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Thread: What is your opinio about GAS PRICES?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    What is your opinio about GAS PRICES?

    My opinion is that "I HATE GAS BEING SO HIGH " we should stop buying gas for two days and maybe they will drop the prices then....

  2. #2
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    Sh*t i agree with you, there is no governing body that regulates gas prices, so they can just put up the prices has they wish, and no one makes cash from it except the Illuminati...... i hate it!..

  3. #3
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    George Bush is responsible for this as well as the protection of a boycott for gasoline:

    there are currently people who have been arrested for causing economic damages over 10k$$. They are actually charged with a form of econimic terrorism and held in terror prisons, example the S-H-A-C-7 a group of animal rights protestors who commited NO vandalism or violent acts, no tresspassing no assault and no threats. They however caused a company to loose profits via somene totaly unrelated to the group and are being held as terrorists in a federal terrorist prison on lockdown 23 hrs most days and denied phone privledges.

    trust me, there are things in place assuring the stockholders of oil companies that there will be no 100% boycott. Also remember if you dont buy gas then dont burn gas, that is the only way to truely boycott the fuel industry, because they will make record sales to make up for the 2 days we boycott. Because everyone has to refill the used gas they used on those 2 days.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    It sucks, Ive started riding my bicycle alot more.

  5. #5
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    Ya what sucks even more is there is..was a guy who made a car that ran great ,figured out a perfect system to run a powerful motor on hygrogen and the government told him they want to follow his progress he drove the car some crazy amount of miles on 22 gallons of water ,yes water and the by product of hydrogen is yes u guessed it water,well anyway when he was finalizing the plans for his motor he was in a resterant that he visited alot and in the middle of his meal stands up and starts screamin I HAVE BEEN POISON! And died shortly there after..So he suffered a simliliar fate that the guy that invented the batteries for the electric car ...What a wonderful world we live in.....

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by pumpd4lif View Post
    Ya what sucks even more is there is..was a guy who made a car that ran great ,figured out a perfect system to run a powerful motor on hygrogen and the government told him they want to follow his progress he drove the car some crazy amount of miles on 22 gallons of water ,yes water and the by product of hydrogen is yes u guessed it water,well anyway when he was finalizing the plans for his motor he was in a resterant that he visited alot and in the middle of his meal stands up and starts screamin I HAVE BEEN POISON! And died shortly there after..So he suffered a simliliar fate that the guy that invented the batteries for the electric car ...What a wonderful world we live in.....
    You got a link to an article on that?

    Gas prices suck, so I bought a motorcycle.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAJOR25 View Post
    My opinion is that "I HATE GAS BEING SO HIGH " we should stop buying gas for two days and maybe they will drop the prices then....
    You can stop buying gas for one week if you want. Simple economics will dictate that demand will just come from elsewhere because supply is restricted or limited by OPEC. Basically meaning it will make no difference.

    The US economy is slowing down, the US dollar is losing value, supply is limited, demand is still high and other "constraints" as the war bring the price per barrel to where it is now. Only way out is stopping dependency on oil

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536 View Post
    You got a link to an article on that?

    Gas prices suck, so I bought a motorcycle.
    u can just uyoutube hydrogen people are making the systems and putting them on the cars ,lawnmowers ect..
    but i will find the link to the guy that died his car was a running machine

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Prada View Post
    You can stop buying gas for one week if you want. Simple economics will dictate that demand will just come from elsewhere because supply is restricted or limited by OPEC. Basically meaning it will make no difference.

    The US economy is slowing down, the US dollar is losing value, supply is limited, demand is still high and other "constraints" as the war bring the price per barrel to where it is now. Only way out is stopping dependency on oil

    This is what the government wants you to think and it is far from the truth. The truth is that the oil cos. manipulate the market to extract the highest possible prices and get the blessing of the Bush admin to get away with it.

    Oil and oil prices should be declared a national security issue and treated as such.

    OPEC has absolutely nothing to do with our gas prices. They are a result of intentional lack of refinery capacity, convenient refinery shutdowns and for Gawds sake who knows why, futures traders, who do absolutely nothing, who drive up the cost of a barrel they have zilch to do with, by buying and selling fictitious oil and driving the price up.

    What the hell else can we expect when all of the top officials in the govt are all oil people and are corrupt?

  10. #10
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    I paid $4.00 a gallon the other day and I'm sick about it.

