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Thread: roids + virginity

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by sitries View Post
    not being funny mate but you should just get a hooker. take a holiday out to thailand or something and fill your boots for a few weeks and ul be a changed man. plus when you get back you wont have the virginity thing hanging over your head!!! youl feel more confident and from then on ul have no trouble with getting laid. good luck
    i agree bro. if you have been trying to get laid as long as you said then why not? i have a friend that runs a call girl service. if you dont want to thats fine because i personally would never pay for sex but thousands if not millions of people do it every year.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by sitries View Post
    not being funny mate but you should just get a hooker. take a holiday out to thailand or something and fill your boots for a few weeks and ul be a changed man. plus when you get back you wont have the virginity thing hanging over your head!!! youl feel more confident and from then on ul have no trouble with getting laid. good luck
    Yeah, and right after he'll feel great telling himself that "the only girl that ever slept with me did so because I paid her too". That's a great boost of confidence and self-esteem!

  3. #43
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    Mar 2007
    I get so sad when I'm coming off cycle, but when its time to start again I'm happier then shit yet again, lol

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLee View Post
    This is the worst post of the thread. Getting a fvkin hooker will make him even more depressed. nothing more.
    We're talking about the first time!!! With a hooker!! nope no way
    i hate to disagree with you here CL. but if he was 17 or 18 i'd say no to a hooker, but at 25 i got just 2 words for

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saunacrank View Post
    I get so sad when I'm coming off cycle, but when its time to start again I'm happier then shit yet again, lol
    see i never get like that. i have never felt the slightest bit of depression whatsoever after a cycle. i may be a little more tired but other then that i have never felt any different

  6. #46
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    Jun 2007
    I say no to the hooker idea, and yes to fat chicks. At 6'3'' 190, the heavies would be all over you, even if you have an ugly face. Go out with some of your friends, look around the room and say to yourself "I think that one is just a little to big for my taste." Take it home and unwrap it after a few drinks.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nstart View Post
    Yeah, and right after he'll feel great telling himself that "the only girl that ever slept with me did so because I paid her too". That's a great boost of confidence and self-esteem!
    is it a bigger boost than telling yourself your a virgin at 30? which is the bigger kick in the nuts? at 25 you are an adult. go get laid. when it all boils down to it i have taken chicks on dates bought a nice dinner some wine blah blah blah and not get anything and spend 300 bucks. go spend a few bucks and get laid.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    I say no to the hooker idea, and yes to fat chicks. At 6'3'' 190, the heavies would be all over you, even if you have an ugly face. Go out with some of your friends, look around the room and say to yourself "I think that one is just a little to big for my taste." Take it home and unwrap it after a few drinks.
    kratos is a chubby chaser.............

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75 View Post
    i agree bro. if you have been trying to get laid as long as you said then why not? i have a friend that runs a call girl service. if you dont want to thats fine because i personally would never pay for sex but thousands if not millions of people do it every year.
    All men pay for sex in one way or least with a hooker they do whatever you want and leave when its over..normal women they like you to buy them shit, take them to dinner, listen to their feelings and crap like that..then when you wanna have sex, they tell ya their not in the mood..

  10. #50
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    i agree. if you go to the bar and spend $50 on drinks for a girl you just met then take her home and bang her that sex just costed you $50. if the kid is still a virgin then better get a hooker so he can practice and he wont feel as pressured when he finally does get laid on his own

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814 View Post
    All men pay for sex in one way or least with a hooker they do whatever you want and leave when its over..normal women they like you to buy them shit, take them to dinner, listen to their feelings and crap like that..then when you wanna have sex, they tell ya their not in the mood..
    hahaha so true !
    It should be the other way around tho !

  12. #52
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    a friend of mine hadn't gotten laid in a long time and had started to get kind a complex about sex, he did get a hooker and it did get him calmed down about the whole complex, but it also triggered a whole other set of fears/ocd about getting a disease. I don't see anything morally wrong with getting a hooker saying that and doing it are two totally different things.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by zartan View Post
    a friend of mine hadn't gotten laid in a long time and had started to get kind a complex about sex, he did get a hooker and it did get him calmed down about the whole complex, but it also triggered a whole other set of fears/ocd about getting a disease. I don't see anything morally wrong with getting a hooker saying that and doing it are two totally different things.

    yes but who is to say some girl who has only been with 2 or 3 guys is disease free? can happen anytime to anyone. obviously the odds are better of the hooker but you really never know.

  14. #54
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    steroids arent the answer for this .. and who ever said viagra and cialis - i dont think the issue is not being able to get an erection ... he is looking for more of a confidence boost - good luck bro -
    Have you ever had a girlfriend at all ?

  15. #55
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    Lower your standards!!!!

    Every now and then you need to hit a chubby or ugly. Ive only hit the chubby but she was at least cute.

