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  1. #1
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Holy Tazer Batman! (vid)

    UHP (Utah Highway Patrol) tasers man in front o...
    Added: November 19, 2007
    UHP (Utah Highway Patrol) tasers man in front of pregnant wife and baby over an alleged speeding ticket. Outraged? Call the Vernal, Utah UHP Office and let them know!

    Well there you have it. UHP protects its own. They just ruled that Officer Gardner acted "reasonably". What a joke. Let them know how you feel! (801)965-4518 or (435)789-3111

    CNN Interview:

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  2. #2
    pay tribute's Avatar
    pay tribute is offline Junior Member
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    What a dick. That cop should be castrated.

  3. #3
    Act of God's Avatar
    Act of God is offline Member
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    No agency can effectively police itself. There is an inherent conflict of interest.

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    novastepp's Avatar
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    guy went to his pocket though.

  6. #6
    godkilla's Avatar
    godkilla is offline Senior Member
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    i dont know how everyone gets so worked up over this like a buncha old housewives. cop asks moron to do something, moron refuses, cop tasers moron. i mean cmon, its not rocket science. when a man with a gun, tazer and a baton ask you to do something, you do it or your gonna have a bad day.

  7. #7
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    good policing IMO

    he stayed calm, and controlled the situation the entire time, never went beyond the line of abusing his position.

    he asked the guy to do something, he refused, he took action. so what if his girlfriend/wife was pregnant, if that caused officers to hold bak then everyone would just get a woman in the car with a pillow up her shirt to stop being tazed

    well done cop!

  8. #8
    jbonez19 is offline Banned
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  9. #9
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by godkilla View Post
    i dont know how everyone gets so worked up over this like a buncha old housewives. cop asks moron to do something, moron refuses, cop tasers moron. i mean cmon, its not rocket science. when a man with a gun, tazer and a baton ask you to do something, you do it or your gonna have a bad day.

    Remember you said that when you are singled out and treated this way. Typical thinking here, you say that because it has not affected you personally.

    Youa re not seeing the whole picture here. At no time did that guy pose a threat to that officer and he in no way attacked the officer. Sure, he was mouthy but last time I checked that is not against the law in the USA.

    You know that thing called the Constitution? It protects us from this kind of behaviour, or shall I say, did protect us from this treatment. It's sad to hear Americans say this treatment is justified. They only say this because it was not them and they are yet to be affected by it personally.

    The cop should be fired because he is a negligent *****. The Tazer is to be used as a means to protect yourself, the Police are tazing people right and left without justification. I swear they just want to see how it works in the field.

    Civil Liberties mean nothing anymore and IMO Americans no longer deserve them since they are not willing to do anything about it or standup for themselves any longer.

    I can't wait to hear the BS "I can't do anything about it" speech.

    I am usually on the cops side, but this shit is out of control.
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  10. #10
    zimmy's Avatar
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    THese are not civilian tazers...they are way more powerful and can cause alot of medical problems. It is considered less lethal it is NOT something that is "no big deal"

  11. #11
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
    THese are not civilian tazers...they are way more powerful and can cause alot of medical problems. It is considered less lethal it is NOT something that is "no big deal"

    Well it's no big deal until it happens to them personally or to someone close to them. Until then it is just some loud mouth guy who deserved to be tazered.
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  12. #12
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    The cop should be fired because he is a negligent *****. The Tazer is to be used as a means to protect yourself, the Police are tazing people right and left without justification. I swear they just want to see how it works in the field.
    i'm not starting stuff with you i just have a question that i'm interested in you answering because i can't come to an answer myself. what would you recommend cops do if people refuse like this? when do they have the right to say, use a tazer or physical force to detain them? just curious as to what you think.

  13. #13
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    It's all about following instructions simple as that.

  14. #14
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    i'm not starting stuff with you i just have a question that i'm interested in you answering because i can't come to an answer myself. what would you recommend cops do if people refuse like this? when do they have the right to say, use a tazer or physical force to detain them? just curious as to what you think.

    It is easy for me to say "Well he should have done this and done that"..but the facts are this:

    He is a cop and he is supposed to be trained to follow his departments procedures. I do not know their procedures but I would guarantee you that they do not include immeditely tazing someone without even trying to get control of a situation.

    This incident was not violent in anyway, the officer escalated the issue by pulling the tazer and then firing it. He is 100% to blame for this outcome.

    At no time did he attempt to talk the guy into putting his hands behind his back etc. so he could cuff him to further gain control of the situation (just because they cuff you does not mean you have been arrested and is generally used as a means of control.)