  11. #11
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    $3.06 here and I felt raped

  12. #12
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAJOR25 View Post
    My opinion is that "I HATE GAS BEING SO HIGH " we should stop buying gas for two days and maybe they will drop the prices then....
    what happens when that 2 days is up?????

    on the third day, you will get 3 days worth of can skip buying gas tomarrow, but you will eventually need to buy gas

    the only way do make an impact is to permently stop buying gas.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by pumpd4lif View Post
    Ya what sucks even more is there is..was a guy who made a car that ran great ,figured out a perfect system to run a powerful motor on hygrogen and the government told him they want to follow his progress he drove the car some crazy amount of miles on 22 gallons of water ,yes water and the by product of hydrogen is yes u guessed it water,well anyway when he was finalizing the plans for his motor he was in a resterant that he visited alot and in the middle of his meal stands up and starts screamin I HAVE BEEN POISON! And died shortly there after..So he suffered a simliliar fate that the guy that invented the batteries for the electric car ...What a wonderful world we live in.....
    is their anyways to prove this with documentation? I am not saying I dont believe you......Just saying what could happen if their was

  14. #14
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    They still use oil to make plastics, fertilizers, etc. so they laugh their asses off at us We just need a real man to step up as president and cut this shlt out, but that hasn't been done in over 200 years

  15. #15
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    ya gas went from 3.30 to 3.45 over night down where Im from

    Look guys, their is something going on here.......their is a member on here, who is educated on the matter, his profession is involved with oil.....a suit job if you willl.....he will swear up and down that the prices are justified....

    Now I am not educated like this guy.....but this is what I know

    1. their is more demand for gas in the summer than in the winter......every year, the price goes down in the winter
    2. this year, the price of gas did not go down as the weather go colder.....the price of gas in january, was the same price as in july down where I'm from.....

    Now, tihs is indicitive of foul play....They know what they can get away with....they know what they can get away with, and they will keep pushing........
    Last edited by IronReload04; 03-12-2008 at 01:25 PM.

  16. #16
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    Oil companies are suck greedy pricks that even if there was a national boycott then they would lower the price to lure in all the spineless pricks.

  17. #17
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    Yeah I never remember seeing gas change daily like it does now

  18. #18
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    also, the point i tried making before is, this is the first year ever, since I have had my liscence, that gas did not go down in winter......something is awfully fuzzy about that

  19. #19
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    damn arabs they're killing us. gas prices suck !!! you'd think after helping kuwait and iraq that we'd be getting that s h i t cheap. guess not !!

  20. #20
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    I am in the minority on this one but I am happy to see gas prices rising and I hope they continue to rise. We need to end our dependance on oil and start taking better care of the environment. Seems like all the biatching in the world has done nothing in those areas so maybe a hit at the gas pump may help. I also drive only a motorcycle so when gas doubles, I spend an extra $10-20/month. I can handle that.

  21. #21
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    Come to the UK then

    Us The Government

    We pay £4.94 a Gallon so lets say £5, so thats equal to $10 US a gallon..

    We also have toll roads like you guys but then have 4x4 tax and tax to drive in london and then permit tax to park outside your own house..

    You guys got it easy...

  22. #22
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    If you dont like the price of gas, try living in a lot of other countries where its about twice as much as we pay in the states, its about $8/gallon in UK..not to mention in other countries most people dont drive around in big gas guzzling cars that get 6 miles to the a more fuel efficient car..we as americans think we should have our cake and eat it too..gas prices arent gonna go down..get used to it..

  23. #23
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    Gas prices are fuc..ken ridiculous now.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by firmechicano831 View Post
    Gas prices are fuc..ken ridiculous now.
    At least you have nice weather

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay D View Post
    Come to the UK then

    Us The Government

    We pay £4.94 a Gallon so lets say £5, so thats equal to $10 US a gallon..

    We also have toll roads like you guys but then have 4x4 tax and tax to drive in london and then permit tax to park outside your own house..

    You guys got it easy...
    Americans on average drive a lot more so nobody has it "easy".

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06 View Post
    I also drive only a motorcycle so when gas doubles, I spend an extra $10-20/month. I can handle that.
    Rising oil costs are reflected in the cost of everything you buy not just transportation costs.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by StoneGRMI View Post
    Americans on average drive a lot more so nobody has it "easy".
    Okay, not easy but easier then..

    I spend alot of time in Orlando FL, granted i'm spending £ but you guys still get alot more to the $ that we get to the £..

    Off topic but people can't even afford to buy flat/condos let alone houses over here..

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by BITTAPART2 View Post
    George Bush is responsible for this as well as the protection of a boycott for gasoline:
    um, no.

    Tree huggers wont let us build any refineries or drill for oil and we have 25 different blends of Gas in the US. Its plain silly to blame GW for this.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack View Post
    um, no.

    Tree huggers wont let us build any refineries or drill for oil and we have 25 different blends of Gas in the US. Its plain silly to blame GW for this.
    I can

  30. #30
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by green22 View Post
    It sucks, Ive started riding my bicycle alot more.
    i wish i could find a bicycle that could hold me..
    tires always ****in go flat or the seat impales my rump ><

  31. #31
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    Get someone to push you around in a wheelbarrel Tai.

