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Thread: Who are you voting for?

  1. #121
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gators View Post
    Wright, Ayers, and now he gets a endorsement from a high ranking official of Hamas. Combine that w/ his wife's comments about how she's never been proud of the US and how the US is a "downright mean country", i'm not feeling Obama's love for this country. I got a feeling Obama has some other stuff yet to come out.
    I posted this in another thread but it fits here as well.

    If you look at the exit polls in predominately White Indiana, Rev. Wright was not an issue. The media made it an issue. Democrats didn't care. The only people who care are people who would not vote for him anyway.

    Take a look at this poll. McCain's association with Bush' is more of a negative then Rev. Wright was for Obama.

    The May 1-3 poll finds 38% of likely voters saying McCain's association with Bush makes them less likely to vote for McCain, while 33% say Obama's association with Wright diminishes their likelihood of voting for Obama. The Bush-McCain relationship does have more upside than the Obama-Wright association, though, as 7% say they are more likely to vote for McCain because of his association with Bush, while only 1% say they are more likely to vote for Obama because of his association with Wright.

    Importantly, a majority of voters in both questions say the personal association will not affect their vote either way.
    Again the people who care would not vote for him anyway.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  2. #122
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Gators View Post
    Wright, Ayers, and now he gets a endorsement from a high ranking official of Hamas. Combine that w/ his wife's comments about how she's never been proud of the US and how the US is a "downright mean country", i'm not feeling Obama's love for this country. I got a feeling Obama has some other stuff yet to come out.
    Nothing Michelle Obama said wasn't true. That crap you're spouting is ridiculous. Do you honestly believe Obama asked for that endorsement from Hamas? Like stated earlier, those who are concerned about Wright are those who won't vote for him anyway.

    All these threads about voting all turn the same way...I beginning to forget which thread I'm posting on.

    It seems the only attacks people have against Obama is directly linked to his race. It amazes me that these cats are questioning his patriotism and his religion. All weak arguments.

    The only cat on here that has argued against Obama based on his politics is Godfather, I wonder why that is? Like I said in anothr thread...Welcome to white America's 'Oh Shit' moment!

  3. #123
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  4. #124
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    McCain's Age Again Seen As Major Problem For Voters

    Yet another poll, this one by the Washington Post and ABC News, has found that Sen. John McCain's age appears to be a major hang-up for voters, far more so than Sen. Barack Obama's race. From ABC's write up:

    Age continues to look like a major hurdle for McCain. Thirty-nine percent of Americans say they'd be uncomfortable with a president first taking office at age 72, far more than say they'd be uncomfortable with a woman (16 percent) or African-American (12 percent) as president.

    The greatest risk of losing votes is among those who are "entirely" uncomfortable with the idea; that's 15 percent for a 72-year-old president, vs. 6 and 7 percent, respectively, for a black or female president. Slightly more seniors say they'd be entirely uncomfortable with a president that age, 20 percent, as do adults under 65, 14 percent.
    Interestingly, voters who are concerned with Obama's race appear to be those very blue-collar whites that have become such a hot topic in recent weeks:

    While overall discomfort with an African-American president is much lower, it rises among less-educated whites - the same group that's been a challenge for Obama in the Democratic primaries. Among whites who haven't gone through college, 17 percent say they'd be at least somewhat uncomfortable with a black president; that compares with just 4 percent of white college graduates. Clinton may face a similar problem, however; less-educated whites also are more apt to be uncomfortable with a woman president (21 percent, vs. 7 percent of white college graduates).

    This poll -- like the last ABC News/Washington Post survey -- finds no apparent damage to Obama in the controversy over his former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Six in 10 Americans, and 73 percent of Democrats, say Obama has done "the right amount" to distance himself from Wright, rather than too little or too much.
    It looks like dumb White people don't want a Black president.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  5. #125
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  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gators View Post
    A vote for Paul is a vote for Obama, i'll be damned if i'll help Obama get elected. I like Paul MUCH better than McDumb, but..
    A vote for paul is NOT a vote for obama. Paul just said he agreed with Obama the most of all the other candidates. And also said he knows that obama's voting record is not all that great.

