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Thread: To Anyone considering voting for OBAMA

  1. #161
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Melbourne, Australia.
    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post least when Logan13 and I would have debates he behaved like a respectful adult, and not a 9 year old at recess pointing his finger and shouting insults. Oh well, enough of this nonsense, I'm gonna get carpel tunnel if I have to type anymore long winded reply's. I'm going to go make travel arrangements to move to Australia, I want to live some place with a much higher standard of living and a far superior political system than the US. Later!
    now that you mention it, actually you're right! we do have a higher standard of living. less poverty, lower unemployment, higher home ownership, higher wages, better public healthcare, standardized education, less murders and gun violence and we haven't started a war with another country ever! come on down, but you might wanna check that big mouth of yours before you get here, you might not last too long ranting and raving like you do.

  2. #162
    Join Date
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    My Guy's poophole
    Are the laws so hard in your country j?

  3. #163
    Join Date
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    Souf Afrika
    Quote Originally Posted by jbonez19 View Post
    now that you mention it, actually you're right! we do have a higher standard of living. less poverty, lower unemployment, higher home ownership, higher wages, better public healthcare, standardized education, less murders and gun violence and we haven't started a war with another country ever! come on down, but you might wanna check that big mouth of yours before you get here, you might not last too long ranting and raving like you do.
    The Average Income class is huge in your country. There aint many VERY rich/poor people there. BUT Everyone and i mean everyone sticks to the Rules and obey the laws. Its a great Country OZ is

  4. #164
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Australia.
    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLee View Post
    Are the laws so hard in your country j?
    well we don't send people to gitmo that's for sure. so godfather would be safe here.
    Last edited by jbonez19; 03-26-2008 at 01:58 AM.

  5. #165
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Australia.
    Quote Originally Posted by *El Diablo* View Post
    The Average Income class is huge in your country. There aint many VERY rich/poor people there. BUT Everyone and i mean everyone sticks to the Rules and obey the laws. Its a great Country OZ is
    thank-you El from defending us from that mean godfather. trying to pick on our happy little country.

  6. #166
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E View Post
    If Obama is a Nazi I don't know what the hell to call McCain.
    i dont think a name for mcain has been invented yet.And if there was one i dont think it would even be leagle to say.He has to be the biggest pos running for office IMO<-----

  7. #167
    Join Date
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    Middle East
    I was not "spouting lies." I was stating my OPINION regarding certain policies. If you happen to think they are incorrect, thats fine you are entitled to disagree with me. However, its quite hard to regard someones opinion on a matter as a lie. If you could also point to any specific instances in my post which you regard as "lies" I'd be more than happy to acknowledge them if they exist, but they dont so have fun trying. The reason I switched to pointing out specific facts, is obviously because our opinions on issues differ so greatly, I thought it might be more effective to present the facts to you and then let you draw your own conclusions. Regardless, you have been nothing but disrespectful, rude, and childish the entire time we were attempting to have a debate. I feel passionately about the loss of my civil liberties, and maybe that offends you, or you claim that we're talking about the boogeyman and the evil government and that I'm making it all up in my head. The facts dont lie, our civil liberties have been erroded, and I would not expect you to care much less acknowledge that, because you dont live here. We seem to agree in regards to the foreign policy of the United States, and that the administration generally makes the country look like an ass to the rest of the world.

    In addition, I also disagree with you blaming the American people for "electing idiots" as you put it. George Bush in 2000 ran on a non-interventionist foreign policy and advocated small limited government. Typical of politicians, they promise and say one thing, and then do another once they get into office. This is what happend in the case of the 2000 election with George Bush. As far as 2004, John Kerry actually won the popular vote, so for all intents and purposes, the American people elected John Kerry, and the Supreme Court elected George Bush. You might want to have your history and your facts straight before you decide to talk out of your ass on topics which you have no knowledge.

    This is my last response to this thread...I am going to bite my tongue and bow out of this one before you or I gets banned. You have pressed my patience, tolerance, and kindness to the limit.

  8. #168
    Join Date
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    Training Hardcore Style
    Hey my rights to post have been violated (deleted)... what makes this thread so sacred??? it is not any different then any other "lounge thread" that gets hijacked... before the hijack I made a few comments related to the subject and Godfather was only interested in responding to jbonez' comments.. why would a hijack get deleted??? this thread is not any different than the rest of them...