  32. #32
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    lol im not telling :D
    ohh.. fun

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by theWiseOne View Post
    damn arabs they're killing us. gas prices suck !!! you'd think after helping kuwait and iraq that we'd be getting that s h i t cheap. guess not !!
    when Sadam was in power, Iraqis had running water, electricity, food and many other neccesaties they dont have now. More Iraqis have been killed in the past 12 months than EVER speculated by Sadams regime. I dont think he was a good guy, im not saying that, but IMO we have caused a whole lot more damage thsn good thus far for the Iraqi people...

    voice of conservative: everday the iraqi people are happy to see us rolling through their town blah blah blah...why do like 2 out of 100 people always say the Iraqis are happy we invaded their country and turned it into a civil war?

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack View Post
    um, no.

    Tree huggers wont let us build any refineries or drill for oil and we have 25 different blends of Gas in the US. Its plain silly to blame GW for this.
    do you even know what your talking about?
    Like his dad, Junior struck out in Texas and founded an oil company, Arbusto Energy, Inc., with $20,000 of his own money. (Arbusto is the Spanish word for bush.) The company foundered in the early 1980s when oil prices dropped (and his dad was Vice President.)
    The 50 investors, who were "mainly friends of my uncle" in Junior's own words, put in $4.7 million and lost most of it. Junior claims that investors "did pretty good," but Bush family friend Russell Reynolds told the Dallas Morning News: "The bottom line was there were problems, and it didn't work out very well. I think we got maybe 20 cents on the dollar."

    As Arbusto neared collapse, Spectrum 7 Energy Corporation bought it in September 1984. Despite his poor track record, the owners made Bush, Jr. the president and gave him 13.6% of the parent company's stock.

    Spectrum 7 was a small oil firm owned by two staunch Reagan/Bush Sr. supporters -- William DeWitt and Mercer Reynolds. These two were also owners of the Texas Rangers and allowed Bush Jr. to purchase a chunk of the team cheaply; he later sold it for over 24 times what he paid.

    Within two years of purchasing Arbusto and making Bush Jr. president, Spectrum 7 was itself in trouble; it lost $400,000 in its last 6 months of operation. That ended in 1986, when Harken Energy Corporation bought Spectrum 7's 180-well operation.

    Junior got $227,000 worth of Harken stock, and a lot more. He was named to the board of directors, made $80,000 to $100,000 a year well into the 1990s as a "consultant" to Harken, and was allowed to buy Harken stock at 40% below face value.

    He also borrowed $180,375 from Harken at very low rates; the company's 1989 and 1990 SEC filings said it "forgave" $341,000 in loans to unspecified executives.

    So what did Junior do for all this money? It's hard to say exactly, but things happened for Harken after Junior came on board:
    it got a $25 million stock offering from an unusual bank with CIA ties,
    it won a surprise exclusive drilling contract with Bahrain, a small Mideast country, and
    an Arab member of its Board of Directors was invited to White House policy meetings with President George Bush and National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536 View Post
    You got a link to an article on that?

    Gas prices suck, so I bought a motorcycle.
    Of course he doesn't have a link, it's a make believe story. It's amazing what some of these people believe.

    Anyway, what kind of bike did you get?

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04 View Post
    is their anyways to prove this with documentation? I am not saying I dont believe you......Just saying what could happen if their was

    there u go boys

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    There is so much info on that site about the electric car that was hushed and banished ...They dont want to help the world it is all about money and powwer...So sad so very sad!!!@#%#@%

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06 View Post
    Of course he doesn't have a link, it's a make believe story. It's amazing what some of these people believe.

    Anyway, what kind of bike did you get?
    Uhh the link is rite above thanks for ur negativity..U might learn something if u open ur mind
    Rest assured frost i dont deal in make believe do urself a favor friend...u should do some research of ur own before u discount FACTS!
    Last edited by pumpd4lif; 03-12-2008 at 06:13 PM.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack View Post
    um, no.

    Tree huggers wont let us build any refineries or drill for oil and we have 25 different blends of Gas in the US. Its plain silly to blame GW for this.
    Bush is a little puppet thats all,he does what he is told!why do u think when the 9-11 stuff hit off his vice president was always with him?(in a time of national crisis it is common practice to have both vice president and president in 2 different locations ,why not then wasnt that a time of national crisis?)So if he gets choked up he can bail him out.People are so uneducated on what is really going on in the world thats why we let these things just roll off our backs.

  40. #40
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    You guys should rent who killed the electric car and see the steps gm took to get rid of them even though they worked perfectly and people wanted to buy them and they threatened them with legal action just for wanting to buy them, wtf? Fuk gm, pieces of shlt anyways

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