that. Every thread I read about you someone cracks a gay joke.

  13. #13
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    dont Stomp Asshole!!!!! Lol

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018 View Post
    I wouldn't say cliffnotes version... I'd say your personal fantasy

    Last time I checked, he wasn't the one trying out for gay porn buddy.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post

    Last time I checked, he wasn't the one trying out for gay porn buddy.
    did i miss something?!... link please... and did you really try out for gay porn?

  16. #16
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    Thats what paranoid pot-head youngsters do when they first move into an apartment. They think the police are gonna come in if someone complains. Are they pot-heads?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by J*U*icEd View Post
    did i miss something?!... link please... and did you really try out for gay porn?

    There were other ones to i believe

  18. #18
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    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018 View Post
    Yep... It was at one of my bestfriends apartments it was him, his roommate, and his roommate's gf and myself. We started drinking at 3 and continued on thru the whole night. Eventually 2 of my other buddiez showed up (lets call them Jay and Bob)... Now that's the background. It was going fine the whole day until his roommate and his gf passed out on the living room couch at like 12. My best friend and Jay went out on the balcony to smoke a cigarette. I'm 16 or 17 beers deep at this point and I'm drinking a 40 of Steel Reserve (I know, nasty). My best friend and Jay come inside and go into the kitchen and that's when I stumble in lau***ng and joking (as we all were). I accidentally tripped or something (don't quite remember) but I stomped on the floor and my best friend suddenly gets serious and gets like really pissed and is like, "Don't f****** stomp!" (They live in an apartment and are upstairs). So I go off into my bestfriends bedroom where Bob is on the computer playing music. I'm just chillen in there when My best buddy comes in and is like, "You can't be f****** stomping up here!" Still really pissed off, even tho he already told me out there. So I'm like, "Ok... Sorry!" (Now given, people had been stomping all nite and he never got this lit up). And then he repeats himself so I just say, "f u." Half jokingly... And he gets lit up and is like, "f u? In my own f****** house!" And I tell him to calm down and it was an accident and he continues yelling saying his neighbor came up and asked him to be quiet. So it goes back and forth and he eventually just leaves the room and then the funny part happened... His roomate walks in (having woken up) and gets right my face yelling how I'm being disrespectful so I say fu to him to... He then grabs my neck and pushes me against the wall and I'm just like, "Oh hell no..." So I knock him in the face and he flies back and almost falls down... But then that's where Jay and Bob broke it up and we went for a walk to cool down.... I made up with my best buddy (as we were both drunk) but not his roommate, which I'm definately not on the best terms with... Just thought I'd share my strange ass night with you guys lol...


    Yep... It was at one of my bestfriends apartments it was him, his roommate, and his roommate's bf and myself. We started drinking at 3 and continued on thru the whole night. Eventually 2 of my other buddiez showed up (lets call them Jay and Bob)... Now that's the background.

    It was going fine the whole day until his roommate and his bf passed out on the living room couch at like 12. My best friend and Jay went out on the balcony to smoke a cigarette and drink a glass of wine. I'm 16 or 17 martini's deep at this point and I'm drinking a sex on the beach (I know, extravagant isn't it?). My best friend and Jay come inside and go into the kitchen and that's when I stumble in lau***ng and joking (as we all were). I accidentally tripped and touched Jay's private area or something (don't quite remember) but I stumbled and my best friend suddenly gets serious and gets like really pissed and is like, "Don't f****** touch my man!" So I go off into my bestfriends bedroom where Bob is waiting for me and has the computer playing music (Christina Aguilera if I remember). We were just chillen in there when My best buddy comes in and saw me and Bob kissing and is like, "You can't be f****** up in here!" Still really pissed off, even tho he already told me out there. So I'm like, "Ok... Sorry but this isn't Jay!" (Now given, he has let other friends makeout in his room and never got this lit up).

    And then he repeats himself so I just say, "f u." Half jokingly... And he gets lit up and is like, "f u? In my own f****** house!" And I tell him to calm down and it was an accident and he continues yelling saying how I disrespected him and Bob bla bla bla. So it goes back and forth and he eventually just leaves the room and then the funny part happened... His roomate walks in (having woken up) and gets right my face yelling how I'm being disrespectful so I say fu to him to... He then grabs my neck and pushes me against the wall and I'm just like, "OMG, and blow a kiss at him" So I kiss him on the face and we embrace and almost fall down... But then that's where Jay and Bob broke it up and we went for a walk to cool down.... I made up with my best buddy (as we were both drunk) and his roommate, which I'm definately on the best terms with right now and will probably see him again later... Just thought I'd share my strange ass night with you guys
    ***No source checks!!!***

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    LI, NY kidd!!
    wow i thought all that gay talk about law was just joking around but now i know better... and you let a guy touch ur abs to get a ride home from the gym... jesus man!!

