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Thread: the law, this forum...just take a look

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Exclamation the law, this forum...just take a look

    ok so ive been reading..and this article is not comforting..are we on this forum..even tho its a no source forum helping the this

    "The investigation also focused on message boards where advice is traded about obtaining raw materials, as well as on the Web sites that help the labs sell finished products to the public. Hundreds of thousands of e-mails were intercepted, according to Dan Simmons, a San Diego-based special agent for the DEA. Simmons said that no professional athletes have been implicated so far but that the e-mails are being compiled into a massive database of names and are being analyzed."

    Like that mkaes me worried about being on a website called and aving a north american ip address..anyone else feel the same...? any opinions

    heres the link to the full article

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    this should be in the lounge

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by slamjamnet View Post

    "The investigation also focused on message boards where advice is traded about obtaining raw materials, as well as on the Web sites that help the labs sell finished products to the public. Hundreds of thousands of e-mails were intercepted, according to Dan Simmons, a San Diego-based special agent for the DEA. Simmons said that no professional athletes have been implicated so far but that the e-mails are being compiled into a massive database of names and are being analyzed."

    I share your concern but our board policies should keep our forum safe. Where I bolded the above, it was meant to demonstrate that we neither trade advice about raw materials nor sell finished steroid products for any lab, hence the no-source asking/discussing/naming policy on these parts. furthermore, the massive database of names being analyzed, I am sure, are not meant to prosecute small time buyers for personal use but identifying potential distributors to prosecute. We're not 100% safe I agree, but this board is as safe as anyone can get...just dont mention sources or UGL names or transactions and u should be fine -fingers crossed-

  4. #4
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    As a person who has been investigated by the IRS, the FBI, and my local state government and police authorities -all for non steroid related issues- I can tell you that the system is designed to install fear. The authorities know that the public is informed, and they always use ambiguously vague public statements to inspire fear. And guess what, they work. They have the power, and they dont close, they are open 24/7, and you're paying for it. The problem is, that one day Americans are going to become to "FED" up with their privacy and rights being violated and fight back. Why do you think Wesley snipes got sentenced to 3 years in prison for not filing tax returns. It inspires fear. Know your rights, believe in them, and stand up for them, the USA is not going to last until 22nd century people, a new form of government will have taken over. Bring power back to the people, we shouldnt have to live in fear anymore.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by slamjamnet View Post
    ok so ive been reading..and this article is not comforting..are we on this forum..even tho its a no source forum helping the this

    "The investigation also focused on message boards where advice is traded about obtaining raw materials, as well as on the Web sites that help the labs sell finished products to the public. Hundreds of thousands of e-mails were intercepted, according to Dan Simmons, a San Diego-based special agent for the DEA. Simmons said that no professional athletes have been implicated so far but that the e-mails are being compiled into a massive database of names and are being analyzed."

    Like that mkaes me worried about being on a website called and aving a north american ip address..anyone else feel the same...? any opinions

    heres the link to the full article
    If you are using roids then you dam well better be ready to go to jail for them. This isn't some kind of game. You are committing a crime. A friend of mine had DEA agents/ local cops show up at his house . He went to jail for "possesion and intent to distrubute." He made an average size order for himself and they charged him for every vial, every amp, etc etc. jail time for someone with no criminal record. Think about what you are doing. The cops can show up at your place anyday and your life will change. No more job, no more working out in your air conditioned gym. You will be living with Jim behind bars.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by fedorrulz View Post
    If you are using roids then you dam well better be ready to go to jail for them. This isn't some kind of game. You are committing a crime. A friend of mine had DEA agents/ local cops show up at his house . He went to jail for "possesion and intent to distrubute." He made an average size order for himself and they charged him for every vial, every amp, etc etc. jail time for someone with no criminal record. Think about what you are doing. The cops can show up at your place anyday and your life will change. No more job, no more working out in your air conditioned gym. You will be living with Jim behind bars.
    Thanks for the Nightmares, now get the *** out of here...............

