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    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Laptop searches at US Border...

    No surprise here...excellent article on how the United States government is yet again taking a hot steaming shit on the 4th Amendment.

    __________________________________________________ _______________
    Of laptops and US border searches

    Mark Rasch
    UK Register
    Monday, March 24, 2008

    Recently, I was going through an airport with my shoes, coat, jacket, and belt off as well as with my carry-on bag, briefcase, and laptop all separated for easy inspection. I was heading through security at the Washington D.C., Ronald Reagan National Airport in Arlington, Virginia, or "National" as we locals call it. As I passed through the new magnetometer which gently puffed air all over my body - which to me seems to be a cross between a glaucoma test and Marilyn Monroe in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes - a TSA employee absent-mindedly asked if he could "inspect" my laptop computer. While the inspection was cursory, the situation immediately gave me pause: What was in my laptop anyway?

    Similar thoughts must have gone through the head of Michael Timothy Arnold on July 17, 2005. He was having a bad day that was about to get much worse.

    Arnold arrived at the International Arrivals Building at Los Angeles International Airport after a 20-hour flight from the Philippines. He might have looked like any other US traveler arriving from Manila after what he said was a three-week vacation visiting friends--tired, haggard, and casual. The Customs and Border Patrol agents were a bit suspicious, because they knew the Philippines is a haven for "sex tourism." They were also suspicious because Arnold could not remember the name of the company where he had once worked as a night auditor and appeared "fidgety." They demanded that Arnold power up his laptop, which the agents then examined for child pornography - which they ultimately found.

    (Article continues below)

    The Federal District Court rejected the government's argument that a search of a laptop is no different than r***ing through luggage during arrivals inspection, and they suppressed the warrantless and essentially "suspicious-less" laptop search as unreasonable. The case was argued before the federal appellate court in October 2007 and a decision is imminent. The salient question: To what extent may customs, border, immigration, or other government officials search, mirror, copy, or analyze the contents of electronic gadgets with neither probable cause nor a warrant?

    At the edge of law
    It is clear that people traveling into and out of a country have a lower expectation of privacy at the border. Perhaps more accurately, a governmental search at the border is more likely to be considered "reasonable."

    The agents get to do things they can't do if, for example, they simply stop you on the street. They can question you, they can r***e through your unmentionables, and even examine documents you are bringing with you. The agents can even disassemble your gas tank, looking for hidden compartments that you could be using to smuggle things. In the Arnold case, the government argued that its search authority at the border is "plenary" or unrestricted, except that to do an invasive body cavity search, it would have to have some kind of suspicion.

    But searches of things? Well, they can do whatever they want it would seem.

    The customs agents' job is to protect the nation from "anything harmful," to gather intelligence, prevent terrorism, and to enforce all of the laws, including child pornography and copyright laws. The computer is no different from any other "closed container" that the agent may search. Just as the agent needs no probable cause to search your underwear, they need no probable cause to rummage through your laptop. And besides, they are doing it to protect the country and enforce the laws and prevent terrorist attacks. You don't have any privacy rights at the border anyway, so what's the problem?

    Same planet, different worlds
    So, for example, is a computer the same as a briefcase or suitcase, under the law? I mean, if you don't want your stuff searched, don't bring it with you. You abandon your "expectation of privacy" at the border, right?

    The government's position is as frightening as it is naíve. A computer is not the same thing as a briefcase. Nor, for that matter, is an iPod, a thumb drive, or a cell phone. It is both quantitatively and qualitatively different, and that makes all of the difference in this case. It seems that the government and the lower court are speaking past, and not at, each other. The government says, "We can do anything for any reason," and the court says, "No, you need reasonable suspicion to search a laptop."

    Indeed, they are both wrong.

    The consequences of the government's argument would be that they could, at the border, seize your daughter's iPod and lock her up if they thought the songs were not licensed. They could copy the entire contents of your computer, read your e-mail, medical records, communications with doctors, lawyers, or priests. They could examine deleted files, create a database of your friends and associates, and provide any or all of this information to the CIA, Interpol, the NSA, the FBI, or for that matter, the Iraqi intelligence services. All without probable cause, suspicion, or warrant, because you had the unmitigated gall to cross the border with your laptop.

    Encrypting files on the laptop would be of little utility because, if they win their argument in another border search case in Vermont, they could compel you to provide them with the encryption key. The only thing you could do is not take your laptop or wipe it clean before you come back.

    The consequences of the defendant's argument are likewise unappealing. If the government could not search computers at the border (or needed reasonable suspicion, which they don't need to search luggage), there is some merit to the argument that the computer will become the medium of choice for transporting contraband (although it's still easier to simply e-mail it to yourself.)

