yeah... thats the extreme. and it does suck. just tell guys that do that what's up. thats your girl... don't be an asshole untill ya have to. and don't be scared to hit a guy if he's stepping over the line. even a 230lb guy will drop if you hit him good and hard on the jaw.
It let him eat a knuckle Sandwich.....
and why is she spending so much time away from you at the bar? fromnow on just go buy the drinks yourself. kiss on her at the bar, send the vibe out. have her show interest in you... that can go miles with the drunk morons at the bar. i just let my gil handle it... but she'll just slap the guy, hahaha she's itallian.. i just sit back and watch
5"11? .... no mate, come on. Dont listen to what these guys are telling you. Get yourself a good diet. Go see Perfectbeast for help..But before you do this. Post a pic of the girl and well analyze the situation for you and tell you exactly what you need to look after her..
ya..i hate going out to the bars. It was ok when I was single and didn't give a shit about dieting but I would rather stay home, drink water and eat chicken while watching a movie but she drinks and hits a point where she always wants to go out and do something instead of staying home. It blows and sometimes i just tell her to go with her gf's because I have no desire. She always wants me to go with her though.
Last resort. Fv*k her best mate and tell her off
naw dude.. i mean while you're at the bar. don't leave her alone to go get the drinks. you go get them for her. and she'll think you're sweet for it, when you're really just keeping her away from the dickheads. and seriously dude, unles you're talking marriage, i wouldn't stress too much. she's going home with you anyway
Diablo doesn't have any feeling.
I'm telling you dude. dating hot girls is hard. but confidence is key. girls LOVE it, and other guys can sense it. guys prey on the weak, if your girl is sending out that vibe, and she's hot, then it's like open season.
hahaha.. dating them's not the hard part. it's dealing with all that comes with it. it's like all you guys that LOVE tren.. its so awesome to do, gives you all that you want, but at the same time you get the worst sides from it. its the trade off. just trying to help this guy with the sides, ya know?
i appreciate it. It definitely makes life interesting but at the same time, especially if I've been drinking, I might get myself in a bad situation. I've already been in one fight and got kicked out of a bar and luckily i only suffered a blow to the mouth, no tooth damage just bloody gums. Other times, older couples have tried to get us to swing with them but we havn't taken that step. Other girls look at me/treat me way differently (in a good way) when I'm with my girl as opposed to without her but the constant c0ck attack is ****ing annoying. I don't care that guys look at her with the **** me eyes and shit because I would to if I were them, it's just the everyday non-stop awkward situations that start wearing on you.
U dont make any sense. Youve met your girl....u know her for 3 WEEKS and you say you love her??????
Hello Chuck? .... Love comes with time.... u aint there yet... lol
i'm not blaming anyone to enjoy to have ****s and bangs and stuff...I've been on that way of thoughts for YEARS and, dude, it's amazing, you fell a sexmachine no one can fvk you but you can fvk all the girls of the world! I know and i'm not blaming anyone.
Why people have to blame me so? because I'm happy and they are not? Why don't you blame yourself so?
my girls dont go to bars. they are usually caged up at the zoo. i have to visit them when the zoos open. its sucks.
Trust me...I know how u feel but its not love..... lol... 4 weeks ? and ur already calling her love?
We dont blame you friend. We are just trying to show you that your very confuzed at this moment in time in YOUR life. You need to experiment more and go out and meet people. Ur still young..I know your 24 and still a virgin and That explains alot.... We are here for you Chuck mate..
I am a brawler in the deep, I was used to go out and have fights in the past, and nothing else.
I still love to go into a club and wait for someone to have an intensive look at my girl or try to dance with her to have some fun with him, poor guy. But most of them, as I look at their eyes very bad, thy immediately understand and come to me apologizing for minutes. That's the way I also like to feel when I'm with my girl...
maybe i'll trade some pics pm for a source check
Last edited by gstatefaith; 04-07-2008 at 01:17 PM.
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