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Thread: The no women allowed thread.

  1. #1
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    Smile The no women allowed thread.

    Naturally everyone will look now.
    Than all the ADD people will scan down and bounce.

    I was doing a report on gender discrimination, not sure if anyone saw this site before but I spent like 2 hours reading this guys shit.
    Truely hilarious.

    Heres some of his stuff:

    Why women hate sex.
    Out of all the problems that have ever or will ever exist on the Earth, there is only one that men haven’t and will never be able to solve — not because they can’t, because that’s ridiculous, but because the problem is unsolvable by design. Women hate sex.

    That’s it, there you have it. The end-all, be-all of cluster ****s. But why?

    Do women hate sex — and they do — because of some kind of woman-guilt from an outdated puritan societal dogma? Or perhaps a stigma of guilt or a fear of abandonment? No. None of these things are it. Women hate sex simply because they are lousy at it.

    This can be proved in a quick stroll down the checkout aisle at your local market of groceries — a place thick to the rafters with women. Take a look at some of their magazines and you will no doubt see a running theme: ‘Ten Ways to not suck in bed’, ‘Six Things to do to Your Man that aren’t Lay There Like a Futon’, and ‘Honestly who gives half a **** about socks being on or off? Jesus Christ that’s pathetic’.

    Also, much in the same way that a wall probably doesn’t like or doesn’t care about playing tennis with you, it’s definitely not your fault. Don’t let your sympathetic male compassion get the better of you. You could be dancing around like a maniac and pulling stunts out of your figurative ass like Johnny Magic the Wicked Awesome — maybe some whirl-arounds and in your face spikes from across the court — it’s really up to you as the man — but no matter what, the wall will remain unfazed. It just sits there doing nothing like a lump on a log probably thinking that it wants a new expensive coat of paint.

    This same theory can be applied to many other things as well. For example: that women hate problems.

    In Chinese, the symbol for crisis is the same as opportunity. I haven’t looked that up, but I heard it from a man so it’s probably true because us men have something called integrity. This means that in a time of crisis, we men are at our show stopping best. Take a flat tire on a moonless night for instance. While a man is out changing nuts and bolts and doing all manner of screwing on the side of the road, will a woman so much as think to grab a flashlight and help? No.

    That’s because women hate holding flashlights, because they are complete rubbish at it. Force a woman to hold a flashlight when it matters and you’re likely to catch her aiming it into the sky for absolutely no goddamn reason. You’re better off just duct taping it to a mailbox and catapulting it into space.


    Dick’s Top Ten Reasons

    10. Men do not have Tourette Syndrome

    I believe all women suffer from a mild and extremely localized form of Tourette Syndrome. The afflicted organ? Their tongues. That’s why women cannot shut their ****ing mouths for ten seconds while adults are speaking around them. Their tongues are battling around in their mouths like drunken Vipers.

    9. Men are not sponges

    Women are social chameleons — or better yet: social vampires. Women walk into a situation and before you know it they’ve completely changed their wardrobe and mannerisms as if they’ve joined a ****ing cult. Men are not sheep. Everyone knows the word for a female sheep is ewe, but what about the male word? There isn’t one because sheep is something men are not.

    8. Women are racists

    Women’s entire lives and social circles are based around hatred. Do they hate their boyfriends? Do they hate their wardrobe? Do they hate each other? Yes, yes and **** definitely. Men don’t go in for that silly sort of nonsense. If we’re dissatisfied, we pick up and move out. Or we take our mighty man muscles and lift ****ing mountains so the world looks exactly the way we want it to. Men do more world changing before 9:00 AM than any woman ever has done in her whole life.

    7. Men live less than women

    The last thing a society needs is a bunch of non-contributing members laying around and sucking all the juice from the young. Men know this so they blast off from birth like shooting man stars — burning out ten years faster, but setting the whole night ablaze with manness. Women just kind of lie around like big fat pigs in big fat puddles of shit. Congratulations women. You really earned those rights!

    6. Men write illegibly

    Writing is stupid and an ineffective way to communicate. Men know this so they don’t give a shit about handwriting things with big hoops and loops and squiggles and shit so aliens can read notes about remembering to pick up your birth control pills after 6th period from space.

