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Thread: Whats your story?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    In a van by the river

    Whats your story?

    I was just wondering how everyone got into bodybuilding, and what they were looking like on day one of deciding to start getting big. For me i just decided one day that i want to get bigger, so i started lifting a little bit, well after a month i realized i really liked this so i started to look more into it, and found this forum. So i was reading this forum for awhile and decided to joion, I may not post often but i am on here everyday reading and learning, I still have yet to make any weight gains, but have made a TINY size gain on my arms, if you can call it that, lol. But i was wondering if everyone was as small as i am when they started. i weigh 160-165, have pretty much no upper body at all, but have most of that weight in my legs, they are pretty much just muscle, and i have nice abs, just need to cut that damn fat to see them. Well who is next?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    I am not really into body building per say but I started lifting weights to get bigger an stronger like most everyone else. Now I lift for martial arts, and to basically stay athletic and in-shape for basketball season.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Plus it is nice to be bigger than most.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Who knows?
    I started from lifting for high school sports. Then just stuck with it. And it is nice to be bigger than most. It's just something I enjoy doing now.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    I copied and pasted my reply . lol . From my blog ( here on Someone asked me the same question ..

    Oh boy where do I start ?? I was interested in lifting weights as a little kid.. As I got older I started reading about weight training ( problay around 10 years old from what my mom tells me). I didnt really understand any of it but I was determined to figure it all out ..

    I had my plastic weights , you know the concrete / plastic ones ... These where acually a improvement from what I had before those... If you are old enough to remeber the plastic weights that you would fill with water , yea water it was a horrible idea.. These things leaked and just sucked. I can remeber my mom having a very expensive wood floor that I messed up by making water spots all over it ( those stupid things had me grounded for like a week after that happened )...

    So now I had my plastic / concrete weights ( I am sure most of you remeber those) and I was ready to do some real lifting so i thought.. I didnt know what the hell I was doing and I was so sore the next day I didnt touch those weights again for like a month ... I did not lose interest in weight lifting I was just smart enough to know I need to learn more about this before I go any further.. So even at a young age I was very interested in how the body works , and at that time very interested in how the body moves ( range of motion)...

    I also wanted to know why the hell people got sore when they worked out.. I studied and learned about lactate acid ... So I kept up with my weight lifting research and took my lifting very slow so I could learn how to move the weight in a proper way so I wouldnt hurt myself .. I kept at it ( training and researching ) and over the years I was able to learn alot through trial and error.. I learned exactly how my body would react to diffrent movements .. I didnt have a good diet or anything at that time but I was learning...

    I would say a mistake I made alot was over training .. I always wanted to do more and I could workout for like 3-4 hours a day easily if I didnt stop myself .. I would try to keep my workouts about a hour and a half back than no matter how much I wanted to keep going...

    I would spend most of my free time researching ( other than the time I spent with my friends and girlfriends) There were alot of things about weight training and diet that I wanted to understand exactly how they worked ... I am a stickler for details so my research was time consuming ..

    I made many mistakes through trail and error to learn what works best for me.. Still to this day most of my time is spent researching I guess it's something I have done since I was a little kid and I am sure I will continue to do until the day I die..


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    lifting keeps me sober, healthy, and from doing stupid shit

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    i have answered this question too many times and refuse to do it again.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    The 50 States
    i dont lift to be a body builder but cuz i have always loved it and it complements my soccer training. weight lifting is almost essential in every sport imo

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Your mom's room
    Welllll, i can answer that in one word...... "Females"

  10. #10
    When I was younger I worked out for sports and to impress girls. Then I went into the military and got wounded pretty bad. Over 30 surgeries and procedures. Because of that I needed to workout to keep strong and to offset side effects and health problems from my military injuries. I was a single pops with 3 boys and got them involved in sports at an early age to keep them too tired to hang out on the street (Seattle). They've played multiple sports their whole lives, sometimes on two different teams at the same time. Driving to different practices and games in different locations drove me crazy, but glad I did.

    When they were twelve I bought them their first weight set and tried to get them interested in weight lifting. Then they used to bang the weights making noise to trick me into thinking they were working out, but I knew what they were doing. I just wanted to encourage them and luckily it worked. Now they are in their early twenties and have been serious weight lifting for about 5 years. The two oldest are immensely built and strong (athletic wise), my youngest is 16 and he may turn out to be the strongest of the three of them. We've had family membership passes at a couple of different places, but now we all workout together at least 5 days a week at LA Fitness. No freaking way can I keep up with any of them, even my youngest. All well over 6' and 200lbs.

    BTW, my oldest is now ready to start his first cycle. Don't really want him to, but he's stubborn as hell. He's 24, 6'2", 205lbs, 10% BF, very athletic, could have played pro baseball. Great basketball player and golfer. Benches 300. Just tore his meniscus so can't squat for a while. I say I don't want him to do a cycle, but at the same time curious to see what he can do. My middle son is an animal -- enormous bones and joints and can put up huge weights for 21 years old all natty.

    For you young bucks, remember this, your kids are where it is all at and about, nothing else matters.
    Last edited by ecivon; 03-22-2008 at 08:57 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    I am not a bb’er I just want to be freakishly strong.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    I,m just pretty and thought I would complete the package purely for the girlies !!!

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