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Thread: just curious

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    The Resistance

    just curious

    im not going to take 19nor or anything but i was just wondering if my calculation is wright or wrong.
    i have readin a website that :
    if you take 8 100mg caps of 19nor a day for 7 days its like 200mg deca a week.
    and basically if you take 8 caps a day for 7 days its like 56caps a week which works out to about £25-30 a week plus the massive strain on the liver.
    on the other hand deca costs about £5 for 200mg for 1week.
    and its much safer and less strain on the liver.

    but these companys say you should take 2 tabs a day for 7 days thats like eqivelent of 50mg of deca a week

    so i dont understand when these companies have sports athleates say "i gained 12lbs lean mass in 1month on ? . i would of not been able to gain otherwise without it" are they just chatting blatent shit. and if so do we stop compleatly trusting those guys and the company or might they be telling the truth?

    so am i wright or wrong ?
    Last edited by physio_sport; 08-24-2001 at 07:48 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    The dosages of what you just wrote I,ll take your word for it I don,t have time to check....but everything has to sell right?

    Look at it another way if these products were so damn good would you bother buying steroids when you can this OTC.....NO

    Everything has to be marketed otherwise it does,nt sell- the claims we make about products we sell have to meet some of the specs much is true or loosely attached is another thing

    You buy a tin of food you look at the list of ingrediants looks good Low fat low sugar low salt ideal for a BB so you buy it ,take it home and eat it.How do you know what was in there you only have the manufacturers word on it !!!!

    Its all a ploy to sell the product and if you had a great body and someone was offer you £ to advertise a product sure you would its easy money!


  3. #3
    Mike Guest
    They also say eating 15lbs of chocolate is the equivalent to a marijuana high........wana try it?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    it's all a scam to sell more vitamins bro

    screw the prohormones in my opinion.too many channels is that to go through to even possibly convert to me i think prohormones are just expensive piss.back in teh day i've tried it all.i can say that things like glutamine,taurine and creatine have showed me noticable results, but where i live it's about teh same price or cheaper to do gear w/ much better results.just my opinion i could be wrong

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    The Resistance
    youre right i know that all prohormones are rip-offs i was just determining how much of a rip-off. there totaly crap it works out to 1/2 or even 1/4 of the price of prohormones to do the real thing and get crazy results unlike prohormone which have no results.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    15lbs of choc .....I feel sick already!!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    bump for the

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Va Beach
    No way I would take any of that crap- supps, OK- PH-heck no!
    And for that 15lbs of choco, just thinking of that makes me want to slip into a diabetic coma!

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