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Thats some messed up SHHHHHH

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raw Deal View Post
    Thanks for the Nightmares, now get the *** out of here...............
    It happens all the time. My friend lost everything and now is an ex-convict" becuse of roids. I take this stuff very seriously.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    This needs to moved to the lounge. I always say here careful what say and post here. This site is being watched.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by dupa95 View Post
    This needs to moved to the lounge. I always say here careful what say and post here. This site is being watched.
    Well if they are watching the cock suckers can watch this

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by dupa95 View Post
    This needs to moved to the lounge. I always say here careful what say and post here. This site is being watched.
    The fact that I am warning you guys to be very careful and know what you are getting into needs to be moved to the lounge?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2005
    wait.. where am I?..
    f*ck them all anyway... seriously, with the economic situation our country is in, it's a friggin huge waste of funds to spend taxpayer money trying to bust people for steroid use.... seriously where's the harm? nobody's out killing people for dealing steroids on their turf like coke dealers. nobody's selling their kids to get a shot of testosterone. what's the biggest problem?.. oh yeah, a few guys hit a sh!tload of home runs.. get the f*ck outa here...

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by fedorrulz View Post
    The fact that I am warning you guys to be very careful and know what you are getting into needs to be moved to the lounge?
    The fact that you sound to damn intense about this and IDK you from ADAM is enough for me to move you...Go somewere else..they might be watching You, Or maybe Your the Watcher ! I don't think we need you to warn us, what do you think this shit never crossed our minds, You didnt shine some New Light on the subject for us Ya Know!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    You Americans will have to face hard times I suppose...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2005
    wait.. where am I?..
    such hostility

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLee View Post
    You Americans will have to face hard times I suppose...
    Chuckie, where do u live ?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale View Post
    Chuckie, where do u live ?


  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by fedorrulz View Post
    The fact that I am warning you guys to be very careful and know what you are getting into needs to be moved to the lounge?
    Ok so your on this form why then?????

  19. #19
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    Nov 2004

    I also rember you talking about getting a pack seized by customs. I dont see you in jail at this time. If im correct you also used your real name and addy????

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Tim 'er and Rim 'er
    Because of this forum I have come to know there is a testosterone test. Through this forum I came to know what the heck are testosterones. Through this forum I came to know what to ask my doctor and how to give him an impression that I know what the heck I am talking about. Through this forum I came to know what kind of specialist I should I ask to make an appointment. Through this forum I came to know what kind of test my doctor should give me to investigate.

    All I was told in the past are shooting blanks and there is nothing we can do about it. Not picking on the doctors its just that they have so much patients I fell through the cracks.

    Only way to fix what issues I have is AAS and I had to ask my doctor about it and then he prescribed me AAS.

    All this "Roid Rage" is because of this stupid Wrestling foundation whose wrestlers defiantly dont know what the hell they are injecting. Tell me one case where a professional body builder died because of AAS use?

    After all that If somebody still thinks that it is illegal all I got to say is this they can Kiss my hairy arse.

  21. #21
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    Well here I can just walk into the pharmacy (drug store) and buy steroids over the counter so no problem with the police ..... But you can still get shot, bombed or kidnapped and that is not so nice

  22. #22
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    GTA, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by fedorrulz View Post
    If you are using roids then you dam well better be ready to go to jail for them. This isn't some kind of game. You are committing a crime. A friend of mine had DEA agents/ local cops show up at his house . He went to jail for "possesion and intent to distrubute." He made an average size order for himself and they charged him for every vial, every amp, etc etc. jail time for someone with no criminal record. Think about what you are doing. The cops can show up at your place anyday and your life will change. No more job, no more working out in your air conditioned gym. You will be living with Jim behind bars.
    Well, fortunately I and the thread starter live in Canada where use and posession is not a crime.

    You can have fun avoiding the gestapo down in the United States of America, the so called 'land of the free'.

  23. #23
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    Tim 'er and Rim 'er
    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    Well, fortunately I and the thread starter live in Canada where use and posession is not a crime.