    Luggage or laptop?
    The government's argument is predicated on the assumption that a laptop is no different from any other container. Yet, that assumption is simply is not true.

    Computers contain vast quantities of confidential and private information, communications, and relationships, for which most people would agree should be maintained with a reasonable expectation of privacy, even when they cross the border. While all of this information is entitled to legal protection against unreasonable (e.g. warrantless) searches by the government inside the country, some of it is entitled to even greater protection. Stored electronic communications, privileged materials, trade secrets, financial records, and other information are particularly protected against government intrusion.

    While most people do not travel internationally with a copy of every chat they have ever had, or every Facebook friend's picture in their Samsonite, or every picture they have of their boyfriends or girlfriends, they have exactly this information on their laptops. They have their checkbook information, passwords, financial records, medical records, correspondence, records of books purchased, Web sites reviewed, and more. In short, communicative and expressive materials.

    In 1958, the State of Alabama required the NAACP to provide it with the names and addresses of all of its members, a requirement that the Supreme Court held violated the expressive and due process rights of the organization. Yet, according to the current government's argument, if this information was contained somewhere on a laptop computer traveling across national borders, the information could be accessed, copied, and entered into a central depository, even absent of any evidence of criminal activity.

  2. #2
    Tock's Avatar
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    Wow . . . f'in Republicans . . .

    Time to re-new my membership with the ACLU . . .

  3. #3
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock View Post
    Wow . . . f'in Republicans . . .

    Time to re-new my membership with the ACLU . . .

    Goddamnit, when will you wake the **** up? This is not a ****ing Republican issue nor is it a ****ing Democrat issue.

    This is a direct ****ing attack on our privacy and I am goddamn sick of it. I would politley refuse such a search and fight that mother****er all the way.

    Utterly ****ing ridiculous.
    ***No source checks!!!***

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    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Murilo...Shutup...its for your own good...not sit down and let me place this chip under your skin, it'll be a short pinch..

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    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Murilo...Shutup...its for your own good...not sit down and let me place this chip under your skin, it'll be a short pinch..
    C'mon bitch...give it your best shot!
    ***No source checks!!!***

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    Overhaulz's Avatar
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    ^^ I'm with you on this one dude. It's a joke what the government is getting away with nowadays, and people need to wake up.

    Want to get really pissed off? Watch the movie, "Zeitgeist"...

  7. #7
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Look...if you guys aren't doing anything wrong, then you shouldnt care. If you have nothing to hide then who cares if the government makes carbon copies of all your files and stores them in a database. This is for the good of everyone, the next terrorist attack could happen in a suburb near you. It might even happen at your kids soccer game. The terrorists are trying to kill each and everyone one of you, and they wont stop until they blow up every Starbucks, McDonalds, Burger King, Pep Boys, and Movie theater in the entire country. This is why we must all eagerly acquiesce our 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th Amendment rights, so that all 350,000,000 of us can be safe from the some 1,000-2,000 Al-Qaeda Radical Islamic extremists. We all know that our government is doing everything in its power to make sure there is never another attack on the homeland, that is why our borders with Mexico and Canada are air tight, not even a fly could get into the country! We need to give the gift of Democracy to the Iraqi people, and fight the dangerous terrorists who were never in their country prior to our invasion, and had absolutely no ties with their dictator, but that is besides the point! We must also keep our embargo on Cuba, because Communism is evil and so are human rights violations, for instance China who is our biggest trade partner and is in the top 10 countries for human rights violations, but that is also irrelevant! Our politicians are also making sure that we are safe and that we have everything we need, even when 2/3 of the American public is against the war in Iraq, Dick Cheyney says "So????"... What a great man! We all have to remember that it doesn't matter what we think, Cheyney knows what is best for us, so we should all shut our mouths, and stop voicing our opinions in public opinion polls. In addition, we should all support S.1959, the Homegrown Radicalization and Terrorism group....I mean seriously, we need to have a law on the book so that whenever any of our fellow citizens dissent and speak out against the government, we can swiftly arrest them, and then send their asses to get waterboarded! I cant believe that the Spaniards considered waterboarding torture, and that we even convicted Japanese soldiers of war crimes for waterboarding American POWs, I mean we put those guys to death. Thats absurd, we should give the CIA operatives who waterboarded those guys a medal! What is even more crazy, is that some stupid defense attorneys are trying to get the testimony of those evil terrorists thrown out of court because it was obtained by waterboarding, or under duress. What a load of shit that is, everyone knows that you can use force to coerce testimony out of people. Then, some stupid citizen of Boston who is of Arab decent, that was held in Guantanamo for 5 years without being charged with a crime, and released last year, actually has the nerve to try and sue the US government for violating his civil rights, man, that guy is just not a patriot! If he were a true patriot, he would have accepted being detained without habeas corpus and waterboarded, it was for the good of the country! Well guys, thats the end of my rant.... Hope you guys are true patriots and remember that everything being done is to protect us from ourselves...