    5. Jesus was a man

    Whether or not you believe in Jesus, there is one fact you can’t argue with: he was a man. No religion anywhere has ever put a woman in charge of shit. That’s called dogma — man-dogma — and it means men are better than women.

    4. Men wear watches

    Do you know why men wear watches? It’s because there’s a limited amount of time in the day and men need to know how much of it there is so they can efficiently allocate their man ass kicking for the day. Women don’t wear watches; they wear bracelets. Women wearing bracelets is like dropping a bus of retarded kids off in front of a taffy pulling machine. They can just stare for hours and never get bored.

    A watch says, ‘Get up and go! Move your man ass and take care of your ****ing man business!’ That’s why 60 minutes uses a ticking watch for its theme song. ‘Important shit is going down and we’re about to talk about it in a ****ing fastidious manner, so get the **** ready,’ says a ticking watch. A bracelet says, ‘You’re most likely ugly, but look at how much money you’re worth!’ What a joke.

    3. Boys destroy things

    The only thing that has ever lifted our species out of the trees where we came from is our ability to destroy. Take paper: the cornerstone of the modern world. That was invented because man wanted to destroy trees and beat them into pulp. How about nuclear power? Men invented that too. Men are natural destructors. We pop right out of the man-womb and start on a life-long tirade of progress by tearing down the Earth with our mighty, man-manly man-fists. Goddammit, that’s awesome!

    2. Marriage is stupid

    Marriage is 100% the fault of women. It was invented by men though! Did you know that? Marriage was invented because women were too busy whoring it out to **** the only the guy who was paying their rent and feeding their fat asses French bon-bons every day. Men invented marriage as a way of telling women who they could and couldn’t ****. Like everything else men have ever invented, it completely worked and worked way better than any man thought it would. Women became so indoctrinated by the man-invention of marriage that they’re ****ing obsessed with it.

    Marriage is still stupid. It’s a stupid game invented to entertain stupid minds and to teach basic lessons of fidelity that even invertebrates are born with.

    1. Men have penises

    When it comes to being a man, being quick at identifying problems is tantamount to fixing them. In fact it’s tantamount-ier. Having a penis — in other words looking like a man and having man parts — is a man’s way of telling other men, ‘Hey. Look at me. I’m a man. I won’t **** up whatever it is that you’re trying to do. If you need some help, maybe ask me and I’ll see if I can lend a man-hand. It’s the least I could do to be ****ing courteous.’

    Men Are Better Than Women.


    The sad part is, I'm not sure he's wrong.

  2. #2
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    Is this an argument to be gay?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gears View Post
    Is this an argument to be gay?
    I think (and I hope) so

  4. #4
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    Tim 'er and Rim 'er
    You can give me 10000000 reasons that men are better then women I am not going to Fu CK a man....

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    You can give me 10000000 reasons that men are better then women I am not going to Fu CK a man....
    If by reasons you mean dollars...I am in....otherwise I will stick to women

  6. #6
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    Tim 'er and Rim 'er
    bump.....why not eat stake....which you can eat it both ways rather then a sub

  7. #7
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    if women didnt have our babies, and males could reproduce on our own like worms, we could live without them.

    women could not live without men. if it wasnt for that little slit between there legs and ability to breast feed, we technically wouldnt need them.

    if it was the other way around, they'd all get eaten by bears and rhinos and shit.....

    dont worry bro's we still and always will have this world on lock, hillary wont become president

  8. #8
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    Bo, I always thought you had a vag

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by damiongage View Post
    If by reasons you mean dollars...I am in....otherwise I will stick to women
    rite there with you bro.. lol

    Quote Originally Posted by dirtball_619 View Post
    if women didnt have our babies, and males could reproduce on our own like worms, we could live without them.

    women could not live without men. if it wasnt for that little slit between there legs and ability to breast feed, we technically wouldnt need them.

    if it was the other way around, they'd all get eaten by bears and rhinos and shit.....

    dont worry bro's we still and always will have this world on lock, hillary wont become president
    haha that shit is funny.

  10. #10
    inky-e's Avatar
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    the three oh!
    Men are in charge, we're superior,we don't let women boss us around, we have the world by the balls, we answer to no woman!....oh shiit gotta go before my wife reads this!