    The Tazer is meant as a "less than deadly" force. This officer just wanted to use his tazer and see what would happen.

    I did notice the typical BS when he was talking to the other officer later in the video, he starts trying to justify himself by mentioning the guy's eradic behaviour etc... Typical "cover my ass" talk.

    My cousin is a cop and he explained to me how they teach them to scream "Stop resisting" over and over again when messing with people, it serves as evidence that the cop is trying his best to not manhandle/beath the shit out of people.
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  15. #15
    rockinred's Avatar
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    In this area there is a part on the ticket where if you do not agree you sign on that part and settle in court... there is another part that states you plea guilty and just pay the fine... The risk is if you go to court you can pay more for court fees and still get the ticket.

    I don't know how it is in UT, but a simple statement in a calm voice saying "sir, I understand you might not have seen that sign, so go ahead and sign the not guilty box and you will be able to state your case with the courts"...then..."if you refuse to sign this ticket, by law I can arrest you"...then go on to say "what do you want to do"... .

    Or when he was walking away, I would have said "STOP RIGHT THERE or I will taze you and then say I am not messing around", that is of course if I had my tazer out in the first place...which I probably wouldn't have...

    To me it seems that elementary communication skills on the cops part would have defused this whole situation...

    Also, like I said on last thread like this..... the police officers should use their training to prevent this... I have a relative that is a state trooper for 16 years and he has only had to taze a few times...much less for a guy acting up on speeding ticket.

    I just hope that whoever posts on here agreeing with police actions that are aggressive in the manner of, "do as I say or I will beat your ass", comments are not law enforcement or even future prospects... you get paid to handle situations like this in a professional manner...this isn't the damn bar/lounge, they have to maintain integrity too.

  16. #16
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    i'd also like to add that if all police acted this way everytime someone acts up on a traffic stops...we'd be a bunch of tazed up fools...I think every stop ends up with someone arguing and getting mad... they can't taze your ass like that and say..."see I told you you should have listened to me" wtf, kind of shit is that???... it is called ABUSE of authority....

  17. #17
    zartan is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by nirish_mark20 View Post
    good policing IMO

    he stayed calm, and controlled the situation the entire time, never went beyond the line of abusing his position.

    he asked the guy to do something, he refused, he took action. so what if his girlfriend/wife was pregnant, if that caused officers to hold bak then everyone would just get a woman in the car with a pillow up her shirt to stop being tazed

    well done cop!
    Did you notice how teh fvcking cop pulled the taser before the victim was even giving him any trouble. Watch the video again closely, you will see:
    cop: 'step out of the car'
    victim steps out.
    cop: (overly aggressive screaming) 'turn around put your hands -'
    cop starts reaching for taser
    '-behind your back!'
    BEFORE he even finishes saying it, 'put your hands behind your back' the oinker is pulling his taser. He's even setting his clipboard down before he says anything in anticipation of pulling the taser. All he has to write was 'refused to sign' and its a done deal.

    I'm sure there will be a lawsuit but I don't think the police department or the state should have to pay for that retard's actions. Instead they should gather the retard's family in a room and have the watch as the victim bitchslaps the cop around a bit followed by a good tasering.
    Last edited by zartan; 04-02-2008 at 04:36 PM.

  18. #18
    godkilla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    Remember you said that when you are singled out and treated this way. Typical thinking here, you say that because it has not affected you personally.

    Youa re not seeing the whole picture here. At no time did that guy pose a threat to that officer and he in no way attacked the officer. Sure, he was mouthy but last time I checked that is not against the law in the USA.

    You know that thing called the Constitution? It protects us from this kind of behaviour, or shall I say, did protect us from this treatment. It's sad to hear Americans say this treatment is justified. They only say this because it was not them and they are yet to be affected by it personally.

    The cop should be fired because he is a negligent *****. The Tazer is to be used as a means to protect yourself, the Police are tazing people right and left without justification. I swear they just want to see how it works in the field.

    Civil Liberties mean nothing anymore and IMO Americans no longer deserve them since they are not willing to do anything about it or standup for themselves any longer.

    I can't wait to hear the BS "I can't do anything about it" speech.

    I am usually on the cops side, but this shit is out of control.
    i have been singled out and treated similiar. i dont really think that has any bearing on the subject though. also, your making alot of assumptions here about me and this cop.

    but to cut to it, i am not a big civil liberties or constitution kinda guy. i just believe in common sense. now i aint very smart, but i know better than to act like that to the law, and i also know better not to be surprised at the outcome if i choose not to comply with a cop.

