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  1. #1
    Diary of a Mad-man's Avatar
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    I am f4cked, and its my own fault

    To make a long story short, I came home from a bachelor party with a bunch of assholes I dont know, and my girlfriend was basicly screaming at me. I was pretty drunk and covered in blood. She wouldnt shut the **** up, and she was yelling in our condo at like 3:00 am. This is dumb as hell, but I tried to cover her mouth with my hand and basicly ended up strangling her. she just screamed for 4 minutes until I ended up grabbing her throat. Now I have finger nail marks on my face and neck.

    1) I am a piece of shit
    2) she is moving out
    3) all this for some dudes I barely know

    Now you guys should tell me how I'm a puzzy, and not to hit girls, and how her dad should kick my ass etc for a few pages please.

    I am a puzzy, but the noise coming out of her mouth was like a demon screech.

  2. #2
    Gears's Avatar
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    Jesus, learn some controll man.

  3. #3
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Dang.... I mean... dang....

    Lets just hope she doesn't try to press charges

  4. #4
    Diary of a Mad-man's Avatar
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    Its not even a "i lost my temper thing"

    She was overdramatizing everything and I was drunk as hell. When I tried to cover her mouth (not hurting her) almost jokingly, she started screaming like " attacked me" and I have joked with this girl everyday for 4 years. Shes the kind of girl that is physical with me all the time in a joking way. Then she started screaming and we got worse and worse.

    Anyways, I turned out to be the loser in the end.

  5. #5
    Diary of a Mad-man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    Dang.... I mean... dang....

    Lets just hope she doesn't try to press charges
    Good point. She said she was calling the police, so I was literally hiding in bushes. With a gatorade.

  6. #6
    Sir Lifts-a-lot's Avatar
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    what the hell is with you covered in blood?

    I have been drunk before with girls and gotten into shouting matches and done the one finger up to her mouth to shush her and missed and poked her in the nose or something like that, but I have never 'accidentally' choked any of them out.

    I hope one of your very close friends bangs her tonight.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diary of a Mad-man View Post
    To make a long story short, I came home from a bachelor party with a bunch of assholes I dont know, and my girlfriend was basicly screaming at me. I was pretty drunk and covered in blood. She wouldnt shut the **** up, and she was yelling in our condo at like 3:00 am. This is dumb as hell, but I tried to cover her mouth with my hand and basicly ended up strangling her. she just screamed for 4 minutes until I ended up grabbing her throat. Now I have finger nail marks on my face and neck.

    1) I am a piece of shit
    2) she is moving out
    3) all this for some dudes I barely know

    Now you guys should tell me how I'm a puzzy, and not to hit girls, and how her dad should kick my ass etc for a few pages please.

    I am a puzzy, but the noise coming out of her mouth was like a demon screech.
    NO DUDE!!!

    All this for THAT CRAPPY alcohol that makes us do horrible things.
    Believe me, I speak for personal experience, and I'm not proud of this.

    Why you were covered in blood then??

  8. #8
    200byjune's Avatar
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    im sure she was a dumb bitch that wouldnt shut the **** up. i no what u mean and yu went to far but. i no how it is. i usually just grab there arms and squeeze and walk away

  9. #9
    Diary of a Mad-man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Lifts-a-lot View Post
    what the hell is with you covered in blood?

    I have been drunk before with girls and gotten into shouting matches and done the one finger up to her mouth to shush her and missed and poked her in the nose or something like that, but I have never 'accidentally' choked any of them out.

    I hope one of your very close friends bangs her tonight.
    yeah, it progressed until the drunkeness and screaming and kicks to the balls increased.

    Ouch .

    Oh, in this SUV limo, these asshole navy guys started fighting. One of them was basicly beating the shit out of the other while he was unconcious at one point. We couldnt stop him. I guess I should add, there were 14 people in the limo, and I was next to them, so close quarters.

  10. #10
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Well, not to sound like a jerk, but if there was ever a PERFECT EXAMPLE of why not to go out partying, then this is it. Like I said, not trying to be a jerk, but man.... did you ever **** up!

  11. #11
    Diary of a Mad-man's Avatar
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    Shes upstairs with all of her shit packed, crying, waiting to go to work in an hour.

    Maybe if I order pizza, it will turn things around? It will at least cheer me up.

  12. #12
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    Dude I feel so sorry for ya.

    Give her some time and everything will be fine again, I hope for you

  13. #13
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diary of a Mad-man View Post
    Shes upstairs with all of her shit packed, crying, waiting to go to work in an hour.

    Maybe if I order pizza, it will turn things around? It will at least cheer me up.

    Bro... get a pizza, get some flowers, a diamond freaking ring, write a song and play it on a guitar for her..... you need to do something.... QUICK

  14. #14
    Diary of a Mad-man's Avatar
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    I know I sound like im not taking it seriously, and I do sound like someone from COPS the tv show, but I DO love pizza.

