Title sais it all. What do you think?
Title sais it all. What do you think?
HAHAHAHAHAHAH i wish but no....
If not what do you think will happen to bodybuilders and the sport of Body building.
No. America has and will always rely on its economy to be the "leading nation" in this world.
Regulation of drugs fuels the economy, and as weak as our economy is right now because of the war, legislation will never legalize anything that will reduce profits.
I can elaborate but thats my basic opinion.
And can I add because I've been away for a bit. Has politics been legalized in the AR lounge again? I seems so.
how will legalizing steroids reduce profits. If any thing I think it will increase profits. If steroids legalized they will be taxed just like ciggarettes. We all know that cigarrettes make a lot of money for our government. That probably one of the reasons cigarettes are still legal, that and the fact that millions of people do it.
legalizing steroids will only create another industry within America, thus creating jobs. Also they could regulate it as well. They could require certification cards to be able to purchase steroids. That way everyone buying these powerful compounds will have to go through some sort of knowledge based training, this will provide sufficient knowledge to use them safely.
I hate that If I wanted to get big with steroids I would be a criminal. There nothing more dangerous than a blood crazed maniac who goes around taking steroids and parking in no parking zones.
every sight you check out sais that elit athletes are not the most common users of Anabolic Steroids anymore. The most people using steroids are average joes wanting to look better. The only reason that steroids dont have the deman is because they are demonized. When you say the word steroid to someone they get the image of a roided out freek. Its hypocritical. Its sociall acceptable to take ALLi which makes you shit your brains out to lose weight but you cant take steroids to put on muscle. Also if they were legalized steroids would be studied and perfected if its possible. Im not an expert.
The alli sais it works well with proper diet and exercise, but how can you exercise if you shitting out fat all the time. Yet its acceptable because it legal. Nobody considers the fact that its probably the same as taking laxitives to lose weight.
I just dont want to get arrested for being smart and taking PERFORMANCE ENHANCING compounds
SO if you want to build muscle beyond your normal genetics your shit out of luck in America, unless you want to run the risk of prison time. Because I've taken the new prohormones and creatine and shit like that and for me it doesnt work. Its a bunch of garbage with a lot of marketing. I mean Im not some jerk with a small guy complex I'm 6ft. 3 in 265 with 20% bf. I just want to be able to buy shit that realy does what it sais it does. Thats all.
anyone else?
why not? Thats all I want to know. I have not heard a 100% clear reason why. There was an educational show on either discovery channel or one of the information channels maybe TLC. The doctors were saying that you can not prove cause and effect with steroids as far as serious illnesses. All of the doctors said that if administered correctly the steroids would have minimal side affects, its when people abuse them that they have the chance of experiencing complications. We are not talking about a drug like street drugs at all. Street drugs are taken for the purpose of altering your mental state. Steroids are taken for PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENT which as a side affect can make you more aggressive. I just simply cannot understand why these compounds are illegal.
Because they have too many negative side effects on your body. But, the way I see it is you should be able to choose if you want to take those risks. Personally I rather be bald, have liver damage, and die at 50 than be small.
Also, they couldn't make them flat out legal because then any regular guy off the street with a bad temper could get them and this would just increase violent offenses much more. Steroids are not for everybody. However, if they would put in place a system to screen for if you are a repeat offender for domestic or spousal abuse, then that would work well.
Godfather.....i think this thread is waiting on you.....
IMPOSSIBLE. It's gonna happen the opposite thing I suppose...
Steroids will never EVER be legal in the United States, because that country isn't exactly a 'free' country. Sorry, but it's time to face reality.
If you have any hopes whatsoever of the fvcked up US government legalizing steroids AT ALL... think about when has ANYTHING in the United States, besides alcohol, been outlawed then made legal again later? Nothing. Ever.
Don't like it? Then boycott the United States of Ameri c u n t. Mass exodus to the Netherlands.
Thats the thing. I love my country, The United States of America. I think its the greatest country in the world. We are one of the few countries that every law abiding citizen has the right to bear arms. Bruteman had the perfect idea why not screen for phsycos who are taking AS for the wrong reasons. I heard a quote: "if you outlaw guns outlaws will be the only ones with guns". Im saying "if you outlaw steroids, outlaws will be the only ones with steroids".
Never say never, I never thought I would see concealed carry in the state I live and sure as hell never thought I would have it where my store isThe drug war is nothing but an easy thing to prosecute and collect money off from and they are never going to admit that some drugs are harmless after years of brain washing
We went to shlt when bush got in![]()
I'll settle for steroids to just be de-criminalized.
of course!! just as soon as they legalize weed!!!