    25 and still a virgin tho, your thinking too much into it. Be more smooth around women, dont be so uptight talk to them. Go to the bar/club and get a few drinks to loosen up a bit. Learn to dance to hiphop, regation, latin hiphop, even learn to salsa and stuff like that. Trust me, knowing how to dance gets you far in the club scene. And again, lower your standards!

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  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by lex57 View Post

    kratos is a chubby chaser.............
    Hey man deperate times call for desperate measures. Like lego said "lower your standards." You try going for Jessica Alba and you are gonna have that V card forever. I'd rather go fat than ugly, but to each their own. And I'm not a chubby chaser, but sometimes they chase me and I let them win.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by STEROIDMD View Post
    I recommend going to craigslist. erotic services section. Find something u like and get it out of the way that way. Once you've gotten the 1st time out of that way it will be a lot pressure ya know. Good luck bro.


  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    Hey man deperate times call for desperate measures. Like lego said "lower your standards." You try going for Jessica Alba and you are gonna have that V card forever. I'd rather go fat than ugly, but to each their own. And I'm not a chubby chaser, but sometimes they chase me and I let them win.

    equal opportunity huh?

  19. #59
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    Feb 2008
    dont spend your money on gear. you should save it and go on a hoilday to russia or somewhere like that they love westerners and when you get back hit the gym and the protein shakes.

    ps take plenty of condoms with you
    Last edited by Charger527; 03-19-2008 at 09:27 PM.

  20. #60
    Join Date
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    Jabbin a needle in my ass
    Interesting thread... my two cents, since it worked for me! I was married young, at 21, and then divorced 2 years later. Went into slight depression, sat at home alone, drank, no working out, no ladies. A few months later, I kicked myself in the ass and got into the gym. Dedicated myself to work, then working out and proper diet. Went from 189 lbs at 6' tall, and probably 25% bf down to about 160 lbs and probably 8% bf - pretty shredded. However, on top of that, I made it a point to befriend the most dedicated, huge, loud and confident guys in the gym. They took me in and I became more and more like them. Never even thought about touching roids back then. After a few month s and few parties, I went from zero to more ladies than I could handle. I went from post-divorce virgin to havin a ladies man rep. Was the best turn around of my life.... its about 8 years later, and I'm still debating taking roids. Good luck bro! Hit the gym, make some friends, get in the circle.... it will all come around!

  21. #61
    Thanks all got my answer. Rest of this post is just replies, no relevance to steroids:

    Quote Originally Posted by jeffefrijoles View Post
    Interesting thread... my two cents, since it worked for me! I was married young, at 21, and then divorced 2 years later. Went into slight depression, sat at home alone, drank, no working out, no ladies. A few months later, I kicked myself in the ass and got into the gym. Dedicated myself to work, then working out and proper diet. Went from 189 lbs at 6' tall, and probably 25% bf down to about 160 lbs and probably 8% bf - pretty shredded. However, on top of that, I made it a point to befriend the most dedicated, huge, loud and confident guys in the gym. They took me in and I became more and more like them. Never even thought about touching roids back then. After a few month s and few parties, I went from zero to more ladies than I could handle. I went from post-divorce virgin to havin a ladies man rep. Was the best turn around of my life.... its about 8 years later, and I'm still debating taking roids. Good luck bro! Hit the gym, make some friends, get in the circle.... it will all come around!
    Heh I like this approach Think a big contributing factor is I have no social circle.

    Quote Originally Posted by plzr8 View Post you feel as if at this point it doesn't happen because you are nervous as to how you will perform or what she will think?

    because its hard to believe that if you want it so bad, you cant get it. women are everywhere, and some hornier than a guy on 500mg of test!
    As another siad, I'm not worried about sexual performance. I never get close enough for that. Havent had girlfriend/date/anything. And I find it hard to believe women are everywhere, or horny. Everywhere I go men outnumber women and the few women are always with guys already. Internet,gym,nighclub its all the same.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    when life's got you down party with a Moo...O-mega Mu.
    I dont think my standards are high, but Im not interested in the fat redheads. How would having sex with an unatractive girl be better than masturbation? I dont just want to plug some hole... I need the attraction.

    Havent had any luck on internet dating. Probably I'm not as good looking as I thought

    Thinking about saving up for those ridiculously expensive european escorts. If its going to be the only time in my life, I might as well splash out.

  22. #62
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    belive me bro they are just as horny as we are. before i met my fiance i used to get laid alot and most of the time it was the girl initiating it. i had some stripper i was friends with call me up one afternoon because she was messing around with her friend and they needed a guy so i had to man up and do what god put me on this earth to do. someday you will realize that women are the same as men sexually and want it all the time. actually sometimes i even fake a headache because im not in the mood as often as my girl is. my honest to god suggestion is fly to vegas and spend an hour at the bunny ranch. you get to pick your girl you want and do whatever you want with them. my only request is dont be one of those freaks that just want to stand there and jerk off whil watching her playing with herself because im sure your experianced enough in that field

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by lex57 View Post
    i hate to disagree with you here CL. but if he was 17 or 18 i'd say no to a hooker, but at 25 i got just 2 words for
    You all disagree with probs. Different POVs. Maybe cause I had bad experiences my own.