    No really, I dont know what I can do at this point. If I read this I would think I was a dumb little puzzy.

    OH, and you guys are right, I was doing good with not partying for a while and I screwed up big. Drinking sucks.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLee View Post
    Dude I feel so sorry for ya.

    Give her some time and everything will be fine again, I hope for you
    Why do you feel sorry for him ? What if it was your sister that he grabbed ? You made your own bed with this one man now just deal with it and move on.

    Why you would post this is beyond me as you should feel embarrassed.

  16. #16
    Diary of a Mad-man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Why do you feel sorry for him ? What if it was your sister that he grabbed ? You made your own bed with this one man now just deal with it and move on.

    Why you would post this is beyond me as you should feel embarrassed.
    Like you being on every dudes nutsack who waltzes in here isnt embarassing. Do you even workout or do you just come here to f4ck dudes who do?

    The reason Im posting is to get a quick consensus from 100000 people, because Im sitting here hung over, and stressing out. Its theraputic.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Why do you feel sorry for him ? What if it was your sister that he grabbed ? You made your own bed with this one man now just deal with it and move on.

    Why you would post this is beyond me as you should feel embarrassed.
    I feel sorry because his girl is leaving and he can't do anything to avoid this.

    I don't want to take his part, if this is what you think, I know that he's been a freakin asshole, as well as he knows.

    It's only that I get pissed when I hear someone that was victim of some stupid drinks.
    I did horrible things while drunk in the past, so I can understand what he feels.

    But again, I'm absolutely not saying that he did well grabbing her throat.
    If she was my sister? Well, he wouldn't be here writing right now I'm afraid...

  18. #18
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    To forgive is to be tough sometimes...

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diary of a Mad-man View Post
    Like you being on every dudes nutsack who waltzes in here isnt embarassing. Do you even workout or do you just come here to f4ck dudes?

    The reason Im posting is to get a quick consensus from 100000 people, because Im sitting here hung over, and stressing out.
    What do you want a consensus of ? You put your hands on a female (alcohol is no excuse), you know as well as 10000+ other guys you were in the wrong. I can tell from your story and your first comment that you have angry problems which you like to take out on other people. Now chill with the flamming if you want your "consensus" to continue.

    Grow up.

  20. #20
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    *shakes head*
    ***No source checks!!!***

  21. #21
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    oh shiz, roid rage !

    might wanna stop sippn' on the winny

    seriously bro...c'mon...

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    What do you want a consensus of ? You put your hands on a female (alcohol is no excuse), you know as well as 10000+ other guys you were in the wrong. I can tell from your story and your first comment that you have angry problems which you like to take out on other people. Now chill with the flamming if you want your "consensus" to continue.

    Grow up.
    I agree on a certain point of view, but this is not always 100% true.

    They say alcohol makes you do things which you just don't have the courage to do while sober...

    BULLSHIT, it alterates your feelings and mood, putting yourself in a sort of unconsciousness that brings you to do something that actually you'd NEVER do.

  23. #23
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    So you were at a bachelor party with people you don't know...why? Why was your girl screaming at you? You had to of done something wrong to get her to scream at you.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by StoneGRMI View Post
    So you were at a bachelor party with people you don't know...why? Why was your girl screaming at you? You had to of done something wrong to get her to scream at you.
    He went back home drunk and covered in blood at 3:00 AM...anything else?

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLee View Post
    I agree on a certain point of view, but this is not always 100% true.

    They say alcohol makes you do things which you just don't have the courage to do while sober...

    BULLSHIT, it alterates your feelings and mood, putting yourself in a sort of unconsciousness that brings you to do something that actually you'd NEVER do.
    It only makes people to things they would never do if they didn't have control of the alcohol in the first place. Know your limit and stick to it.

  26. #26
    Diary of a Mad-man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    What do you want a consensus of ? You put your hands on a female (alcohol is no excuse), you know as well as 10000+ other guys you were in the wrong. I can tell from your story and your first comment that you have angry problems which you like to take out on other people. Now chill with the flamming if you want your "consensus" to continue.

    Grow up.
    Thank you. Good advice, Alcohol is no excuse, I have anger problems, I need to grow up.

    Pizza's here!~

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLee View Post
    He went back home drunk and covered in blood at 3:00 AM...anything else?
    That's not an excuse for his girl to yell at him. It seems like it would be something that she would have concern over rather than anger. If his story is true about getting some other dudes blood on him and he wasn't involved in the fight she wouldn't be screaming, she would be helping.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diary of a Mad-man View Post
    Thank you. Good advice, Alcohol is no excuse, I have anger problems, I need to grow up.
    You sounds pretty on the floor dude, and maybe you deserve this...
    Why not wake up and do something serious to solve this situation then???

