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  1. #1
    tonyrou is offline New Member
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    Exclamation I want people's opinion.

    I've got a question for all. First I am not currently on a cycle and it's been three years since I last was on one. Right now I am preparing to go to school for Ministry, so what I want to know is how many people think that using steroids would be religiously wrong? I personally feel that as long as I'm not over indulging or abusing then it's all right. Maybe I'm wrong, but my understanding is that I'm supposed to take care of my body according to the bible. My argument is that when I'm unhealthy it's ok to take medicine, if I were bald no one would say a word if I got hair plugs, and if I wanted to remove a birth mark no one would think twice. With all this in mind whats the difference between me using the above mentioned methods to look and feel better, and the usage of steroids?

    p.s. ( the school I'm attending requires us to work out for a min of two hours a day, 6 days a week. they assign you a gym partner from your class. kinda nice.)

  2. #2
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    I think vanity is lika sin er something

  3. #3
    Dangercat00 is offline Junior Member
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    You're fine.

  4. #4
    Hollywood080's Avatar
    Hollywood080 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Kratos is right, other than that I don't see any real problems with it. You may be asking the wrong crowd though.

  5. #5
    soulstealer's Avatar
    soulstealer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Definitely not a sin I live my life according to the lord infact just yesterday after I got done bangin my neighbors wife I jacked his car and that mofo tried to stop me so I shot him in the head he dropped dead and I drove to the dairyqueen where I pigged out till I puked and then came home to stare in the mirror for a few hours right before going to church

  6. #6
    facile's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hollywood080 View Post
    Kratos is right, other than that I don't see any real problems with it. You may be asking the wrong crowd though.
    ^^^ We are on here because we approve of AAS use and some of those on the board think they are gods, so I think your ok.

  7. #7
    Kratos's Avatar
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    but then again many priests are alkeys or they touch boys. Perhaps not such a bad vice for a man of the cloth.

  8. #8
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    lol, i think we're all a little biased on this one

  9. #9
    rocket22 is offline Junior Member
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    i dont think there is anything wrong with using steriods in a religious since but correct me if I am wrong but doesnt it say somewhere in the bible that you are supposed to follow man's laws? like if something is illegal today then you should obey that law, i dont want to get flamed b/c i am no expert on the bible but would like to know if I am right on this one

  10. #10
    naturalsux's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer View Post
    Definitely not a sin I live my life according to the lord infact just yesterday after I got done bangin my neighbors wife I jacked his car and that mofo tried to stop me so I shot him in the head he dropped dead and I drove to the dairyqueen where I pigged out till I puked and then came home to stare in the mirror for a few hours right before going to church


  11. #11
    rockinred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rocket22 View Post
    i dont think there is anything wrong with using steriods in a religious since but correct me if I am wrong but doesnt it say somewhere in the bible that you are supposed to follow man's laws? like if something is illegal today then you should obey that law, i dont want to get flamed b/c i am no expert on the bible but would like to know if I am right on this one
    If you are going according to the bible then what rocket said above is correct.... but I think that you need to figure this out for yourself... one thing to consider is that just because something is illegal doesn't necessarily mean it is a bad thing or vice versa... (If your government tells you to kill your neighbor would you?).... Think about countries were gear is legal...are they worse sinners than you or however you want to look at it? the answer is no and if you think so you are very narrow minded and religion can't save a person from that.....there is not a perfect answer for you and no one can make a decision for you... some people quit everything up to and including caffeine... others can't and struggle to kick one habit, but i feel that we are all the same from what I understand. two major suggestions for you...
    a) try to avoid justifying your actions too much.
    b) try and think open mindedly..don't fall into an area that all religions are notorious for.. everything is black and white... do this or do that.. if not you are a sinner or he is or she is because of this or that... it is not that simple and who knows how the Almighty judges. I do know that it is not through our perception or anyone elses that thinks they got it all figured out and go through their life judging others actions, yet they never look in the mirror once. so becareful on that subject.

    good luck, but it is your decision and I can't help you try and justify it either way.

  12. #12
    wilson9d's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer View Post
    Definitely not a sin I live my life according to the lord infact just yesterday after I got done bangin my neighbors wife I jacked his car and that mofo tried to stop me so I shot him in the head he dropped dead and I drove to the dairyqueen where I pigged out till I puked and then came home to stare in the mirror for a few hours right before going to church
    bro, we need ot hang out. i'm 30 now and i miss those days.

