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Thread: Food at Work

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Food at Work

    Do most BB's buy their food or prepare it at home and then take it to work? Doesn't it get spoiled

    I work a little but also spend a lot of time on my university campus. I live in Houston, TX and it gets hot like a b****. in summer it gets 94 degrees with high humidity. If I take chicken and brown rice and salad prepared in the morning at 5-6am, won't it get spoiled lying in my car. I was thinking maybe I will buy one of those thermus boxes from walmart and fill it with ice and keep the food in it in the trunk of my car. Would my 3rd meal which I will probably take around 3-4pm be safe to eat(chicken,rice and some veggies)?

    I already keep a whey tub in my car and drink it everytime I get a chance.

    Right now I eat subway or some healthy food places I find, but those are expensive. A packets of chicken costs $6 from walmart, 12 servings, 23g protein every serving. i should be eating atleast 8-9, but I don't want to eat spoiled food either. on off days or holidays its no problem. ( I am 21, 5'9, 190lbs, 12-14%BF)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    keep it in a cooler. i have a fridge in my break room at my office and i just put my food in there every morning. infact im eating right now as im typing

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ggoyal View Post
    Do most BB's buy their food or prepare it at home and then take it to work? Doesn't it get spoiled

    I work a little but also spend a lot of time on my university campus. I live in Houston, TX and it gets hot like a b****. in summer it gets 94 degrees with high humidity. If I take chicken and brown rice and salad prepared in the morning at 5-6am, won't it get spoiled lying in my car. I was thinking maybe I will buy one of those thermus boxes from walmart and fill it with ice and keep the food in it in the trunk of my car. Would my 3rd meal which I will probably take around 3-4pm be safe to eat(chicken,rice and some veggies)?

    I already keep a whey tub in my car and drink it everytime I get a chance.

    Right now I eat subway or some healthy food places I find, but those are expensive. A packets of chicken costs $6 from walmart, 12 servings, 23g protein every serving. i should be eating atleast 8-9, but I don't want to eat spoiled food either. on off days or holidays its no problem. ( I am 21, 5'9, 190lbs, 12-14%BF)
    Wrong forum.

    I always cook about 10 chicken breasts or so one evening and stuff them all in a tupperware container and stuff it in the refrigerator. Wake up in the morning, take it to work and immediately place in refigerator again. Eat throughout the day as necessary and no spoilage. For veggies, well I only eat those at home but occasionally get canned low sodium veggies for 99c per.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    10 chicken breasts?? that would last me a week. i know alot of people eat alot of chicken but i could never eat that much. i eat a ton of different types of fish though. i ate a pound and a half of salmon for lunch yesterday and im eating tuna steaks today

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    On, CANADA
    Quote Originally Posted by VTliftVT View Post
    Wrong forum.

    I always cook about 10 chicken breasts or so one evening and stuff them all in a tupperware container and stuff it in the refrigerator. Wake up in the morning, take it to work and immediately place in refigerator again. Eat throughout the day as necessary and no spoilage. For veggies, well I only eat those at home but occasionally get canned low sodium veggies for 99c per.
    im the same way i cook the whole bag of chicken which contain around 15 pieces at once with a bag of small baked potatoes or rice and store it all in the fridge.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    But guys, I am only at work in the morning from 6-10am which doesnt even have a fridge.

    Like I said, Im on my university campus most of the day. I wouldnt have a fridge to keep it in. Would it be ok to keep it in a cooler filled with ice? I will keep in the trunk of my car.(remember we are in houston,95F in summer)

    Sorry for posting it in the wrong place.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    keep it in a cooler with ice or get a cooler that can plug into your car and keep anything hot or cold. they work great

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    La Califonia
    u guyz are lucky my parnts load the fridge with nothing but ****ing junk food and it sucks

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    trust me you'll be wishing you had that fridge someday. when i was at college i used to open up my fridge looking for something to eat and wouldnt see anything but a beer and a half rotten apple and i used to pray i could be back at my parents house

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    lounge lounge lounge lounge.............................

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  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Orange county, CA
    haha on the way to work i have a protein shake with oatmeal in it and frozen strawberries, just right now i had 1 egg+7 whites scrambled and some yogurt, later i'll be eating brown rice and chicken breast and somewhere in between i'll have some pistachios and an apple or something... prepare your food the night before if you can, put it all in a bag and stuff it in your workplaces fridge, if you don't have a fridge at work just get a new job.... if that isn't an option get a cooler... :]

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    In the gym
    Eat breakfast (whole food) at home, then slam a shake at work, then lunch (whole food) at work, another shake at work, and then home for dinner and night time meal/snack.

    6 meals TA-DA!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    im taking getting one of those energy drink mini fredges and putting on top of my filling cabnet in my office, tired of low lifes steeling my food at work, or throwing away perfectley good food... punks

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Alright, I'm food safe certified, and will tell you this. It's a simple matter of keeping the food out of the 40-140 degree temperature range. This temperature range is known as the "danger zone". While food is stored in this range, bacteria spreads at it's quickest pace. If kept out of that zone, either hotter or colder (colder in your case), the product will remain safe for consumption. It doesn't matter how you do it, but if your food is kept cold for the duration you're at work, it will be fine.

    Another quick note is that if food is left in the danger zone for longer than two hours, bacteria has grown and can be a potential risk. Technically speaking, even though I wouldn't recommend it, as long as you can keep it out of the 40-140 range from 6am until 8am you'd be fine to eat it at 10am.

    Good luck.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Venice CA
    You can a few cans of tuna with you and a few slices of WW bread. Keep can opener in car. Instant sandwich. No refrigeration required.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    just go to McDonald's.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Get a cooler and you will be fine. I leave food in my work truck all day and it stays cold.

    Also you might want to try not cooking all your food on monday for the entire week. I noticed that the chicken drys out really bad in a few days and by the end of thw week the food taste like $hit. I cool half the chicken monday then the rest wed night which works out well.

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