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by StoneGRMI View Post
    That's not an excuse for his girl to yell at him. It seems like it would be something that she would have concern over rather than anger. If his story is true about getting some other dudes blood on him and he wasn't involved in the fight she wouldn't be screaming, she would be helping.
    It would has been a reason to yell at him imo.
    Maybe she just didn't let him to explain her the situation...who knows

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLee View Post
    I agree on a certain point of view, but this is not always 100% true.

    They say alcohol makes you do things which you just don't have the courage to do while sober...

    BULLSHIT, it alterates your feelings and mood, putting yourself in a sort of unconsciousness that brings you to do something that actually you'd NEVER do.
    Who choose to go out that night ?
    Who choose to drink to the point where he was no longer able to handle himself ?

    Who is at fault him or the alcohol ?

    If i were to agree with you than i would have to also have to agree that the punishment for killing someone while drunk behind the wheel of a car should be reduced which i don't so i won't.

  31. #31
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    I didnt know anyone BUT the bachelor, and it was a "didnt want to back out on my part of the limo" thing. 2 of my friends were supposed to go and didnt.

    She was pissed b/c it was so late. We were late b/c the limo driver was waiting on 7 of these guys to show up. They were wasted and wondering around/lost. We waited for over an hour while I sat in a limo pumping base, and I had jackdaniel spins. I couldnt make them all leave.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by StoneGRMI View Post
    That's not an excuse for his girl to yell at him. It seems like it would be something that she would have concern over rather than anger. If his story is true about getting some other dudes blood on him and he wasn't involved in the fight she wouldn't be screaming, she would be helping.
    He also brought home other unknown drunk guys to their house.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLee View Post
    I feel sorry because his girl is leaving and he can't do anything to avoid this.

    I don't want to take his part, if this is what you think, I know that he's been a freakin asshole, as well as he knows.

    It's only that I get pissed when I hear someone that was victim of some stupid drinks.
    I did horrible things while drunk in the past, so I can understand what he feels.

    But again, I'm absolutely not saying that he did well grabbing her throat.
    If she was my sister? Well, he wouldn't be here writing right now I'm afraid...

    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Who choose to go out that night ?
    Who choose to drink to the point where he was no longer able to handle himself ?

    Who is at fault him or the alcohol ?

    If i were to agree with you than i would have to also have to agree that the punishment for killing someone while drunk behind the wheel of a car should be reduced which i don't so i won't.
    Who ever said this??? Who ever said I agree with the fact that he was right with that behaviour???

    If I'd ever see someone beating up her girlfriend I'd make him immediately regret on his actions...
    Dude, I can't stand on this shit, as well as you, I just had a thought on how would have to be his mood right now...that's it

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    He also brought home other unknown drunk guys to their house.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLee View Post
    I feel sorry because his girl is leaving and he can't do anything to avoid this.

    I don't want to take his part, if this is what you think, I know that he's been a freakin asshole, as well as he knows.

    It's only that I get pissed when I hear someone that was victim of some stupid drinks.
    I did horrible things while drunk in the past, so I can understand what he feels.

    But again, I'm absolutely not saying that he did well grabbing her throat.
    If she was my sister? Well, he wouldn't be here writing right now I'm afraid...
    Your statement clear states that you see him as the victim which is laughable. Thats what i was referring to.

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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    He also brought home other unknown drunk guys to their house.
    I didn't realized this yet. Had to read more accurately the post

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Your statement clear states that you see him as the victim which is laughable. Thats what i was referring to.
    Both of them are victims

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Who choose to go out that night ?
    Who choose to drink to the point where he was no longer able to handle himself ?

    Who is at fault him or the alcohol ?

    If i were to agree with you than i would have to also have to agree that the punishment for killing someone while drunk behind the wheel of a car should be reduced which i don't so i won't.
    maybe he was an alcoholic. i no when i get a strong buz i cant stop drinking its in the family. both my grandpas are. my dad my uncle most my family. im a very angry drunk. i cant control myself. when im buzzed and we run out of beer im fine and dont get out of control

  39. #39
    Diary of a Mad-man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    He also brought home other unknown drunk guys to their house.
    more like, they were all in the parking lot as i got dropped off, and dude had a bleeding head.

    Damnit, and some dude was laying on the ground puking in front of the old lady's house, she is gonna be pissed.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by 200byjune View Post
    maybe he was an alcoholic. i no when i get a strong buz i cant stop drinking its in the family. both my grandpas are. my dad my uncle most my family. im a very angry drunk. i cant control myself. when im buzzed and we run out of beer im fine and dont get out of control
    Your right and i don't know his entire background. All i know is what he told me and if i was in his shoes the last thing i would be doing is posting this on a message board. My first priority would be to contact the girl and try and resolve the problem.

    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLee View Post
    Both of them are victims
    That's where you and i disagree.

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