  19. #19
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by godkilla View Post
    i have been singled out and treated similiar. i dont really think that has any bearing on the subject though. also, your making alot of assumptions here about me and this cop.

    but to cut to it, i am not a big civil liberties or constitution kinda guy. i just believe in common sense. now i aint very smart, but i know better than to act like that to the law, and i also know better not to be surprised at the outcome if i choose not to comply with a cop.

    Wow! Just wow!
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  20. #20
    zipster_dude's Avatar
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    Has anyone ever been is this situation from the authority position?

    Has anyone ever seen how fast a good guy goes really bad?

    Cops are shown videos all day of people pulling guns, weapons, and making split second decisions. At the end of the day, they go home just like us and say "fckt that up".

    Cops and celebs have their laundry aired for all to smell. If it were me?

    Well who knows.....but going home to my family is the most important thing at the end of the night.

    Simple people....there is a court of law and it is your word againt theirs. Verbal statements are law, act first, discuss later. The dude CANNOT put his hands in his pocket and refuse an order.

    The cop is instructed to take the action that will immediately defuse the situation, hidden hands is stupid. Everyone knows not to pull that stuff.

    Anyways, its not a popular response, but in this case, I believe the officer was justified in the less than lethal action.


  21. #21
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    The second that guy was speeding, he was breaking the law. Speed limits serve to protect the driver, his/her occupants, and those around them. He put his pregnant wife and baby in danger by: 1) speeding and 2) not complying with the commands of a law enforcement officer after violating a traffic law.

    If he wanted to argue the ticket, he should have signed it and then gone to traffic court and plead his case to the judge. That's the legal method of recourse that he is entitled to. If you're a cop, you do not have to reason with a perp. That liberal dumbass would have saved himself and his family a lot of unwanted grief if he had just signed the ticket and been on his merry way, but he chose to act the fool.

    Personally, I'd have zapped him a few more times to get the point across - thank God I'm not in law enforcement.

  22. #22
    Peducho0113 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    Remember you said that when you are singled out and treated this way. Typical thinking here, you say that because it has not affected you personally.

    Youa re not seeing the whole picture here. At no time did that guy pose a threat to that officer and he in no way attacked the officer. Sure, he was mouthy but last time I checked that is not against the law in the USA.

    You know that thing called the Constitution? It protects us from this kind of behaviour, or shall I say, did protect us from this treatment. It's sad to hear Americans say this treatment is justified. They only say this because it was not them and they are yet to be affected by it personally.

    The cop should be fired because he is a negligent *****. The Tazer is to be used as a means to protect yourself, the Police are tazing people right and left without justification. I swear they just want to see how it works in the field.

    Civil Liberties mean nothing anymore and IMO Americans no longer deserve them since they are not willing to do anything about it or standup for themselves any longer.

    I can't wait to hear the BS "I can't do anything about it" speech.

    I am usually on the cops side, but this shit is out of control.

    IMO it is always easier to make an opinion on a issue when that issue does not affect us directly. You are right we are quick to say this because we were not the ones in that possion. I am not justifying anyone here, the guy should have shown repect and ask what he was ask to do and not refused, the cop should have think twice about his reaction as well. I want to say that in fact we cannot allow police abuse in our society but also as a society we have to respect the law to have an equal balance. I also think that for one "bad" cop we cannot ignore all the good that cops do to keep us safe, our children etc.

  23. #23
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    It is easy for me to say "Well he should have done this and done that"..but the facts are this:

    He is a cop and he is supposed to be trained to follow his departments procedures. I do not know their procedures but I would guarantee you that they do not include immeditely tazing someone without even trying to get control of a situation.

    This incident was not violent in anyway, the officer escalated the issue by pulling the tazer and then firing it. He is 100% to blame for this outcome.

    At no time did he attempt to talk the guy into putting his hands behind his back etc. so he could cuff him to further gain control of the situation (just because they cuff you does not mean you have been arrested and is generally used as a means of control.)

    The Tazer is meant as a "less than deadly" force. This officer just wanted to use his tazer and see what would happen.

    I did notice the typical BS when he was talking to the other officer later in the video, he starts trying to justify himself by mentioning the guy's eradic behaviour etc... Typical "cover my ass" talk.

    My cousin is a cop and he explained to me how they teach them to scream "Stop resisting" over and over again when messing with people, it serves as evidence that the cop is trying his best to not manhandle/beath the shit out of people.
    thanks man.

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