As a person who has been investigated by the IRS, the FBI, and my local state government and police authorities -all for non steroid related issues- I can tell you that the system is designed to install fear. The authorities know that the public is informed, and they always use ambiguously vague public statements to inspire fear. And guess what, they work. They have the power, and they dont close, they are open 24/7, and you're paying for it. The problem is, that one day Americans are going to become to "FED" up with their privacy and rights being violated and fight back. Why do you think Wesley snipes got sentenced to 3 years in prison for not filing tax returns. It inspires fear. Know your rights, believe in them, and stand up for them, the USA is not going to last until 22nd century people, a new form of government will have taken over. Bring power back to the people, we shouldnt have to live in fear anymore.