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Thread: NAU SuperHighway

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Back The Way you Came

    NAU SuperHighway

    i cant belive people actualyl think this is a good idea.

    This is terrible.

    ****in walmart and these other big companies are going to use YOUR TAX DOLLARS WHILE WE ARE 9 TRILLION in DEBT to build a super highway so they can bring up goods from mexico to make it cheaper.

    No wonder the top few keep getting more and the poor and middle class is getting smaller.

    Not only do you have more jobs packing up and leaving america you also have inflation eating away.

    And the same people who benefit from the shit like this are the same people who benefit from the Inflation, while the middle class and poor on fixed incomes face higher taxes, energy prices, food prices, inflation and lower wages. Just wonderful.

    Sure it might save you a few cents. This is like when the Federal Reserve cries the GDP or GNP or w.e it is rising. They dont take into account the distribution. barely any money is flowing back into america with shit like this and how the hell can we expect to be a prosperous nation with a thriving middle class?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Back The Way you Came

    here lou dobs and ron paul.

    they're right how come they can do it without the approval of the citizens and why is their tax dollars to go for it.

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