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Thread: Some guys are just too insecure!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Some guys are just too insecure!

    So I’m walking into the bathroom at the local biker bar. On the way there, there is a crowed of dirt balls (4-5 guys 2 girls). The bar was pretty full, the path was pretty narrow. I brushed along one of the girls coats and turned as I did just to make sure everything was okay…did not say anything just continued to the bathroom.

    As I get in a lumberjack looking dirt ball ask me “were you hitting on my girl friend”. At first I thought he was just trying to pick a fight, but he seriously thought I was trying to pick up his girl. She was far from my type, 50lbs to heavy and 10lbs of dirt to heavy. I was rational with him, just explained I brushed by and simply turned to make sure everything was okay. He was convinced I did it on purpose.

    I did not feel like going to jail or getting knifed in the local biker bar…so I just left. Some guys have serious insecurity issues though!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by J-Dogg View Post
    So I’m walking into the bathroom at the local biker bar. On the way there, there is a crowed of dirt balls (4-5 guys 2 girls). The bar was pretty full, the path was pretty narrow. I brushed along one of the girls coats and turned as I did just to make sure everything was okay…did not say anything just continued to the bathroom.

    As I get in a lumberjack looking dirt ball ask me “were you hitting on my girl friend”. At first I thought he was just trying to pick a fight, but he seriously thought I was trying to pick up his girl. She was far from my type, 50lbs to heavy and 10lbs of dirt to heavy. I was rational with him, just explained I brushed by and simply turned to make sure everything was okay. He was convinced I did it on purpose.

    I did not feel like going to jail or getting knifed in the local biker bar…so I just left. Some guys have serious insecurity issues though!
    Yeh, I like to call them morons... They'll pick a fight at the drop of a hat. The better man walks away. Picking fights is just immature and pointless.

  3. #3
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    society is full of people like that. sounds like you did the right thing though, no need to get in senseless fights or anything stupid like that

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018 View Post
    The better man walks away. Picking fights is just immature and pointless.
    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    society is full of people like that. sounds like you did the right thing though, no need to get in senseless fights or anything stupid like that
    agreed x2^

  5. #5
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    you look at some people the wrong way and that's enough to do it. and the sad thing is there's a lot of juicers who are like that. a lot of people posting right here on this very board. complete juiced out *ssholes who don't need to be on it at all.

  6. #6
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    you know
    unless you actually wanted the chick than you did the right thing. what did you have to gain...nothing. im the kind of guy that u are going to pretty much have to run down to fight lol. you are going to have to pay me to fight at a bar,

  7. #7
    should of hit the dude... I would have...

  8. #8
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    you know
    Quote Originally Posted by solid-d View Post
    should of hit the dude... I would have...
    then you get thrown out and your nights over.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by J-Dogg View Post
    So I’m walking into the bathroom at the local biker bar. On the way there, there is a crowed of dirt balls (4-5 guys 2 girls). The bar was pretty full, the path was pretty narrow. I brushed along one of the girls coats and turned as I did just to make sure everything was okay…did not say anything just continued to the bathroom.

    As I get in a lumberjack looking dirt ball ask me “were you hitting on my girl friend”. At first I thought he was just trying to pick a fight, but he seriously thought I was trying to pick up his girl. She was far from my type, 50lbs to heavy and 10lbs of dirt to heavy. I was rational with him, just explained I brushed by and simply turned to make sure everything was okay. He was convinced I did it on purpose.

    I did not feel like going to jail or getting knifed in the local biker bar…so I just left. Some guys have serious insecurity issues though!

    You tried to pick her up.. admit it

  10. #10
    Thats everywhere man, it doesn't matter where your at. I love it when you walk to a store and there is a guy with one/few chicks and obviously the chicks are checking you out. So the guy of the group has to make small gestures or start talking like Arnold implying that people that lift are meatheads. I usually just do the good ol' smile and wink at one of the girls and walk away.

  11. #11
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    lol, I promise I had no intentions of touching his girl....especially after finding out what's been in her (lumberjacks), lol.

    I have friends who love to fight, or pick fights too, it's just never made sense to me. I train boxing and bjj but am not about to fight some dirt ball with nothing to loose. The last thing I need is to have to pay hospital bills, whether they are mine or his, end up in jail or get shot.

    I just went to the next bar and hit on some other guys girl friend!

  12. #12
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    Thers a way to avoid that sorta stuff tho.... GET SERIOUSLI NUTTY BIG BIG BIG AND WALK AROUND WITH A SYCHO LOOK IN UR EYES AND A SYCHO SMILE ARRRRGHHGHAHAHAHAHAH and look at evry 1 u walk past an repeat im a nice guy a nice guy.. im realli a nice guy THEYL BE LIKE WTF . . .

  13. #13
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    smart move j-dogg. It's tough walking away but it's definitely the best move.

  14. #14
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    i usually like to threaten them with... dude, ill tickle the shit out of you, ill tickle you till you piss your pants. then what is everyone here going to think? they usually back off. but sometimes i end up in the hospital. eh, win some lose some.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    i usually like to threaten them with... dude, ill tickle the shit out of you, ill tickle you till you piss your pants. then what is everyone here going to think? they usually back off. but sometimes i end up in the hospital. eh, win some lose some.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by wanabeMASSIVE! View Post
    what, you got a problem!! dont make me tickle ya fool!! :
    Last edited by Dukkit; 04-14-2008 at 11:50 AM.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    what, you got a problem!! dont make me tickle ya fool!! : icon_roll
    Hey im sorry man please dont tikle me ma pants r new im sorry man please!!!
    (in the voice of an angry african)

    lmao watchit frm 01:05 ul get wat i mean! or maybe not

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by wanabeMASSIVE! View Post
    Hey im sorry man please dont tikle me ma pants r new im sorry man please!!!
    (in the voice of an angry african)

    lmao watchit frm 01:05 ul get wat i mean! or maybe not
    haha, i get ya

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    UK West yorkshire

  20. #20
    I find the shorter the man, the more insecure he gets.

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