Originally Posted by
I was not "spouting lies." I was stating my OPINION regarding certain policies. If you happen to think they are incorrect, thats fine you are entitled to disagree with me. However, its quite hard to regard someones opinion on a matter as a lie. If you could also point to any specific instances in my post which you regard as "lies" I'd be more than happy to acknowledge them if they exist, but they dont so have fun trying. The reason I switched to pointing out specific facts, is obviously because our opinions on issues differ so greatly, I thought it might be more effective to present the facts to you and then let you draw your own conclusions. Regardless, you have been nothing but disrespectful, rude, and childish the entire time we were attempting to have a debate. I feel passionately about the loss of my civil liberties, and maybe that offends you, or you claim that we're talking about the boogeyman and the evil government and that I'm making it all up in my head. The facts dont lie, our civil liberties have been erroded, and I would not expect you to care much less acknowledge that, because you dont live here. We seem to agree in regards to the foreign policy of the United States, and that the administration generally makes the country look like an ass to the rest of the world.
In addition, I also disagree with you blaming the American people for "electing idiots" as you put it. George Bush in 2000 ran on a non-interventionist foreign policy and advocated small limited government. Typical of politicians, they promise and say one thing, and then do another once they get into office. This is what happend in the case of the 2000 election with George Bush. As far as 2004, John Kerry actually won the popular vote, so for all intents and purposes, the American people elected John Kerry, and the Supreme Court elected George Bush. You might want to have your history and your facts straight before you decide to talk out of your ass on topics which you have no knowledge.
This is my last response to this thread...I am going to bite my tongue and bow out of this one before you or I gets banned. You have pressed my patience, tolerance, and kindness to the limit.