Hmm Shall I have the Whopper or grilled chicken with whole grain pasta? CHOICE!
Hmm Shall I have the Whopper or grilled chicken with whole grain pasta? CHOICE!
Last edited by _CrossroadS_; 04-15-2008 at 06:55 AM.
Check out this cartoon I just saw.... explains the evolution of obesity and technology.
I always enjoy reading your replies or post because usually they are intelligent and insightful. Once again thanks for this response and this was another insight to the obesity problem. As you stated in another reply that this thread was meant to “stir the pot” and once again you are absolutely correct… My intention was to generate a better understanding of obesity and the reasons/ causes behind it. Some members in there replies to this thread have accused me of promoting an obesity agenda of acceptance for this problem. However, my intention is to generate a thought provoking discussion to a societal problem and maybe we can attain a better understanding of the issue. It is my belief that having a strong understanding to an issue/ societal problem results in strong progress to solving it.
This thread is a response to a previous thread that in reading the initial post and all the following responses just really offered no real ideas to the obesity crisis but to bash and flame the people who suffer from it. I do not want this thread to go down that route and that is why I have been diligent in reporting flaming of the bashing of individuals. No matter how unacceptable people believe an individual’s problem is that individual deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.
What I would like this thread to do is to get people thinking about the core issues of obesity, discrimination and what it means, and to draw intelligent conclusions to this problem. What ever the conclusion my be (addiction, choice, strong will vs. weak will, more or less dopamine receptors in the brain creating cravings, societal influence… media, marketing, big business etc., cultural influences, biological / genetic predispositions, too much variety in a species diet… and the list goes on) but it has to be better that just empty bigoted statements oversimplifying a major and soon to be a pandemic of an issue. This thread is just a small attempt to address the obesity issue and develop any intelligent conclusions/ ideas and to do that we have to hold it to a higher stander than the typical meaningless “fat bastards” comments.
I appreciate you study and once again I am grateful for you contribution. Thanks![]()
I am making an official challenge to any member who is reading this tread to bring thoughtful insights and research articles to disprove the addiction to food argument I have made in my earlier postings… If you dare!![]()
Agreed. That is the difference between humans and animals. Animals are hardwired to do things. If a dog develops a chemical dependency to alchohol, it doesn't have the brain capacity to understand the consequences. It just drinks alchohol until it dies. Humans can form rational thoughts, well some of them. Choice is the key word. No matter how hard it is, no one is forcing you to do it.
No problem.
That much was clear.. At least, it was for me.
I'm glad i was able to contribute to your discussion.
I must however end my contribution on this thread at this point.
I received a suspension earlier today for my contribution on this thread...despite the civility of the discourse, and the clear representation of data on my part.
I was able to have the suspension reviewed and reversed after citing my flame-free posts and your intentions to 'stir the pot' as alluded to in my post.
It is clear to me that avoiding discussions such as these is fundamental to my remaining part of this community.
I will not contribute to the underlying hard-on some posters seem to have for my removal.
It's been great discourse Fatguy
Should you desire further studies or discourse.. hit me up![]()
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