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Thread: PLEASE READ 23 years old and Hypertention

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    PLEASE READ 23 years old and Hypertention

    Okay fellas here it is. I got admitted in hospital twice. the first time I went there to get a shot of antibotics because I had strep. So when they were about to give me my discharge papers Itold them Iget dizzy when I tie my shoe, random nose bleeds, spots when Iwork out. So they checked my BP and they about shit themselves. They said there was no way they were going to let me leave with my symoptoms and my BP the way it was. So I wait for my shot of antibiotics and she gives it to me in the middle Delt. neadless to say I could not move my arm for 3 days. Thay put me in the stroke unit and had me on a 3 day stroke watch. They looked for clots and nothing came up. They said my Kidneys were not doing as good as they should but not to worried. They gave me BP meds, pain and anitbiotics and sent me home after 3 days.
    2 weeks later I woke up feeling like I was going to have a heart attack. Went to the ER where they said i was only have heart palpitation. Gave me a shot of meds and I was on my way.
    Keep in mind I never took any of the meds they gave me I never even filled them
    I go back to the hospital this Saturday becasue of a stomach bug going around and I told them to check my BP. They checked it 4 times before getting the doctor, and again he was amazed I was not stroking out in the office. I told him I never filled the scripts and they were in my car. He told me that the BP med that was given to me is for a 80 years old man who is done have sex because it cause a guy to go impitant, and the antibotic was on the same script as a narcotic which is illegal. If i tried to fill it I would have had the cops called on me. Also he told me the injection site for the antibiotic was supposed to go in the glute not in my shoulder. The doctor told me that the hospital really screwed the pooch.
    Now he has me on two differant meds for BP becasue he said that the way it is going now my kidneys would be gone at 28 and I would be dead at 35 even with dialosis.
    How the hell is my BP that bad. Now I have done a few oral cycles but damn. I am pretty depressed and I just wanted to see what you guys think about it

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    man sorry to hear. what was your bp at?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    138/90 I think is what my average is. It will get worse if I lay down. When they check it they have to do it 5 times 1 minute apart to make sure it is reading right.
    somtimes it gets so high all of a sudden they really think they are reading they charts or dial wrong

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    the doctor is saying no more heavy lifting, supplementation or stressfull activity. I have a pretty good diet seeing as i am leaning out due to summer. The kick in the ass was I was going to place order for a cycle this weekend

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by UrRoyalHighness View Post
    138/90 I think is what my average is. It will get worse if I lay down. When they check it they have to do it 5 times 1 minute apart to make sure it is reading right.
    somtimes it gets so high all of a sudden they really think they are reading they charts or dial wrong
    I think the solution is quite clear, don't lay down !
    This guys has already learned to adapt.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    A warm climate!
    First of all, I am no doctor, but been dealing with hypertension as well. First off 138/90 really isn't that high. Yes it is above the "norm" of 120/80 but they actually consider 140/90 and down to the norm as pre-hypertension. My recommendation would be to see your primary doctor and then get him to refer you to a good cardiologist. If you are having kidney problems, that will cause your bp to go up as well. So your primary should order some tests as far as an ultrasound, urine work, etc., to see exactly what is going on with your kidneys. Don't take it lightly as far as the kidneys though. You need to get that checked out and find out what is happening there. Could be adrenal cysts or something like that. Once again, if you resolve the issue with the kidneys, your bp may then come back down to normal. Dude, you are only 23 and have a lot of years left. Get to your doctor, ask a ton of questions, do a ton of research until you feel confident with what they are saying and doing. If you don't take charge of your health care, they sure in heck are not going to! Good luck, and let me know if you have any other questions.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    i average arouind 147/97 i think 140/?? is considered high so yours hasent even hit the "high" area yet.

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