    You can have fun avoiding the gestapo down in the United States of America, the so called 'land of the free'.
    Hello Fellow canadian . How is going Eh? SO the law is that you can use and posession is not a crime but buying is...Sorry dont know the law making sure.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    Hello Fellow canadian . How is going Eh? SO the law is that you can use and posession is not a crime but buying is...Sorry dont know the law making sure.
    Nobody gives 2 shits over here if you own and use steroids unless you're distributing and dealing them, because steroids are a schedule 4 drug over here (as opposed to schedule 3 in the USA). Go read the CDSA (Controlled Drugs And Substances Act) for Canada, where under Schedule 4 drugs it says:

    Schedule IV: It is not an offence to possess a Schedule IV substance for personal use; however, Subsection (2) of Section (4) of the CDSA states that "no person shall seek or obtain a sustance or authorization from a practitioner to obtain a substance in schedules I through IV." Subsection (7) then states that it is an indictable offence to contravene subsection (2). Ergo, it is an indictable offence to attempt to acquire a Schedule IV substance but not an offence for possession. Section 5 provides that possession for the purpose of trafficking of a Schedule IV substance is an offence.

    I love Canada.

    A number of months ago, my buddy was pulled over by the pigs and they searched his vehicle looking for drugs. They found 10 vials of test, 500 tablets of Turinabol, and 8 amps of HCG. Wanna know what the cops did? Nothing. They didn't find any other drugs so they just let him go. They can't bust him for having that in his posession because it's not illegal. It didn't even cross the cops' minds.

    Now lets say if they had found reciepts or evidence that he was going to sell that stuff to someone, the situation would have been different.

    The idea that steroid use is bad is a USA projection on reality, and it is something other countries have been pressured into toeing in line with, although up here in Canada we made it criminal becausee the national guilt-fest over Ben Johnson. Before that it was like illegally importing aspirin. Anabolic steroids were actually not even added to the controlled substances list up here in Canada until 1996! In Canada, steroids are "Schedule IV" under the Controlled Substances Act, or wherever in the Criminal Code of Canada, and it's a category created explicitly for steroids because even our whacked parliamentarians couldn't see the point in putting it in Schedule III with marijuana, Schedule II with valium, perc, etc and Schedule I with coke, heroin et al.. But in the US steroids have been branded a "dangerous narcotic" and are in the A-list; and as per a news item which you'll find on as well as **** (I got it in ************.com's newsletter) the penalties are being upped severely in the United States, with individual pills now being potentially a charge each or something ridiculous along those lines. Witch-hunts, stake-burnings, and necktie parties over something that, let's see, makes you stronger, generally happier, and pretty well forces you to eat right, might get you bald and maybe you'll have some endocrine problems and maybe an enlarged left ventricle. And the guys who made this stuff illegal are stoked on booze and cigarettes and prescription psychotropics.....and why is it illegal?

  25. #25
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    Tim 'er and Rim 'er
    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    Nobody gives 2 shits over here if you own and use steroids unless you're distributing and dealing them, because steroids are a schedule 4 drug over here (as opposed to schedule 3 in the USA). Go read the CDSA (Controlled Drugs And Substances Act) for Canada, where under Schedule 4 drugs it says:

    Schedule IV: It is not an offence to possess a Schedule IV substance for personal use; however, Subsection (2) of Section (4) of the CDSA states that "no person shall seek or obtain a sustance or authorization from a practitioner to obtain a substance in schedules I through IV." Subsection (7) then states that it is an indictable offence to contravene subsection (2). Ergo, it is an indictable offence to attempt to acquire a Schedule IV substance but not an offence for possession. Section 5 provides that possession for the purpose of trafficking of a Schedule IV substance is an offence.

    I love Canada.

    A number of months ago, my buddy was pulled over by the pigs and they searched his vehicle looking for drugs. They found 10 vials of test, 500 tablets of Turinabol, and 8 amps of HCG. Wanna know what the cops did? Nothing. They didn't find any other drugs so they just let him go. They can't bust him for having that in his posession because it's not illegal. It didn't even cross the cops' minds.

