Nobody gives 2 shits over here if you own and use steroids unless you're distributing and dealing them, because steroids are a schedule 4 drug over here (as opposed to schedule 3 in the USA). Go read the CDSA (Controlled Drugs And Substances Act) for Canada, where under Schedule 4 drugs it says:
Schedule IV: It is not an offence to possess a Schedule IV substance for personal use; however, Subsection (2) of Section (4) of the CDSA states that "no person shall seek or obtain a sustance or authorization from a practitioner to obtain a substance in schedules I through IV." Subsection (7) then states that it is an indictable offence to contravene subsection (2). Ergo, it is an indictable offence to attempt to acquire a Schedule IV substance but not an offence for possession. Section 5 provides that possession for the purpose of trafficking of a Schedule IV substance is an offence.
I love Canada.
A number of months ago, my buddy was pulled over by the pigs and they searched his vehicle looking for drugs. They found 10 vials of test, 500 tablets of Turinabol, and 8 amps of HCG. Wanna know what the cops did? Nothing. They didn't find any other drugs so they just let him go. They can't bust him for having that in his posession because it's not illegal. It didn't even cross the cops' minds.
Now lets say if they had found reciepts or evidence that he was going to sell that stuff to someone, the situation would have been different.
The idea that steroid use is bad is a USA projection on reality, and it is something other countries have been pressured into toeing in line with, although up here in Canada we made it criminal becausee the national guilt-fest over Ben Johnson. Before that it was like illegally importing aspirin.
Anabolic steroids were actually not even added to the controlled substances list up here in Canada until 1996! In Canada, steroids are "Schedule IV" under the Controlled Substances Act, or wherever in the Criminal Code of Canada, and it's a category created explicitly for steroids because even our whacked parliamentarians couldn't see the point in putting it in Schedule III with marijuana, Schedule II with valium, perc, etc and Schedule I with coke, heroin et al.. But in the US steroids have been branded a "dangerous narcotic" and are in the A-list; and as per a news item which you'll find on as well as **** (I got it in ************.com's newsletter) the penalties are being upped severely in the United States, with individual pills now being potentially a charge each or something ridiculous along those lines. Witch-hunts, stake-burnings, and necktie parties over something that, let's see, makes you stronger, generally happier, and pretty well forces you to eat right, might get you bald and
maybe you'll have some endocrine problems and
maybe an enlarged left ventricle. And the guys who made this stuff illegal are stoked on booze and cigarettes and prescription psychotropics.....and why is it illegal?