  11. #11
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    Oh yay, you made me write this

    Why Women are Better then Men:

    1. All Cells are Female before Male. Why? XY is a lame XX. Y cell is missing significant amount of information, and thus could not develop properly into an XX. Women have two Xs. While One is powerful, one is just a backup. Men get the backup (weak) X from their mothers, and the "Retarded" Y from their fathers. Thus men have a higher mortality rate, are more prone to ailments, and can only think with their cock and not logic. It also means all men are deformed, and incomplete women. The penis is a result of this incompletion. Anyone who has studied basic Meiosis will know this.

    2. More men are Conservative then Democrat, What does this have to do with anything? Oh well it is more just ignorance vs. acceptance. "Lets lynch the ******" Vs. "Lets find a to create a better working system".

    3. Men can only think about sex. Thus their actions are not guided by any logic, just whatever their ego feels like having today.

    4. Men are responsible for crime, industrial revolution and media. This is the worst contribution men have made, and it has destroyed society. It has killed natives in the name of land, it is killed democracy in the name of Capitalism, and it has killed people in the name of selfish interest. Studies have shown men put more value on Money and material goods, then family and spiritual/emotional/societal goods. Men make up more then 57% of all crimes and terrorism perpetrated.

    And the list goes on and on, but because you are men, you will not listen to logic, and that is ok, I suppose a freak accident in nature made you that way (men)

    I am not a lesbian, I have a boy and I love him. Not interested in women at all, so you can take that idea and shove it up where you would LIKE to have something (because we all know that men love their penis so much it would be an honor to love another mans penis the same way).

    And no, Women do not hate sex. Media (men created it) has basically showed its face in "men are the only ones who should initiate sex" and thus it is shown in religion and the bullshit young girls are fed on TV. Men want women to be everything: The slut, the mother, the nun, the business woman and the housewife. And if that isnt ignorance, I have no I ****ing dea what is. haha.

    I am also not a feminist, I just can't STAND bullshit logic to why "we men are so ****in great and all women are sluts!" (which translates to: I am so in love with penis and am hurt because my mommy spanked me too hard when I was a baby!). I also reject media and gender roles, I think as humans we set up those stupid boundaries ourselves. So I am the most ubermasculine person you will ever meet, and I am a woman and I aint no lesbo.

    Ya'll have a nice day.

    Last edited by 2Hookers&An8ball; 05-06-2008 at 07:50 PM.

  12. #12
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    i would hardly call that owned.... an industrial revolution? would you rather be cooking on a stove top or still over a fire with rocks, sticks or stones? doing dishes on a .... well we wouldnt have dishes... and washing clothes in a river? please.... men invented 99% of the shit we need in this world.

    go cook dinner, and do my laundry while your at it!

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtball_619 View Post
    i would hardly call that owned.... an industrial revolution? would you rather be cooking on a stove top or still over a fire with rocks, sticks or stones? doing dishes on a .... well we wouldnt have dishes... and washing clothes in a river? please.... men invented 99% of the shit we need in this world.

    go cook dinner, and do my laundry while your at it!

    Hmm, But this IS getting owned, if you do not understand that as a result of the industrial revolution the need for greed and not life was increased and thus has sent our world to hell then perhaps I should send you a few of my books. So you do not think humans would have invented such things anyway? LOL, very nice. No, the definition for the industrial revolution is basically the beginning of capitalist market over need market.

    You have people and their WANTS Vs What is basic to survive. And as a result, billions of people have died in the name of property, illness and ignorance. 100M died during the capitalist conquest of India, 10m kids died last year alone due to dangerous working conditions in third world outsourcing, 600,000 died in the Iraqi war for oil, poverty is running rampant, oil is at an all time high, people are declaring war left right and center, starvation is at an all time high, and our ozone layer may not exist in another 50 years. Now you tell me, Mr. Superior man, how great the industrial revolution is, and how excellent it progressed us. Because as it turns out, all of the inventions made in the industrial revolution promoted laziness, control and greed. I think we would have found a better system naturally, and the inventors of such systems at the time of the IR did not have the intention of causing shit to the world, but thank God for the men who found a way to exploit it and destroy us all.

    But then again, the ignorant don't know their own ignorance, now do they Dirtball (good name for you!). Sorry for wasting your time, Dirtball, you can get back to scratching your balls and watching the Simpsons now.


