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  1. #1
    dedic8ed1's Avatar
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    My gay boss picks on me passive aggrexivly and holds my job over my head.

    I've been at this metal refinery for the better part of 4 years.I'm the only guy in that time who has been hired and not fired and brought back as a result of incompetence negligence or just plain old I lazyness.In one of our departments The requirements is to shovel up rock and process it into bags and then drums to be shipped in various countries all over the world.I set the pace in the department when they first started it because they didn't know what to expect as far as production cause it was a new system.I am a worker,Meaning when I punch in I want to be as busy as possible to make the day go by faster,everyone else at the plant is either a ragging acloholic or a rec drug scumbag.Of course my work ethic pisses everyone off because my numbers destroy everyone else's.Now as the most productive guy in the plant and the only sober individual with the exception of one other guy I'm the guy who gets shit on whenever they need to make a change to suit the needs of the plant.For instance my boss now wants me to train on first shift to run the furnace that produces the product,which will cost me my shift differential $1.00 and will not allow me to work my second job which some of you might know will pay my rent in the summer so I could stack my refinery job checks in the bank for savings,which he knows I worked very hard to get.At this point I've maxed out my money potential at the plant there is no more money to be made I'm at the senior rate already.This mother fukin prick who is gay by the way I do believe he get's off on pushing me around,it's to the point now where the only time I can so no to staying after to do some bullshit overtime that I don't care for is if I already been there for 16 hrs and is against state law,and he still has the nerve to push the issue.

    I know what your gonna say tell him your gonna find another job or something to that effect but guess what this ain't the guy to play hard ball with cause you'll lose every time.I'm at a serious cross roads here and today I was "No shit"almost in tears cause I had to restrain my self with every fiber in my being to not yoke this little piece of shit up after he told this morning 20min before I'm about to leave "Hey Mark I need you to stay for 8hr can you do it" I said no I have some where to be and he said "well no one else can so your gonna have to stay"One of the maintanance guys was rite there looked at me and said don't do it bud you need your job just relax.And the guy had the nerve to say thanks like I already agreed to it.

    I have child support obligations rent ya know real life responsibilities.This fuk has no idea what it's like to have a child to put before all your own needs and sweat for a living.I don't know I guess I just had to vent I'm gonna crash out now I'm beat as hell and I still went to the gym after 16 hrs.

    Yeah I know get another job but good jobs $17.00 are hard to find.

    "Our emotional response is what dictates our state of mind but today I was pushed"
    Last edited by dedic8ed1; 04-29-2008 at 04:49 PM.

  2. #2
    inky-e's Avatar
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    I feel ya brother. Things are hard all over.If the guy is breaking state labor laws then you may want to consider notifying the proper authorities, you may be able to do it anonymously. Whatever you do, do not act out with violence!
    A while back at a job where my wife worked at, someone blew the whistle about unpaid overtime, they came in and checked the books and retroactively paid the employees, it was alot of money, if someone doesn't take the initiative to speak up, then you will continue to be walked on. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Good luck

  3. #3
    dedic8ed1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inky-e View Post
    I feel ya brother. Things are hard all over.If the guy is breaking state labor laws then you may want to consider notifying the proper authorities, you may be able to do it anonymously. Whatever you do, do not act out with violence!
    A while back at a job where my wife worked at, someone blew the whistle about unpaid overtime, they came in and checked the books and retroactively paid the employees, it was alot of money, if someone doesn't take the initiative to speak up, then you will continue to be walked on. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Good luck
    I've never been made to stay past 16 but the fact that he pushes the issues pisses me off.But yes I am forced to stay if I've only done my regular 8hr shift because he could fire me without paying me my unemployment by saying I refused to work.

  4. #4
    NATE0406's Avatar
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    what state do you live in??

  5. #5
    number twelve's Avatar
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    you dont have any more chance for advancement at the plant? it sounds like u should be running the place..