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75 View Post
    belive me bro they are just as horny as we are. before i met my fiance i used to get laid alot and most of the time it was the girl initiating it. i had some stripper i was friends with call me up one afternoon because she was messing around with her friend and they needed a guy so i had to man up and do what god put me on this earth to do. someday you will realize that women are the same as men sexually and want it all the time. actually sometimes i even fake a headache because im not in the mood as often as my girl is. my honest to god suggestion is fly to vegas and spend an hour at the bunny ranch. you get to pick your girl you want and do whatever you want with them. my only request is dont be one of those freaks that just want to stand there and jerk off whil watching her playing with herself because im sure your experianced enough in that field
    Bro. I completely agree. I think women are even hornier than us, but they have to maintain their immaculate aspect to not look like whores...


  25. #65
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    exactly. if you slept with 30 women then when your younger you brag about it but if your girlfriend tells you that she slept with 10 then you call her a slut.

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75 View Post
    exactly. if you slept with 30 women then when your younger you brag about it but if your girlfriend tells you that she slept with 10 then you call her a slut.
    Good point. I wish I slept with 30 women btw

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLee View Post
    Good point. I wish I slept with 30 women btw

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mackerol View Post
    As another siad, I'm not worried about sexual performance. I never get close enough for that. Havent had girlfriend/date/anything. And I find it hard to believe women are everywhere, or horny. Everywhere I go men outnumber women and the few women are always with guys already. Internet,gym,nighclub its all the same.
    Im not sure where you live, if you live in a small town that may be the case, but if you in any large metropolitan area, beautiful women are all over the place. Yeah in most nightclubs guys outnumber women, but most of them are douchebags..I used to have a hard time talking to women, now its second just have to gain some confidence and overcome your fear of rejection..hell everybody gets rejected..they actually make for funny stories with my buddies now

  29. #69
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    This sounds more like an emotional problem than physical. Stop putting yourself so down. You first need to believe it yourself that you are attractive and that women would want to be with you before anyone else will.

    You will have to get over your fear of approaching women otherwise not even a great body will get you in. Start by talking to at least 3 women every day, it doesn't matter if they're old young, fat, thin, babes or ugly just talk to them, even if it is just a coment about something in their croceries trolley.

    It's all about communication and body language. I've seen a lot of skinny or fat guys with a witty mouth score the babes.

  30. #70
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    Wrong reason to start should first know a lot more about working out, good diet, sleep, and a healthier lifestyle, that would be a first step...then if everything seems to be going well with that yo ucan think about AAS, and not for the reason of getting laid...don't put the p*sy on a pedestal, there is plenty of it around, hang in there

  31. #71
    to quote 40 year old virgin.. You are putting the p u s s y on a pedestal. At this point I don't think it matters how big you are or how confident in yourself you are. I honestly just think you are afraid to have sex. (I'm not trying to bash you or anything) but chances are everyone around you has already had many partners and you don't wanna look like you dont know what you're doing. I bet you have been in a situation where a girl has tried to go home with you, or you've been watching a movie with a girl or whatever and you come up with an excuse to not have sex. Sex is great man but lack of it is no reason to be in depression, I wouldn't recommend a 1 night stand. I'd say become friends with a chick, get drunk with her one night and tell her you are a virgin. She'll prob laugh at you because you are a tall guy with a good build.. Let her know you're serious.. at that point she'll prob do all the work for ya!

  32. #72
    "I like that about you because I know you don't have chlamydia... cause that sh*t is everywhere"

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lexed View Post
    how often did you use it?
    Never, but I know dudes who have. I certainly would not be opposed to using it...just never needed to. Who da man?

  34. #74
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    i was wondering when the 40 year old virgin quotes would start flying!!! lol

  35. #75
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    Look, the FIB and Cheeshead in da house!

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by legobricks View Post
    Look, the FIB and Cheeshead in da house!

    what up lego?

  37. #77
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    Not too much bro, just still trying to figure out why this guy hasnt gotten laid yet. Its been what, a day maybe 2 since he posted here? If I were him I woulda went to the bar, found some half drunk girls and just went to town....I dont htink he would realize how many slutty bar fly's are out there that wouldnt even need to go back to the house as the car would be enough.

  38. #78
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    roids + virginity = masterbation alot of masterbation

  39. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by lex57 View Post
    i hate to disagree with you here CL. but if he was 17 or 18 i'd say no to a hooker, but at 25 i got just 2 words for
    classic! get it done.

  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    roids + virginity = masterbation alot of masterbation
    roids + virginity = finding a REALLY FAT UGLY CHICK AND FALLIN IN LOVE!

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