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    The way the world is today makes me believe that Armageddon is near.

  9. #9
    jbonez19 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Look...if you guys aren't doing anything wrong, then you shouldnt care. If you have nothing to hide then who cares if the government makes carbon copies of all your files and stores them in a database. This is for the good of everyone, the next terrorist attack could happen in a suburb near you. It might even happen at your kids soccer game. The terrorists are trying to kill each and everyone one of you, and they wont stop until they blow up every Starbucks, McDonalds, Burger King, Pep Boys, and Movie theater in the entire country. This is why we must all eagerly acquiesce our 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th Amendment rights, so that all 350,000,000 of us can be safe from the some 1,000-2,000 Al-Qaeda Radical Islamic extremists. We all know that our government is doing everything in its power to make sure there is never another attack on the homeland, that is why our borders with Mexico and Canada are air tight, not even a fly could get into the country! We need to give the gift of Democracy to the Iraqi people, and fight the dangerous terrorists who were never in their country prior to our invasion, and had absolutely no ties with their dictator, but that is besides the point! We must also keep our embargo on Cuba, because Communism is evil and so are human rights violations, for instance China who is our biggest trade partner and is in the top 10 countries for human rights violations, but that is also irrelevant! Our politicians are also making sure that we are safe and that we have everything we need, even when 2/3 of the American public is against the war in Iraq, Dick Cheyney says "So????"... What a great man! We all have to remember that it doesn't matter what we think, Cheyney knows what is best for us, so we should all shut our mouths, and stop voicing our opinions in public opinion polls. In addition, we should all support S.1959, the Homegrown Radicalization and Terrorism group....I mean seriously, we need to have a law on the book so that whenever any of our fellow citizens dissent and speak out against the government, we can swiftly arrest them, and then send their asses to get waterboarded! I cant believe that the Spaniards considered waterboarding torture, and that we even convicted Japanese soldiers of war crimes for waterboarding American POWs, I mean we put those guys to death. Thats absurd, we should give the CIA operatives who waterboarded those guys a medal! What is even more crazy, is that some stupid defense attorneys are trying to get the testimony of those evil terrorists thrown out of court because it was obtained by waterboarding, or under duress. What a load of shit that is, everyone knows that you can use force to coerce testimony out of people. Then, some stupid citizen of Boston who is of Arab decent, that was held in Guantanamo for 5 years without being charged with a crime, and released last year, actually has the nerve to try and sue the US government for violating his civil rights, man, that guy is just not a patriot! If he were a true patriot, he would have accepted being detained without habeas corpus and waterboarded, it was for the good of the country! Well guys, thats the end of my rant.... Hope you guys are true patriots and remember that everything being done is to protect us from ourselves...

  10. #10
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbonez19 View Post
    You must have missed the sarcasm throughout this post...

  11. #11
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    ^^ I thought it was pretty blantant.

    Apparently not, unless his post was sarcastic as well

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    thegodfather's Avatar
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    This video of reporters being held at gun point for following a city vehicle while the reporters were investigating the city compliments this article nicely...

  13. #13
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    This video of reporters being held at gun point for following a city vehicle while the reporters were investigating the city compliments this article nicely...
    This type of treatment is way out of control, the majority will not care until it affects them personally.

    I have not been subjected to this treatment personally (yet) and I think it's a ****ing joke that this shit is allowed.

    I absolutely had to laugh at the common twist used today "Don't you agree that post 9/11 that the officer might have had something to fear"..bwahahahaha

    They will forever use that as a justification for blatant rights violations.

    I am totally against suing people unjustly but in these kind of cases, I hope that department gets their balls sued off.

    If there is one thing people take serious, it is a loss of revenue or money.

    So hit them where it hurts.
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    goodcents's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    This video of reporters being held at gun point for following a city vehicle while the reporters were investigating the city compliments this article nicely...
    I love this comment:
    The 90% of cops who are cocksuckers make the 10 % who take it in the dookey shoot look bad !!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    This video of reporters being held at gun point for following a city vehicle while the reporters were investigating the city compliments this article nicely...
    Yeah they said out of 9 cop cars that all the tapes were gone, wtf? just all out coruption, I guess with bush/cheney bunch in the white house they figure they can do anything, which I guess they seem to be getting away with

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    How long before the powder keg goes off? At what point is everyone in jail?

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