the guy should take a tattoo gun to her face. that will keep the guys away. worked for me on my ex.
the guy should take a tattoo gun to her face. that will keep the guys away. worked for me on my ex.
Last edited by Dukkit; 04-07-2008 at 12:04 PM.
LOL... Was that the fat ex?
or ur one and only ex?
this thread is just out of hand now...
blah blah blah
i Still wonder what the guy is going to do. We all gave him such valueble info
Hes going to get him some sustanon!
i think he replied on the last post of the 1st page.
lot of guys watchin this thread. probably thinking how retarded we are.
no dude hahaha! roids do not make you a better fighter. and bro... she got implants... implants man. that means she's begging for guys to look at her. seriously. ya just gotta stay cooled off untill a guy steps over the line. just be confident and secure with yourself. if she's fishing for a tough guy, then you might wanna just leave her alone man. you'll be spening alot of time in cop cars
Another whore thread. I hate whores
I see lawman is viewing this thread...Lets hear what he has to say as I'm sure he has this problem more than most....jk lawman..
Tsup jay
NO ONE KNOWS.... your avatar is just staring at me, its freaking me out. he wont look away. i feel like hes undressin me with his eyes. i cant take it!! im calling my therapist
let me know what she says...
I'm telling you bro.. juice will not make you more of a tough guy... but no. sust is not a good first cycle, gotta shoot it way too often, makes your levels too bouncy.. just not a good run. test e is the best for a first go...
Sh!t, it's the best after a few years haha
I'd opt for beer for a first cycle
Like Vernon
Can you drink winny?...
yeah, she shouldn't have them reduces. why waste the money getting them inthe first place?.. dude, if she's a respectable girl, and carries herself well, then she'll be alright. you just have to be relaxed about it. just the nature of the beast man.
you could just pour acid all over her face and that should work
JK JK JK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !
Your gonna have to deal with it. or just wait till she is old and not that attractive
aaaahhhhh DSM...where are you when I need you...
Ahhh found it in the Hall of Shame.
It seems like he was taking AAS to be able to fight.Originally Posted by sust999
At the bar this meth faced 6'3 220-230 pounder started putting his arm around her and was trying to buy her a drink ..she looked back at me and was trying to squirm free and then I went up there to diffuse the situation and he looked at me and was like "who the **** are you, her brother?" Shit like that makes me wanna clock fools but I know my limitations. I don't have a death wish but shit like that is my motivation to hit the gym every day.
did I cross the line with that statement......
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