my biggest aggrevation is people (one girl inparticular) who comes in earlier to beat me to the elliptical and its the only one with a heart rate so im stuck going by feel on another one and she just mozies along burning like 20 calories for the whole hour, sometimes she stops and forgets shes on the elliptical because she gets so far into her magazine, and the part that really pisses me off is she doesnt even use the heart monitor but has to be there early to get that machine, she looks like a retarded chicken on it, i m getting mad talking about it so ill go deal with it again in the morning im sure![]()
When I'm workin out and people ask, what does that work out? as they cant see!
300pound fat guys sittin and looking at the weights.
ugly girls that dont motivate you
old hairy naked fat men in the sauna where there balls are touching the floor, and the funny part is, there sitting at the very topp
When I walk into the change room and all I get is a face full of 6 different old men's balls. For fvck's sake put on some clothes. They walk around the change room naked as if there's nothing weird about it.
Why not sure pick up a heart monitor for a couple bucks ?Originally Posted by bodybuilder1107;4358***
People not putting away the weights after they're done. Cos i work there i have to do it twice as much. Pisses me off !
Not because they are from Bosnia, but because they hang out in groups of ten or more and just dick around the whole time they are in there. They play grab ass with each other or try to talk to girls and every ten minutes one does a set then flexes in the mirror for an hour.
Also, do you need that much hair gel to work out? I know it looks really good with that tribal tattoo, but shit. And I know your baggy jeans help you pick up chicks but you think you could put some ****ing gym shorts or pants on?
These guys monopolize the entire gym when they're in there, shout their gibbish back and forth, and annoy the unholy shit out of me!! And if they're not running around (literally running) the gym, or seeing how hard they can jump kick the punching bag, then they're throwing me dirty looks.
Sorry if this comes off racist, like I said it's not WHO they are that pisses me off, it's what they do.
**** those ****in ****s.
I got one that just happened. I keep a small gym bag with me while I'm working out. In it is a towel, straps, my water bottle, my card to get in the gym, some gum, some athletic tape, and my cell phone. Had to explain all the stuff in there so you can see how small this bag is because when all that's in there, its full.
Anyways, one of the guys who works at the desk comes over while I'm doing pulldowns and stares at me while I'm doing them. First off this is irritating all by itself. As soon as I get done with my set, he tells me bags are not allowed in the gym and I will have to put it in a locker. Reasoning is so nobody trips on it. I keep my bag close to me at all times and never has anyone even come close to tripping on it. I keep my cool and bring the bag to a locker. I then proceed to take everything I need out of the bag and bring the stuff wherever I went for the rest of my workout.
I know there's rules to a gym, but when barely anyone is working out and I keep the bag where it is no harm to others, I see no reason he had to come over. Hell, it was more dangerous when all the other stuff was out on the floor.
Rant over
ok i may get some flack but screw my gym theres the "powerlifting group" Now some of them are great guys and we talk alot....but in the gym they are in a pack of like 6 ....and they will gather around 2 benches....and each do like 1-2 reps of big weight and stand around "recovering" and bs ing then the next guy i have a pretty good relationship with some of these guys and 2-3 of them if they see me wanting a bench (gym has 3 flats) they will say hey man we'll work on one bench while u do a few sets...if it happens to be the others i dont know they just stand around and wait their turn tieing up 2 benches for ever ... has led to a few "unkind" exchanges between me and them...*whew* thats my rant....!
Here is a start
Also how do you know the one you bought was off ? Maybe the one at the gym was off.
^^^ um you could alway just check it manually and that will tell u which is correct....its not rocket science....
I hate the guys that make so much noise lifting weights. Specially when they are hardly pushing anything
Things that piss me off in the Gym is when I forget to bring my iPod, feel lazy that day, or walk into the gym when it smells like old people in the morning - with their bad breath, saggy balls, fatty bobatty asses, stupid halo headbands, and lactating nipples. Also when people try to talk to me about trivial crap like politics and restaurants and shit.
^^^^Forgetting my ipod can ruin my whole workout.
Mine was just stolen, so today I got to hear CREED, LINKIN PARK, and EVANESANCE back to back.
Thought about dropping one of the heavy dumbells on my head.
yeah i have mostly old people im like the youngest one except high school kids that come in on saturdays, one guy gets on the spinning bike and of course they are in the front of the room with his ball showin tight windbreaker shorts that are like six inches tall, yoiu should see the people look around at each other when he gets on and bends over its funny
as i said i checked on different machines so either they are right or these 1800 dollar machines are all wrong in the gym? im cutting fat pretty well so i guess they are pretty close to rate![]()
ok so say this 5 times fast :
I am sofa king ,we todd did.