    Now lets say if they had found reciepts or evidence that he was going to sell that stuff to someone, the situation would have been different.

    The idea that steroid use is bad is a USA projection on reality, and it is something other countries have been pressured into toeing in line with, although up here in Canada we made it criminal becausee the national guilt-fest over Ben Johnson. Before that it was like illegally importing aspirin. Anabolic steroids were actually not even added to the controlled substances list up here in Canada until 1996! In Canada, steroids are "Schedule IV" under the Controlled Substances Act, or wherever in the Criminal Code of Canada, and it's a category created explicitly for steroids because even our whacked parliamentarians couldn't see the point in putting it in Schedule III with marijuana, Schedule II with valium, perc, etc and Schedule I with coke, heroin et al.. But in the US steroids have been branded a "dangerous narcotic" and are in the A-list; and as per a news item which you'll find on as well as **** (I got it in ************.com's newsletter) the penalties are being upped severely in the United States, with individual pills now being potentially a charge each or something ridiculous along those lines. Witch-hunts, stake-burnings, and necktie parties over something that, let's see, makes you stronger, generally happier, and pretty well forces you to eat right, might get you bald and maybe you'll have some endocrine problems and maybe an enlarged left ventricle. And the guys who made this stuff illegal are stoked on booze and cigarettes and prescription psychotropics.....and why is it illegal?
    I Love Canada.

    Thanks Man.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaydub View Post
    f*ck them all anyway... seriously, with the economic situation our country is in, it's a friggin huge waste of funds to spend taxpayer money trying to bust people for steroid use.... seriously where's the harm? nobody's out killing people for dealing steroids on their turf like coke dealers. nobody's selling their kids to get a shot of testosterone. what's the biggest problem?.. oh yeah, a few guys hit a sh!tload of home runs.. get the f*ck outa here...
    A-f**kin-men bro! U hit it right on the head with that 1.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by STEROIDMD View Post
    A-f**kin-men bro! U hit it right on the head with that 1.
    agreed 100%

  28. #28
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timm1704 View Post
    agreed 100%
    agreed 1000%...whata ****en joke

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    The people or Dea that are watching these forums should feel like absolute puppets. They are reducing the freedoms of Americans just like themselves. Steroids are posing no legitimate threat to anyone anymore than alcohol does.

    Dea, do you really think you are improving the country? You are stripping the freedoms given to us by the constitution. You are letting the government pull the wool over the publics eyes by ignoring real problems.

    Real problems like some of the worst education in the world. A dollar that will soon be worth nothing (affects your dea wages too). Inflation causes food prices to rise and people to starve. Fighting wars that are government starts. Promoting religion that separates all types of people. Someday there will be unity and people like you will feel worthless for being on the side of suppressive ignorance. Puppets. Have some pride in yourselves.
    Last edited by kirk3624; 05-02-2008 at 12:55 PM. Reason: spelling

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale View Post
    Chuckie, where do u live ?

    Here is still pretty easy to get gears from east europe fortunately

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post

    It's the place where I wanna go when I'll get the money to travel again...

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale View Post
    Well if they are watching the cock suckers can watch this
    LOL! let me bump it in case they missed it the first time.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale View Post
    Well if they are watching the cock suckers can watch this

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr View Post

    I also rember you talking about getting a pack seized by customs. I dont see you in jail at this time. If im correct you also used your real name and addy????
    my package was one item. My friends was about 8, but it was only for him for a single cycle. He went to jail, I got the seizure letter. It was my first order from overseas. He had made many before. So the cops were watching his activites obviously.
    Last edited by fedorrulz; 05-03-2008 at 01:39 AM.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    Tell me one case where a professional body builder died because of AAS use?
    After all that If somebody still thinks that it is illegal all I got to say is this they can Kiss my hairy arse.
    How about 12?

