This is from Anthony Roberts blog ... I thought it was interesting ...
March 15, 2008
I run Someone has to do some more research…
Filed under: Other — admin @ 5:21 am
Here is an article where the author tries to say that steroids have serious side effects, and that the internet is wrong when it tells kids otherwise…at which point he cites and makes the claim that I run the site! Maybe if this dipshit did a little research, he’s have a ****ing clue. Here’s his article and a link to it (you’ll have to c/p that):
While this athlete thought that the risks outweigh the benefits, there are sources on the Internet that tell young athletes otherwise.
Anthony Roberts runs the Web site that tries to dispel the so-called myths of steroid abuse. Roberts said that side effects such as acne problems, loss of hair, stunted growth, anger problems, etc. are actually rare amongst steroid users.
“[Steroid] horror stories are few and far between, and after consulting with literally hundreds of athletes and bodybuilders, I’ve almost never heard of anything even remotely resembling the popular ‘horror stories’ we see in the media almost daily.”