Somebody call Arnold and tell him to get the ball rolling on this steroid legalization thing.
I think that maybe in our lifetime (Im 23 years of age) that steroids will be made legal (or atleast legally usable without a prescription). We are in a new age. Many people in my generation probably could not tell you who lyle alzado is. Today you see television shows talking about steroids on TLC channel and Discovery channell with doctors saying that Anabolic Steroids are a legitamit way to improve physical performance. With all of the avenues of media just like the injected network you'll start to see more reports on the positive affects of steroids. And with every American making new years resolutions to work out more and lose those love handles I think there will be a growing market for decriminalizing Anabolic Steroids. "If you outlaw steroids, Outlaws will be the only ones with steroids"
No steroids will not be legal. I am also very patriotic but the politicians have ruined this country at this point id doesn’t mean it can’t be fixed but no one really cares about the problems they only care about money. Those that do care about the problems have no power and are not taken seriously.
IMO never. The medai demonizes gear to be up there with coke and Herion. Baseball turend it into the steriotype that "If you juice then you are a lowlife cheater" well what about us that want to get swole and look good? Never. Pot before gear. Guranteed
but GH and others will still be available, from doctors.. life extension specialist.. it's alreaady happening..
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Don't Let the Police kick your ass
I like having conversation about Steroids. I have never used Anabolic Steroids but would like to try them. I have been researching steroids and the laws for about a year now (around the time I became seriously interested in using them). I think I have a unique opportunity. Since I've never actually used steroids I can have some pretty good conversations with people about steroids and look relatively innocent compare to someone who has used them. Often times you can suprise people with the information and facts that they did not know. When you talk to them they are often times repeating what they've heard on t.v., if you have some real facts that they did not know, they may become more interested with you argument. I think its this kind of conversations that will begin to change peoples attitudes. (Also if you have discussions with people about Anabolic Steroids, its often the people with poor physical health and physiques who probably dont have the drive to get into shape and because of this dont want you to get into even better shape then you are allready in. You getting into even better shape would make them look that much worse.) When I give true information people realize that Im not just an uneducated kid looking for a magic pill. (I also have an associates in business and have one more year to go on my bachelors, go T-wolves).
Last edited by lookintogetbig; 03-14-2008 at 10:57 PM.
In our dreams!!!!!!!unless all us start running for political office. We get elected, we change laws!!!!lol
Shortly after operation Raw Deal, and after several Chinese manufactures of HGH were shut down....The FDA reduced restrictions on prescribing guidelines for HGH and allowed them to be prescribed for anti-aging. This is about protecting profits, not protecting anyones health.
steroids shouldnt be allowed tbh
we make the choice to take them..most of us after hard work, eating properly, training etc
but some take them without the above-legalising them would increase this number, and give them an even worse rap
Um, that clip you posted makes the point that people who want to use them will get them anyways and that these things should very well be legalized or decriminalized at the very least. It's very easy to get AAS, and whether they are legal or illegal doesn't matter - if they want them, they'll get them!
I want you to tell me that steroid use across the board has dropped since these things were banned and then criminalized. You can't! Steroid use today is far more widespread and bigger than it was in 1990!!
The fact is that these people are hard headed, and as you can see from that video they will go through anything to get anabolic steroids when they really want them, and then some. So it would just be far better to dispense these things at government controlled pharmacies to ensure this stuff is pure human grade, and to people only 19 or older along with information pamphlets on the proper use and dosing as well as listing the risks of use. Educating people is far more beneficial and safer than the stupid idea of prohibition and leaving people in the dark when they will go off and do it anyways. It just breeds ignorance and these people will hurt themselves even more than if they used AAS after being well informed and educated on the subject. You have to tell these people here, "this is what it does, here it is, you're going to do it anyway so let's do it as safely as possible". It's ignorance that kills us, so let's kill ignorance.
Saying that these things should be criminalized, illegal, and banned because a few jerkoffs will hurt themselves and we're going to do that to protect them is a Medieval way of thinking that is right up there with the stupidity of when they would slice someone open during the 1300s when someone was sick so that they could "let the demons out of the person's body that's making them sick". It's bullshit. Prohibition doesn't work. It didn't work during the 1930s and it hasn't been working since we started this new prohibition against drugs in general over the last 30 years. And finally, you need to remember, we're talking about the United States of America here where people are supposed to be free, and that means having the right to put anything you want into your own body even if that means it's bad for you or you are going to use it the wrong way and harm yourself.
i get your point, i just mean surely there would be more idiots using if it was legal, as its legal theyd see no reason not to
then if anything happened due to misuse, can you imagine the public outcry that aas was legalized
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