  6. #6
    dedic8ed1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NATE0406 View Post
    what state do you live in??
    New Jersey

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve View Post
    you dont have any more chance for advancement at the plant? it sounds like u should be running the place..
    No management positions available,no more rate advancement.

  8. #8
    thetank's Avatar
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    not be redundant but goddamn man, **** that place. you hate your job? dont quit, but take steps towards finding another possibility for a career. i respect that youve plugged away at that place for years to meet your financial responsibilities but youve gotta draw the line when your being pushed around. i know alot of smart, hard working, talented people who take shit from a fat ignorant old jackass for years because it pays the bills. you're young, work hard, and capable of ****in a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g. you dont need that job, you need the money it provides, so look into something more suitable, at the very least, you should be able to find a job where people show you the respect you deserve, subordinate or not.
    regardless of how limited you might feel your options are, have you honestly explored them? cause being told you HAVE to stay and work a double is ****ing ridiculous. is there no union? are you no protected in any way? i understand your disposition, but all i know is its pieces of shit like your boss that put chips on the shoulders of good, hard working people...and if after 4 ****in years of working your ass of to make a company alot of money isint good enough to hold onto the shift you want, what kind of confidence can you ever have in your job? what kind of gratitute can you ever expect to recieve? i know its not easy man..ive worked my share of bullshit jobs before i found what im doing now, but you need to consider what kind of possibility there is for your situation to ever change working there...and if it wont, then you need to change it yourself.

  9. #9
    Saunacrank's Avatar
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    Go get your class A cdl and get paid 18.50-23.50 for just driving.... thats what I did from the time I was 18-20. Working 70 hrs a week too so 30 of those hrs are time and a half.

  10. #10
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Tell management he is sexually harassing you. You aren't interested in his advancements now he treats you unfairly.

  11. #11
    Kratos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    Tell management he is sexually harassing you. You aren't interested in his advancements now he treats you unfairly.
    This might work and is smarter than what I would do. I'd just kick his ass plain and simple, get fired and figure it out later. I'm not joking, that's what I would do. Not very smart good advise I know.

  12. #12
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    Last edited by Odpierdol_sie!; 11-20-2013 at 07:25 AM.

  13. #13
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    Last edited by Odpierdol_sie!; 11-20-2013 at 07:25 AM.

  14. #14
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    go to the ppl above him... his bosses. call corporate or what not. explain everything. or write a letter to his bosses.

  15. #15
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dedic8ed1 View Post
    I've been at this metal refinery for the better part of 4 years.I'm the only guy in that time who has been hired and not fired and brought back as a result of incompetence negligence or just plain old I lazyness.In one of our departments The requirements is to shovel up rock and process it into bags and then drums to be shipped in various countries all over the world.I set the pace in the department when they first started it because they didn't know what to expect as far as production cause it was a new system.I am a worker,Meaning when I punch in I want to be as busy as possible to make the day go by faster,everyone else at the plant is either a ragging acloholic or a rec drug scumbag.Of course my work ethic pisses everyone off because my numbers destroy everyone else's.Now as the most productive guy in the plant and the only sober individual with the exception of one other guy I'm the guy who gets shit on whenever they need to make a change to suit the needs of the plant.For instance my boss now wants me to train on first shift to run the furnace that produces the product,which will cost me my shift differential $1.00 and will not allow me to work my second job which some of you might know will pay my rent in the summer so I could stack my refinery job checks in the bank for savings,which he knows I worked very hard to get.At this point I've maxed out my money potential at the plant there is no more money to be made I'm at the senior rate already.This mother fukin prick who is gay by the way I do believe he get's off on pushing me around,it's to the point now where the only time I can so no to staying after to do some bullshit overtime that I don't care for is if I already been there for 16 hrs and is against state law,and he still has the nerve to push the issue.