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    LI, NY kidd!!
    now i know where murilon is coming from all the time... lol

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    That is the funniest thing I have read all day.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    i drink like you lawman

  23. #23
    muriloninja, dammit that's the funniest thing i've ever read. i really lol'd

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheArtist View Post
    muriloninja, dammit that's the funniest thing i've ever read. i really lol'd
    +1 good stuff

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    I would of beat the **** out of them both, gone to a club 4 some muff. You need to make it clear if you don't want people ****ing with you. If someone grabbed up my neck like that.... shit.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodgerj View Post
    I would of beat the **** out of them both, gone to a club 4 some muff. You need to make it clear if you don't want people ****ing with you. If someone grabbed up my neck like that.... shit.
    That is true... But then again they are my friends so me probably being the most sober (as I can hold my beer) decided it was probably not a good idea to take it to the next level... However much I would have liked too... And no... I'm not gay... The one about gay porn isn't entirely true. The company wanted to do a solo masturbation shoot with me and pay me 2,000 bux. However I decided after looking at the website, and then looking back at the pay, and looking at the website one more time that it probably wasn't in my best interest. And as for the abs, for ****s sake, I was on juice at the time and compliments were like a godsend... But I have to admit, that probably was the gayest thing I've done in my entire life... And wtf... I don't need to explain myself, screw you guys!

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Souf Afrika
    If i where under the influence of 17 beers would i have knocked everyone da f*ck out. Including Jay and Bob.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018 View Post
    That is true... But then again they are my friends so me probably being the most sober (as I can hold my beer) decided it was probably not a good idea to take it to the next level... However much I would have liked too... And no... I'm not gay... The one about gay porn isn't entirely true. The company wanted to do a solo masturbation shoot with me and pay me 2,000 bux. However I decided after looking at the website, and then looking back at the pay, and looking at the website one more time that it probably wasn't in my best interest. And as for the abs, for ****s sake, I was on juice at the time and compliments were like a godsend... But I have to admit, that probably was the gayest thing I've done in my entire life... And wtf... I don't need to explain myself, screw you guys!
    Sounds like you gave it one hell of a thought. You know you went ahead and did it didn't you.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by *El Diablo* View Post
    If i where under the influence of 17 beers would i have knocked everyone da f*ck out. Including Jay and Bob.
    or you would have gotten knocked the **** out by

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockinred View Post
    or you would have gotten knocked the **** out by
    ..... ill swing wild coz i wont be able to focus..... But with friends like Jay and Silent Bob, i dont think its really possible!... lol

  31. #31
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    anywhere my son lives
    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018 View Post
    That is true... But then again they are my friends so me probably being the most sober (as I can hold my beer) decided it was probably not a good idea to take it to the next level... However much I would have liked too... And no... I'm not gay... The one about gay porn isn't entirely true. The company wanted to do a solo masturbation shoot with me and pay me 2,000 bux. However I decided after looking at the website, and then looking back at the pay, and looking at the website one more time that it probably wasn't in my best interest. And as for the abs, for ****s sake, I was on juice at the time and compliments were like a godsend... But I have to admit, that probably was the gayest thing I've done in my entire life... And wtf... I don't need to explain myself, screw you guys!
    PLEASE tell us what the other less gay things are youve done in your life?

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by BITTAPART2 View Post
    PLEASE tell us what the other less gay things are youve done in your life?
    LMFAO!.. x 10

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by *El Diablo* View Post
    ..... ill swing wild coz i wont be able to focus..... But with friends like Jay and Silent Bob, i dont think its really possible!... lol
    lol...I was just thinking that if I drank 17 beers I probably couldn't fight my way out of wet paper sack.... I might still think I was the baddest dude in town though, but that doesn't count.

    this kind of post is the main reason I don't drink... seems like trouble always finds me... and I am always minding my own business too

  34. #34
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    Souf Afrika
    Problems always seems to come to the quit ones minding their own business, thats why i am always on the lookout for whatever reason just to be on the safe side!... I can go and sit and have a quite meal all by myself minding my own Fvken business eating away at my full chicken with rice and a roll on the side, then just out of the blue a bunch of guys will come and stand there looking all mean and mucho, dressed in jeans showing moves on boxing this that and the other, next thing they sit across from me, ask me what da f*ck am i looking at..??????? ... Me eating my chicken and dirty hands then have to stand up give the biggest one in the group a short left, before they start leaving me alone, the cops arrive , wanna take statements this and that..I mean for F*ck SAKES! lol

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    This thread is gay... i mean who drinks sex on the beach and listens to christina aguilera while making out with guys?

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by RBD85 View Post
    This thread is gay... i mean who drinks sex on the beach and listens to christina aguilera while making out with guys?
    Teenage girls and lawman

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    Teenage girls and lawman

    ***No source checks!!!***

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    On the toilet
    You all do know that sooner or later... hes just gonna say f**k it and come out of the closet. he just has insecurities about being a big gay flamer...

    j/k lawman, please dont beat me up like you did the roomate... or make out with me

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    Oh don't worry guys... I'm gonna finely comb through threads of yours from now on... once I find one little thing off... I will not shut up!

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018 View Post
    Oh don't worry guys... I'm gonna finely comb through threads of yours from now on... once I find one little thing off... I will not shut up!
    But nobody is going to listen to the gay pot calling the kettle gay.

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