Come on, you guys know better than that!
I couldn't begin to list all the greats that got dismissively stomped by initial reviews. As stated above it certainly isn't for everyone, but you fellas should know by now legends never die. No Speed may not be faster than light at the box office, but mark my words he'll at least go supersonic (five times the speed of sound).
Amid all the haters’ dismantling reviews, remember me speaking well of film’s entirety. So that on that one not so far away day when you do see it, AND YOU WILL, on a plane ride, as an errantly picked up by your woman dvd, on cable, or by some other unforeseen twist of fate, as you sit there basking in the afterglow (a single tear down your right cheek) and thinking to yourself, “What a marvelously transcendent film” reflectively shoot a smile upward for me and whisper..."I should have just trusted the Magicman!"