    I know what your gonna say tell him your gonna find another job or something to that effect but guess what this ain't the guy to play hard ball with cause you'll lose every time.I'm at a serious cross roads here and today I was "No shit"almost in tears cause I had to restrain my self with every fiber in my being to not yoke this little piece of shit up after he told this morning 20min before I'm about to leave "Hey Mark I need you to stay for 8hr can you do it" I said no I have some where to be and he said "well no one else can so your gonna have to stay"One of the maintanance guys was rite there looked at me and said don't do it bud you need your job just relax.And the guy had the nerve to say thanks like I already agreed to it.

    I have child support obligations rent ya know real life responsibilities.This fuk has no idea what it's like to have a child to put before all your own needs and sweat for a living.I don't know I guess I just had to vent I'm gonna crash out now I'm beat as hell and I still went to the gym after 16 hrs.

    Yeah I know get another job but good jobs $17.00 are hard to find.

    "Our emotional response is what dictates our state of mind but today I was pushed"
    I feel you bro. All I can say is that it is really easy to find 17 job here in canada espicially alberta. Tim hortons pay about 16 (its a coffee shop like dunkin donuts). So you are welcome to come here if you want.

  16. #16
    TJM7275 is offline Banned
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    Dude, that sucks ass. I would take some time and learn everything you can about employment laws in N.J. Keep a log of everything the little prick does to you. Working sixteen hours is ridiculous because your fatigue can put your life and the lives of others in danger. Call the better business burearo(Sorry) and let them know what he's doing. If you have a log you can take it to them as solid evidence. He might also be harrassing you because you dont have any sugar in your tank, which is illegal anywhere. You can also go down to the local Law library and check the statutes for labor laws if you want. I wouldnt take that shit anymore. No job is worth your sanity so I would also start looking around. Craigs List, Monster, and Career Builder are good places to start. Good luck dude and keep us posted...Tim

  17. #17
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    you can find all your answers here or email them.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by thetank View Post
    not be redundant but goddamn man, **** that place. you hate your job? dont quit, but take steps towards finding another possibility for a career. i respect that youve plugged away at that place for years to meet your financial responsibilities but youve gotta draw the line when your being pushed around. i know alot of smart, hard working, talented people who take shit from a fat ignorant old jackass for years because it pays the bills. you're young, work hard, and capable of ****in a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g. you dont need that job, you need the money it provides, so look into something more suitable, at the very least, you should be able to find a job where people show you the respect you deserve, subordinate or not.
    regardless of how limited you might feel your options are, have you honestly explored them? cause being told you HAVE to stay and work a double is ****ing ridiculous. is there no union? are you no protected in any way? i understand your disposition, but all i know is its pieces of shit like your boss that put chips on the shoulders of good, hard working people...and if after 4 ****in years of working your ass of to make a company alot of money isint good enough to hold onto the shift you want, what kind of confidence can you ever have in your job? what kind of gratitute can you ever expect to recieve? i know its not easy man..ive worked my share of bullshit jobs before i found what im doing now, but you need to consider what kind of possibility there is for your situation to ever change working there...and if it wont, then you need to change it yourself.
    No union,they tried to get in a couple years ago and the owners shut the plant down until they went away and opened up under a new name.Today the mtrfuker tells me if you don't like what's going on then leave.My buddy said that he's acting this way cause he knows he can find some new guy to do my job for $5 less an hour.Of course I said no just to placate him cause I have nothing to fall back on.I just got off the phone with my buddy and he's gonna talk to his boss about getting me on as a laoborer and getting me my book,which I should've done a while ago but I was comfortable until now.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    This might work and is smarter than what I would do. I'd just kick his ass plain and simple, get fired and figure it out later. I'm not joking, that's what I would do. Not very smart good advise I know.
    Yeah I know that's what my buddy said but he ain't been to the county either and I ain't giving this state any more of my money,fuk that.And my kids mother would love to bring that to court.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    I feel you bro. All I can say is that it is really easy to find 17 job here in canada espicially alberta. Tim hortons pay about 16 (its a coffee shop like dunkin donuts). So you are welcome to come here if you want.
    I know WEBB already suggested it.I have a 7 year old boy that I wouldn't leave with his mother for the world man so it's just not possible.

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