^^^ relax...... its a joke
(All this is from my current health club, yes health club, it's not a bonafide gym IMO)
Horrible Music- My gym plays the worst music to lift too, i'm talking Cher, Celine Dion, Enya, Opera music most of the time, or they have a 24 love song channel that the manager loves so he, yes he, puts that on and cranks it up
Old people-not all of them, just the ones that do 3 sets of 50 and take 15 minutes while sitting on the machine in between sets while reading a magazine or the paper and i've NEVER been allowed to work in, in 4 years of working out there
College/High School kids that try to compete with you- this is a new one, but there is a group of kids that comes up there and stays for at least 2-3 hours, my friend josh at the desk informed me of this one, so i went in and started doing chest(which is the only thing they work, chest and biceps every time i see them), after warming up i started doing sets with 110s, which is the highest my gym has and they only have one set, after my first set they walk over and watch me do two more sets without doing a set themselves, then one walks over and asks if he can use my weights to do a set, i let him, and with a friend on each arm helping he got 2, i went down to 100s cause i was getting tired, and did a set, then he racks the 110s and wants to use my 100s, this happens again on the 95s i use next, needless to say i'm starting to get pissed, so i when he asked for the 90s i asked him why he needed them and he says to see how many he can do, not "i need them for my next set", just, "i want to see how many i can do", so i told him to fvck off and wait till i'm done, he gets pissed, but him and his friends walk off
Cold- my gym, even in winter, keeps the gym at a ridiculous 62 degrees, i don't know why, but sometimes i start getting chills and have had to stop working out because i started cramping between sets
People watching tv- we have flat screen tvs in every room, including the free weight area, i don't mind people watching tv in between sets, hell i do it too, but when they sit on one of two incline benches and watch a whole series of plays for 10 minutes i start to get pissed
People who take your weights- i mean the people who take weights off my squat bar while i'm getting a drink of water and don't tell me when i get back, i had a guy do this two times in a row, after i warned him the first time now to and that i would rack the weights when i'm finished and he could use them then or get some 45lb plates from the other rack 20 feet away, but he took a 45 off again and i almost got kicked out because i told him that if he took another one of my weights off again i would take the 45lb plate he wanted so bad that throw it at his fat ass, so he goes and gets the manager saying i gave him a death threat
i think thats about it for now
i walked in once(about two months ago) in a normal shirt and shorts to do legs, did two warmup sets and started cramping, looked at the thermostat and it said 58!!!!! in november!!!!
i asked my bro josh at the front desk who sets the thermostat and he said the manager(the old one, we have a new one now), okay, this guy is about 6'3 160lbs of weasel, so i asked where he was and josh said he had been out on break for a couple hours(he apparently did this alot) and only he could change the thermostat from his office
so i asked for his cell number and got it, the conversation lasted about 2 minutes and 15 minutes after that he showed up at the club, apologized for setting it so low, and turned it up to 72, which is okay
i came back later that day and finished my leg workout
the funny thing is the majority of big meat heads in the gym cant fight to save their lives.
i find it so funny how they big them selves up all the time.
im a proffesional cage fighter and weigh 12st. After a mouthy meat head said are you goona be much longer on that bench pal 4 times i stood up and knocked the 15.5 st geeza spark out in front if the whole gym...............shame.
now when i see him he wants to be my best mate. what a mug.
dont judge a book by its a cover as most roid heads this size are p!!!!!ys
this girl had a tat on her inner thigh it said P.O.P. and she wouldnt tell me what it meant! maybe ill find out later.
Hmmm seems to me in my 18 years of working out and 40 years of living there is always someone stronger and badder and a better fighter than you...and yes they may even be bigger. Theories like yours may wind you up getting a severe ass beating one day. Like u said dont judge a book by its cover.... oh and hurry up on that f*ing bench *LOL*
People that spend an hour on the tread mill, with sweat pissing from every pour and orifice, then proceed to use a number of benches and weights, leaving a slug trail behind them...
This isnt a piss me off but more of a nsaty thing.
I am in a stall doing my business and this guy goes into the stall next to me. I am sitting there and look over and he is doing his business in that dirty bathroom barefoot ! COME ON PEOPLE !
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