  14. #14
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    i love it BO....true down to the letter...

    Lynch, why did you write it in Red...god my eyes hurt after the first sentance, i prolly would have red it if i wasnt blind....

  15. #15
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    Im A Pimp Named Slickback
    i dont think it really matters who is better at what.. we need each other. that will never change. i love females and really dont have anything bad to say about them besides most of them are bi-poler.

  16. #16
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    Im A Pimp Named Slickback
    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB View Post
    i love it BO....true down to the letter...

    Lynch, why did you write it in Red...god my eyes hurt after the first sentance, i prolly would have red it if i wasnt blind....
    haha i know the red is killing me i couldnt even finish reading what she said because i was getting a headache. lol

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2Hookers&An8ball View Post

    But then again, the ignorant don't know their own ignorance, now do they Dirtball (good name for you!). Sorry for wasting your time, Dirtball, you can get back to scratching your balls and watching the Simpsons now.
    its actually cops on channel 8.... some trailor trash dude is gettin arrested for smackin his bitch up.... probably didnt fold his clothes right

    most of the electronics you take for granted every day are made in sweat shops by mostly males, invented by males and distributed by males. the car you drive, same thing. the gas you burn, that we fight for.... is being manufactured by males. the house you live in, constructed by males.

    Now please, stop trying to prove your point. your not going to make a differance... at all. i have no shame therefor you cannot make me feel stupid or wrong.

    now lets stop hijacking this poor mans thread, theres a reason no religion has ever put a girl in charge of shit.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtball_619 View Post
    its actually cops on channel 8.... some trailor trash dude is gettin arrested for smackin his bitch up.... probably didnt fold his clothes right

    most of the electronics you take for granted every day are made in sweat shops by mostly males, invented by males and distributed by males. the car you drive, same thing. the gas you burn, that we fight for.... is being manufactured by males. the house you live in, constructed by males.

    Now please, stop trying to prove your point. your not going to make a differance... at all. i have no shame therefor you cannot make me feel stupid or wrong.

    now lets stop hijacking this poor mans thread, theres a reason no religion has ever put a girl in charge of shit.

    No, actually. Religions have. Native Tribes were run almost 100% by women, until white men came and convinced native men that men were closer to God. And as a result, men took over tribes, and hundreds are lost as a product of male leadership, all religions were created by men and which is why they are all ****ed up and at war with each other. The reason no women are in charge of religion is because men made all modern religions. And as for ancient religions? All were focused on women, and they were all destroyed by modern religion's ignorance and are making MAJOR comebacks.

    And no, sweatshops are primarily women, almost 53% are women, and usually young girls, millions die per year as a result.

    And the car that destroys the ozone layer? Men made it. And the sweatshop labor that kills millions per year? Men made it. And the TV that has indoctrinated and destroyed minds for years? Men made it. And the cellphones that kill brain cells? Men made it.

    Thank you for admitting you were stupid and ignorant, have a good one, Dirtball

    NATE: Stopped writing in red, will change post for you.


  19. #19
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    stupid and ignorant? maybe not as well informed but i couldnt really care less. being a male shovanist pig works for me.

    and being an activist or whatever you call yourself works for you. though you will ultimately accomplish nothing, it works for you so continue on with your pointless rants.

    Now excuse me while i resume scratching my nuts, and watching cops with my television from hell.

    P.S. you can type a mean arguement, ill give you that. id just rather not take the time to try and change 1 persons view on why men are better than women. My time is much better spent in the dieting forum as of late.

  20. #20
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    I could tell you many of reasons why men are better than women

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    I could tell you many of reasons why men are better than women
    is it cause you like penis'....i think so...

    where the helll are the carrots?!?!?!?!?!

  22. #22
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    source check [email protected]
    if you can find a way to replicate a vagina and boobs im with you

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lexed View Post
    if you can find a way to replicate a vagina and boobs im with you
    Silicone and a flesh light.

  24. #24
    Man I was gonana respond but shes banned already

  25. #25
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    source check [email protected]
    Quote Originally Posted by Blome View Post
    Silicone and a flesh light.
    I did some research and this fleshlight looks promising... placed a order and gonna start a log

  26. #26
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    ^^haha I'll subscribe to it.