    Carlos Rodriquez

    Mohammed Benaziza

    Chuck Sipes

    Ray Mcneil

    Andreas Munzer

    Mike Mentzer

    Sonny Schmidt

    Don Younglood

    Paul Demayo

    Johnny Fuller

    Edouad Kawak

    Wilfried Sylvester


  36. #36
    Join Date
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    Canada - No source checks
    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    Well, fortunately I and the thread starter live in Canada where use and posession is not a crime.

    You can have fun avoiding the gestapo down in the United States of America, the so called 'land of the free'.
    fvck yeah, Canada, the true land of the free

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by fedorrulz View Post
    How about 12?

    Carlos Rodriquez

    Mohammed Benaziza

    Chuck Sipes

    Ray Mcneil

    Andreas Munzer

    Mike Mentzer

    Sonny Schmidt

    Don Younglood

    Paul Demayo

    Johnny Fuller

    Edouad Kawak

    Wilfried Sylvester

    Dont mean shit. you can od on water and die.

  38. #38
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    GTA, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by fedorrulz View Post
    How about 12?

    Carlos Rodriquez

    Mohammed Benaziza

    Chuck Sipes

    Ray Mcneil

    Andreas Munzer

    Mike Mentzer

    Sonny Schmidt

    Don Younglood

    Paul Demayo

    Johnny Fuller

    Edouad Kawak

    Wilfried Sylvester

    Um... alot of those guys did not die from AAS. I think it's absolutely ignorant to point at some muscular guy who dies early and say "HEY HE DIED FROM STEROIDS!!!"

    First of all, Mike Mentzer died from a congenital heart defect. His brother died from the same problem a day later. Not steroids!

    Andreas Munzer died from a lethal diruetic, not steroids.

    Mohammed Benaziza died from diruetic abuse.

    Ray Mcneil... I can't even believe you listed this guy and said he died from steroids... the guy was blown away with a shotgun blast from his wife!! VERY far from steroids, wouldn't you think!?

    Ray Schmitt died from CANCER! Not steroids!

    Paul Demayo died from a HEROIN OVERDOSE! Not steroids!

    Johnny Fuller, again CANCER, not steroids!

    I suggest you do some freaking research before running off names like that. The other ones I didn't cover (Chuck Sipes, Don Youngblood, Edouard Kawak Wilfried Sylvester) died from unknown causes. 2 of them died from heart attacks. Hardly definitively linked to AAS. If they were due to AAS, it would be due to ABUSE, not use. I'm getting sick and tired of whenever a big muscular guy dies young (even if it's from a fvcking SHOTGUN BLAST), everyone points fingers and screams "STEROIDS! STEROIDS! STEROIDS! STEROIDS!". Meanwhile people die young all the time, big and muscular or not! That youtube video looks fvcking stupid, and was probably made by someone who is very very bitter against bodybuilding for some stupid reason and is out to attack the activity/sport from any angle he can. I can't believe you bought into that piece of crap youtube video...

    Most of those guys on that pathetic list you gave us died from causes COMPELTELY unrelated to AAS! Do some damn research and get your facts straight before listing names like a fvcking raffle is taking place!

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr View Post
    Dont mean shit. you can od on water and die.
    Bro, look at my post... 80% of the guys on that list died from things completely unrelated to steroids, let alone anything that MIGHT warrant SOME suspicion towards AAS abuse.

    I mean, the guy fvcking listed a bodybuilder on there who was shot by his wife with a shotgun and said he died from STEROIDS! Seriously, what the fvck!? Yeah thats right, the shotgun was loaded with dbol tablets instead of 12 gauge ballbearings, right?

    fedorrulz just lost any credibility I had for anything he said after he posted that list. I will no longer take anything he says any longer as being serious or truth. I'm sorry, but death by shotgun blast does not = anabolic steroid death...

    Holy fvck.

  40. #40
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    fedorrulz lost any credibility to me when he keeps saying to take tbol to raise test levels, so i overlook all his posts

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