he's hit it right on the head. sink or swim in this world. survival of the fittest. thats why i think welfare is unjust. public housing as well. help yourself before you help others. and put my taxes some place were they will benefit me! not some worthless ignorant lazy P.O.S.
Hell im 18 yrs old, dropped out of highschool at 16, got into drugs. had half a mind to pull myself out of it a year and a half later without the help of rehab or parents. and here i am. no education, no degree. Yet i have 2 jobs. twilight shift for a Very reputable company with room to move up (UPS) and part time as a server at a local restaurant. yes i may work around the clock but thats what you gotta do. also because i have no choice to make my payments on my mustang(the one in my avy

many teens after dropping out and getting into drugs would assume all they had in front of them was a life of crime ahead of them and dub themselves helpless. but its not about the cards you've been dealt its about how you play them.
bill gates is one of my idols.
Rant ended.