  27. #27
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    Now for the TRUTH

    First I'm LMAO!
    & For the record, the post was for entertainment purposes only.

    If you want my response than I'll tell you my conclusions from the actual study I did. Which was a research study based on other stats, not stats I derived myself which I'll have to do next semester.


    Men do control politics, the work force, sports, and many of the most lucrative enterprises that exist.

    Feminists preach the whole women make $.74 for every $1.00 a man makes and that its ethically wrong.

    Fact is, men apply for and volunteer for more dangerous/risky jobs, because of risk involved, naturally they are paid more. Not to mention men being socialized to be the bread winner in which men worker harder/longer hours to support who? Us? No - females?

    Farrell (HUGE male & female activist) made a great point when he said how when he was young he had the opportunity to do the dishes and his parents would pay him like $.50 each time, or mow the lawn and make $10.00.
    He said shit, I'll just do the dishes.
    Than he started to like girls.
    So he told his parents he wanted to start mowing the lawn.

    Look at police (more risk: male) vs 911 operators (less risk; female).
    Dr.s (more risk) vs Nurses (less risk)

    NOW look at male bartenders vs. female bartenders. SAME job, SAME work, SAME risk, who gets more in tips? - females on avg.

    If women want more money - "grow a sack".

    On the other hand, this does NOT equate to us being "better off" or even better at all. More power is not equal to better.

    I'll explain why. Power requires sacrifice, more power requires more sacrifice, AND more vulnerability, contrary to popular belief, men are and will always be more vulnerable in this world as a result of his power.


    -A man convicted of murder is *20 times* more likely than a woman convicted of murder to receive the death penalty.

    -Since the 1976 reinstatement of the death penalty, 120 men – and only 1 woman – have actually been executed.

    -Being male contributes to a longer sentence more than race or any other factor – legal or extralegal. Yet sentencing guidelines were introduced largely to end racial discrimination?

    -Even when crimes are the same, woman are 57% more likely to get treatment sentences than prison sentences.

    -Women are also more likely to be made eligible for early departure (parole), and once eligible another 59% are actually released.

    -Twenty-three Americans have been executed – than later found innocent. *All* twenty-three were male.

    -The 14th amendment requires states to provide equal protection under law to all persons regardless of race, religion, ethnicity or gender.
    (where the ****s the equality for men from the courts when Department of corrections are documenting these statistics?)

    Untill boys and girls are 9, their suicide rates are identical.
    -from 10 to 14, the boys rates is twice as high as the girls
    -from 15-19, four times as high
    -from 20-24, six times as high.

    -As boys experience the pressure of the male role, their suicide rate increases over 25,000%.

    -The suicide rate for men over 85 is 1,350% higher than women at 85.

    -Men are unpaid bodyguards for women.

    -When most women marry, their income shifts from their job to their husband.

    What is Power?
    Money, social influence, control of the world.
    (Kaufman) In a world dominated by men, the world of men is, by definition, a world of power. That power is a structural part of the economics and systems of political and social organizations: it forms part of the core of religion, family, forms of play, and intellectual life".

    Whether its a dirty joke, a look, etc, all are illegal if a woman decides she doesn't like it.
    Legally speaking, the mans intent doesn't make a difference.

    Women as manipulaters:
    Cosmopolitan instructs women on how to take indirect initiatives at work to which men will unconsciously respond.
    "As you pass his desk, drop a pile of papers or a purse then stoop down to gather them. He'll help, lean close to him, put your hand on his shoulder to steady your balance".
    Same magazine then tells how to file a sexual harassment lawsuit if the initiatives elicit direct initiatives from the "wrong man".
    Which = Sexual harassment is only sexual harasment if the woman doesn't like the guy.

    What women call "harassment, men see as "hazing".


    So I basically conclude yeh men HAVE more power, but that power is a myth, because if they actually realized what they sacrificed for that power, we might actually let females run this country, get our nails done, go shopping, get push up brahs, snap on some high heels so we can snatch a guy and try manipulating his power for our favor.. w/out taking the risk/stress of life ourselves.

    So from this viewpoint, who's really got the better deal?
    Make yah think huh?

    edit: Also I had to add another idea.
    Women claim its not fair that society puts so much pressure on them to get breast implants so they be more attractive. But yet the VOLUNTEER for this.

