I was just wondering how everyone got into bodybuilding, and what they were looking like on day one of deciding to start getting big. For me i just decided one day that i want to get bigger, so i started lifting a little bit, well after a month i realized i really liked this so i started to look more into it, and found this forum. So i was reading this forum for awhile and decided to joion, I may not post often but i am on here everyday reading and learning, I still have yet to make any weight gains, but have made a TINY size gain on my arms, if you can call it that, lol. But i was wondering if everyone was as small as i am when they started. i weigh 160-165, have pretty much no upper body at all, but have most of that weight in my legs, they are pretty much just muscle, and i have nice abs, just need to cut that damn fat to see them. Well who is next?