  9. #169
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockinred View Post
    Hey my rights to post have been violated (deleted)... what makes this thread so sacred??? it is not any different then any other "lounge thread" that gets hijacked... before the hijack I made a few comments related to the subject and Godfather was only interested in responding to jbonez' comments.. why would a hijack get deleted??? this thread is not any different than the rest of them...
    The answer is simple...You need to start a lobby group... EQUAL THREAD RIGHTS FOR ALL! lol

  10. #170
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Melbourne, Australia.
    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    I was not "spouting lies." I was stating my OPINION regarding certain policies. If you happen to think they are incorrect, thats fine you are entitled to disagree with me. However, its quite hard to regard someones opinion on a matter as a lie. If you could also point to any specific instances in my post which you regard as "lies" I'd be more than happy to acknowledge them if they exist, but they dont so have fun trying. The reason I switched to pointing out specific facts, is obviously because our opinions on issues differ so greatly, I thought it might be more effective to present the facts to you and then let you draw your own conclusions. Regardless, you have been nothing but disrespectful, rude, and childish the entire time we were attempting to have a debate. I feel passionately about the loss of my civil liberties, and maybe that offends you, or you claim that we're talking about the boogeyman and the evil government and that I'm making it all up in my head. The facts dont lie, our civil liberties have been erroded, and I would not expect you to care much less acknowledge that, because you dont live here. We seem to agree in regards to the foreign policy of the United States, and that the administration generally makes the country look like an ass to the rest of the world.

    In addition, I also disagree with you blaming the American people for "electing idiots" as you put it. George Bush in 2000 ran on a non-interventionist foreign policy and advocated small limited government. Typical of politicians, they promise and say one thing, and then do another once they get into office. This is what happend in the case of the 2000 election with George Bush. As far as 2004, John Kerry actually won the popular vote, so for all intents and purposes, the American people elected John Kerry, and the Supreme Court elected George Bush. You might want to have your history and your facts straight before you decide to talk out of your ass on topics which you have no knowledge.

    This is my last response to this thread...I am going to bite my tongue and bow out of this one before you or I gets banned. You have pressed my patience, tolerance, and kindness to the limit.

  11. #171
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Australia.
    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    These are the type of people that are in bed with Barack Obama, and the type of people that he has had 20 year relationships with.
    this is as a ridiculous statement/argument as i have ever seen, you are one of the biggest fools that i have ever seen, and as it turns out one of the biggest crybaby's that i have ever seen. just because some goose down at the black panthers says that he "endorses" obama, does not mean that they are or ever have been political running mates. seems to me he is in bed with no-one other than his wife, and how the fvck would you know what obama has been up to in the last 20 years. all you think you know is what some muckraker with similar moral fibre to you is "trying" to pedal as the truth. you are an irresponsible and dangerous zealot, and you should be banned from starting any other political threads imo. the whole premise of this thread was some of the most inflammatory bullshit lies that i have ever seen. you should be ashamed of your self. this thread has ended up as it should have, in the toilet. i apologise to admin for flaming u, but i do not apologise to you. you and your lies have gotten exactly what they deserved. why don't you do us all a favour and let this thread die, if you would like to start another one that does not kick off with lies and hate speech, i will keep my nose out, i promise.

  12. #172
    Quote Originally Posted by jbonez19 View Post
    this is as a ridiculous statement/argument as i have ever seen, you are one of the biggest fools that i have ever seen, and as it turns out one of the biggest crybaby's that i have ever seen. just because some goose down at the black panthers says that he "endorses" obama, does not mean that they are or ever have been political running mates. seems to me he is in bed with no-one other than his wife, and how the fvck would you know what obama has been up to in the last 20 years. all you think you know is what some muckraker with similar moral fibre to you is "trying" to pedal as the truth. you are an irresponsible and dangerous zealot, and you should be banned from starting any other political threads imo. the whole premise of this thread was some of the most inflammatory bullshit lies that i have ever seen. you should be ashamed of your self. this thread has ended up as it should have, in the toilet. i apologise to admin for flaming u, but i do not apologise to you. you and your lies have gotten exactly what they deserved. why don't you do us all a favour and let this thread die, if you would like to start another one that does not kick off with lies and hate speech, i will keep my nose out, i promise.
    Check your PMs.

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