    Is an uncircumsized penis sexy? Absolutely not, ask any girl, a VERY small % will say yes it is sexy.
    Than why from birth, involuntarily, without a choice, a scapel is brought to our penis, & we are circumsized?
    Some people say for bacteria reasons, gtf out of here.
    If you shower everyday, or even twice a week (for some people) you are NOT going to start growing mushrooms on your dick.
    Last edited by Bojangles69; 05-07-2008 at 12:10 AM.

  28. #28
    Man, a lot of your reasons involve women pulling the girl card.

    That is the number ONE thing that pisses me off, and I am now mostly immune to it. Even though I'd like to be completely immune to it, they are fvcking manipulative as hell.

    Women wonder why chivalry is dead? They are the exact reason why. Fvckin evil creatures.

    I was talking to a girl just the other day. She said, "I've never written a paper in my whole college career" I asked how this is...she says she looks around and looks for a nerdy guy and turns on the girl charm/manipulation/girl card.

    Chicks think they are ENTITLED to many things just because they are women. Hey...I don't owe you shit. It's not a law I have to hold the door for you, dont bitch at me because I didn't wait there for 30 seconds until you walked through it. You want a red carpet with that?

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    hahaha i love this thread!

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    this thread is awesome

    i remember reading somehwere about how if you look at tv advertising, women control this. deoderants/after shaves etc to get us women who then control us. beer during sports, which, because of alcohol, raises r estrogen levels and makes us more like women!!!!!!!

  31. #31
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    in a dilapidated apt.
    i don't care who's better. i love women.

  32. #32
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    Tim 'er and Rim 'er
    You can give all the statistics but reality of the situation is we need women cause there is a time in every men's life when he is thinking with his D i c k. (more for some then others). and for that 1 hr, we have to slave the rest 23 hrs. So we need women . and DSM dont give me any reasons to like

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    You can give all the statistics but reality of the situation is we need women cause there is a time in every men's life when he is thinking with his D i c k. (more for some then others). and for that 1 hr, we have to slave the rest 23 hrs. So we need women . and DSM dont give me any reasons to like
    I agree.
    I'm not saying either gender is more important, my intention was for men to realize the uselessness of the feminists rights movements, because in the end, it all balances out. Thats just my belief however.

  34. #34
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    I guess what I want people to derive from this is what society considers "value" for each gender, and how these "values" will always affect us negatively and equally as men AND women.
    There is one thing I DO believe wholeheartedly which was Einsteins - "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction". For every power we gain, we lose a power.

    Just like energy. Water gains heat energy, but cold energy is being pulled from its environment to make it boil. So as much as you think you're gaining anything in life, or better than the next person, you're own perception of your power will cloud reality.

    Reality being, power isn't real. Its a construct of the relative human mind, and to each mind a different power will be percieved (in another human being).

    Whatever the case, I just wanted to add a quote from a woman who wrote a book about how a womens job, or much of what she learns from childhood, is directly related to manipulating men for their benefit.
    Which is why for me, the easiest way to get a woman, is to let her know from the rip (nonverbally but through action - "I'm not an idiot, I'm not buying you a ****ing thing, your looks have no affect on my views of you as a human being, so drop the issue or go bother someone else - *nonverbally that is).

    When women realize they have no control over you, they lose thier minds and can't focus on ANYTHING but gaining that control. Take it away from them (this doesn't mean "be an asshole" it means "be a man") and they lose THEIR control to not be drawn to you.. just from my experience.
    Which not for bragging but is more than most men I know.

    So I have a clue about what I'm talking about.

    the womans quote:

    "women are neither intelligent, creative, nor emotional. Rather, all they care about is manipulating men to provide them with goods and services so that they can live in idleness." - Vilar.
    Last edited by Bojangles69; 05-07-2008 at 10:23 PM.

  35. #35
    ^^^^ Yep.

    Other day I went to go eat with a chick and she pulled the "I forgot money"

    I said, "looks like you wont be eating" Chick gave me the most shocked look ever loll

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    My Guy's poophole
    This thread keeps to be very very gay

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    123 Fake St.
    Good points, but I would never trade my role as a man... As stressful as it is, you get to experience more feeling of accomplishment.

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