  13. #13
    tonyrou is offline New Member
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    thanks guys. i figured most people would be biased. people are either for roids or against. but as far as vanity goes how many ministers have you seen in shaby cloths or driving a vehicle that costs less then 40,000$. I han't seen too many. But I think rockinred has a very good view on the situation. I had already decided that I would Gear up next month, in my eyes it's no different than the cars, clothes, or any other vain act. Not to be over the top but i believe that no one sin is greater than another. it's just good to hear from people who are not completely biased, or from people who can justify the cars, the cloths , and big houses as the will of god but not the enhancement of the body.

    P.S.( rocket 22 your correct. it says "man shall obey the laws that govern the land he walks upon". but in my country alot of the laws conflict with one another

  14. #14
    Jfew44's Avatar
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    I think you're ok just as long as you're doing it to be as healthy as you can be and not to enjoy the attention you get from others. I guess I'm sinning... I happen to like it when girls check me out!

  15. #15
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    do whatever it is that makes you happy.

    **** what others say, do, or think.

    jesus drank winny.

  16. #16
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    do whatever it is that makes you happy.

    **** what others say, do, or think.

    jesus drank winny.

  17. #17
    qualityclrk1's Avatar
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    i don't think you should.....thats me going against the grain.....but not because i think steroids are wrong...but what would people think if a nun got a nose job?....i look at it that way.... i don't think yuo'd be practicing what you preach..................honesty

  18. #18
    rockinred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by qualityclrk1 View Post
    i don't think you should.....thats me going against the grain.....but not because i think steroids are wrong...but what would people think if a nun got a nose job?....i look at it that way.... i don't think yuo'd be practicing what you preach..................honesty
    quality has a point here........ you should try to set the example and be the best you know how to be... and justifying it through others actions just makes it worse.... but anyhow, you should still make your own decision.

  19. #19
    tonyrou is offline New Member
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    quality has a very good point. and your right rockinred i shoulsn't use others to justify what i believe in. I've always been able to follow my own mind without looking to others, but this one subject is really bothering me. even when i told people i was going to be a minister i got allot of funny looks, it wasnt something that people from my neighborhood or with my background did, but it didnt phase me. well either way i have to make up my mind for self before i go to school in a few months.

  20. #20
    im83931's Avatar
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    Is this something that will make you live with guilt or constantly question yourself and question your ability to minister?
    You also have to realize that you will more than likely lose your ministry if you get caught.
    I agree with quality and rockin. I dont see anything wrong with steroids themselves. I run my cylcles and I attend church and it doesnt bother me at all. But I am not a minister of any kind. I know its a double standard but double standards are a fact of life.

    Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink.

  21. #21
    crazyhorse1960's Avatar
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    just go to confession every week,your be okay!..

  22. #22
    wilson9d's Avatar
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    i don’t think the act is a sin. However, there is more to it than that. It depends on your personal code of ethics.

  23. #23
    green22's Avatar
    green22 is offline Senior Member
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    "yee art not use roids" aint in the bible so shoot away!!!!!!!!

  24. #24
    qualityclrk1's Avatar
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    people just take religion pretty seriously..look at the wars in the middle east!...and what if that topic every came up? someone comes to you when ur a minister and asks what would God think if they took steroids ? Would you seriously be the preacher to go against the bible and say that vanity is not a sin and that it's ok to disregard the laws of the land, and it'd be ok to hide this and to possible lie about it to family, friends and other people of society (cops)? how can u tell someone not to do it when you've done it yourself? thats just not only hypocritical, it's dishonest...

  25. #25
    tonyrou is offline New Member
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    thanks to all. i think that qualityclrk1 and im83931 have actually made the best two points. the both of them hit on precisly the points that were bothering me. In the end I have to make my own decission, but with that said I dont think I could actually be the kind of person to do something I believe in and lie about it. when everything is said and done I know I wont be able to juice and be a minister, they just dont go together. so thank you to everyone and I'm really happy that I wasn't bombarded by completely biased opinions or people making negative comments and calling me a hypocrite for even asking. When I asked a friend who is a minister he gave me the whole roids shrink your junk and make you bald and kill you speech, so there for they are a sin. and everyone who has juiced knows that these are things that "can" happen, but dont happen as often as most people think. so it was just good to have some opinions from people that were better informed. thanks

  26. #26
    crazyhorse1960's Avatar
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    if you really think about it why would you want to build lean muscle when its just going to tempt the ladies to come on to you.i think Satan is tempting you!..
    Last edited by crazyhorse1960; 03-08-2008 at 01:50 PM.

  27. #27
    notus's Avatar
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    it is wrong.

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