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  1. #1
    realmafia's Avatar
    realmafia is offline Junior Member
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    Question Gun Act being passed?

    Does anyone know the progress on this act being passed? I found this, check it out, some of this shit is wack!!!

    How Bad is the Anti-gun Juvenile Crime Bill?

    1. Banning the private sale of firearms. The Senate juvenile bill (S. 254) bans the private sales of firearms at gun shows unless the gun buyer submits to a government registration background check. According to government studies from 1989 onwards, any background check system can lead to registration, despite legal prohibitions. The FBI has already saved the names of three million gun owners through the instant background check that went online late last year. Of course, the danger is that gun owner registration has historically led to the confiscation of firearms -- including recent examples in New York City and California.

    2. Full-scale gun owner registration -- including a new requirement that could give the government the serial numbers of firearms that you have recently purchased. If you want to buy a firearm at a gun show, S. 254 requires that within 10 days, the gun dealer must report your purchase to the FBI. This information could very well include the serial number of the firearm you just purchased-all of which would be over and above the data given to the FBI during the instant background check. As mentioned above, this provision can very easily lead to gun owner registration and gun confiscation.

    3. Death blow to gun shows? The Senate bill allows gun show promoters to be imprisoned for two years for failure to notify EVERY attendee of his legal requirements. With this "sword of Damocles" hanging over gun show promoters' heads, don't be surprised when gun shows go the way of the horse and buggy.

    4. Unlimited new taxes on the next purchase of a firearm. S. 254 will allow federal bureaucrats to slap an indirect tax on firearms buyers at gun shows by letting them impose higher fees on gun show promoters -- fees which, of course, get passed on to the firearm purchaser. Right now, private gun sales at gun shows are not regulated or taxed. This would change with the passage of the juvenile bill.

    5. Punishing parents for letting their kids touch a gun under most circumstances? Under the provisions of S. 254 if you, as a parent, take your kid target shooting, you can't even walk to the car to grab a lunch, without giving your teenage son or daughter a permission slip to handle the firearm. Otherwise, you would spend a mandatory year in prison!

    6. Limiting self-defense with lock-up your safety requirements. The juvenile injustice bill forces gun sellers to include trigger locks with every handgun sold. Like seat belts, this requirement will be the first step towards mandating that every gun owner lock-up their gun. But locking up your safety means that a gun will not be immediately usable in an emergency and will actually cost lives. Need proof? The Wall Street Journal (4/23/99) noted how when Beretta tested a "Saf T Lok," it caused 18 of 27 rounds to "totally malfunction." And when Handgun Control's chief attorney attempted to demonstrate the same trigger lock at an HCI-sponsored event, he found, to his embarrassment, that he was unable to disengage the lock.

    7. Banning self-defense ammunition magazines. The Senate bill bans the importation of any magazine that holds over 10 rounds. This is a direct attack upon the ability of law-abiding gun owners to defend themselves. Consider that in 1992, the National Guard and the police refused to engage hoodlums during the Los Angeles riots. But Korean merchants successfully used their firearms, with high capacity magazine clips, to fend off the rioters. It was their stores that were still standing after the riots.

    8. Opening the door to BATF harassment of gun owners. S. 254 would commit $40 million to increasing the presence of the BATF-not to investigate murders, violent felonies, or crimes of violence-but to pursue firearms "offenses" (such as record keeping and other innocuous errors by otherwise law-abiding Americans).

    The anti-gun juvenile crime legislation is currently deadlocked in a House-Senate conference committee.
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  2. #2
    sooners04's Avatar
    sooners04 is offline Senior Member
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    Shitbags will ALWAYS get guns no matter what laws are put in place. We are just keeping good people from being armed against the shitheads.

  3. #3
    zipster_dude's Avatar
    zipster_dude is offline Associate Member
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    Land of the ??????

  4. #4
    malidfa's Avatar
    malidfa is offline Member
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    if i were you guys i woulndt even complain try living in australia and see how hard it is to get guns

    all our guns have to be registerd with the police all serial numbers taken down. i mean we even get storage inspections by the local firearms officer and thats for longarms. forget about the laws on handguns

  5. #5
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by malidfa View Post
    if i were you guys i woulndt even complain try living in australia and see how hard it is to get guns

    all our guns have to be registerd with the police all serial numbers taken down. i mean we even get storage inspections by the local firearms officer and thats for longarms. forget about the laws on handguns
    Is there a large black market for guns in Australia?

  6. #6
    malidfa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blome View Post
    Is there a large black market for guns in Australia?
    sort of there are illegal guns on the street for sure. its not that easy to get them. people say i can get u this and that but most of the time there talking out if there ass

  7. #7
    ecivon is offline Member
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    The NRA is an immensely powerful lobby and legislation of any type that comes up regarding firearms they will relentlessly attack. Nothing gets past them and I imagine they'll be on top of this one.

  8. #8
    goodcents's Avatar
    goodcents is offline "body piercing & body jewelry expert"
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    God bless the nra, it's great to have a powerful sneeky group on our side I hope they pull every trick they can so I can keep my guns

  9. #9
    ohiomirage is offline New Member
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    Question is who is behind this act? Being an election year and all, voters should take heed. Sounds like B/S, being were right on the door steps of a Recession or even a Depression. Crime will be rampant and we should all have the means to protect whats ours. I agree with SOONERS, shitbags will have nothing to fear if their the only ones armed.
    Last edited by ohiomirage; 03-20-2008 at 10:13 AM.

  10. #10
    STEROIDMD's Avatar
    STEROIDMD is offline Associate Member
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    This is not what our fore fathers intended when they wrote the 2nd amendment. And do you think it was just coincidense that they made it the 2nd amendment and not the 3rd or 4th, or 18th for that matter. No it is 2nd only to freedom of speech because that's how important they felt it was! Liberals r destroying the traditional American way of life with every new law they pass.

  11. #11
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents View Post
    God bless the nra, it's great to have a powerful sneeky group on our side I hope they pull every trick they can so I can keep my guns
    They're not the sneeky ones.

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