    Anyhoo, I am going to vote for a man who, unlike ALL the other candidates, HAS OUTSTANDING experience, qualifications, and has MUCH common sense & morals.
    Hit voting has been solid.

    Ron Paul 2008
    Find me something that proves he is not the MOST qualified!

  7. #127
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    I Would like to not see clinton in office though.

    I have the least amount of issues with ron paul, and then obama next. But I haven't heard any coverage on Obama's ideas and whatnot.

    I am still voting for ron paul because I agree with most of his policies. Vs Obama who I have no clue who is running mate is.

    I am still very upset that Ron Paul was deliberately avoided by the media. I feel he is the best choice in my opinion, and of course we all have our own

    Good luck to them all! Except hillary :P
    Last edited by SnaX; 05-13-2008 at 03:28 AM.

  8. #128
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    1. OIL.

    Call it what you will - Texas tea, the stuff that George Bush couldn’t find in Texas, whatever - but the Saudis first discovered oil underground in 1938… when John McCain was a baby.


    OK, this is an odd one. Apparently, the chocolate chip cookie has not been around since the dawn of time. It did not evolve from anything, nor was it hanging down from the forbidden tree (or whatever it’s called) in the Garden of Eden. It was, in fact, invented in 1937 by Ruth Graves Wakefield of Whitman, Massachusetts, who ran the Toll House Restaurant.
    So this classic staple and friend of milk lovers everywhere is actually younger than John McCain.


    Now, I’m not going to get into whether or not Scientology is or isn’t a religion. You want to believe? Believe. Makes no difference to me. But I will say that most religions I can think of are really old… and yet, can you guess who’s older? Here’s a hint: it rhymes with Lon McBain.

    4. THE SLINKY.

    “What walks down stairs, alone or in pairs, And makes a slinkity sound?
    A spring, a spring, a marvelous thing, Everyone knows it’s Slinky…
    It’s Slinky, it’s Slinky, for fun it’s a wonderful toy.
    It’s Slinky, it’s Slinky, it’s fun for a girl and a boy.”
    Before the Slinky, kids played with rocks and sticks. And before that, John McCain was born.

    5. SPAM.

    The lunch meat, as opposed to the Internet nuisance promising greater manhood and hot encounters with stay-at-home moms (which, for the record, this blogger has yet to see bear fruit), might likely become a diet of many should this old geezer become President.


    According to the Kodak website, the popular slide film (made even more popular-er from the classic Simon and Garfunkel song - who, incidentally, are both way younger than John McCain) can now only be processed at one remaining location in the world… Dwayne’s Photo Service in Parsons, Kansas. In other words, Kodachrome, which is younger than John McCain, is almost dead.


    Here are some dumb things Pat Buchanan has said:

    “Who are beneficiaries of the Court’s protection? Members of various minorities including criminals, atheists, homosexuals, flag burners, illegal immigrants (including terrorists), convicts, and pornographers.”

    “Our culture is superior. Our culture is superior because our religion is Christianity and that is the truth that makes men free.”

    “I think a real problem America has is we’ve taken this idea of equality and extended it so beyond where it belongs. All lifestyles are not equal. Some are wrong.”

    And one smart one:

    “McCain will make Cheney look like Gandhi.”

    8. ALASKA.

    Alaska - the freaking state - is younger than John McCain.
    And, for that matter, so is Hawaii. McCain is older than two of the fifty states.


    Plutonium is younger than John McCain.

    10. BUGS BUNNY.

    Bugs Bunny is younger than John McCain.

    11. THE BEAV.

    The Beav, aka Jerry Mathers, is younger than John McCain.


    Both of Barack Obama’s parents - his mother (Ann Dunham, who passed away in 1999) and his father (Barack Obama, Sr., who passed away in 1982) were younger than John McCain.


    The Polio Vaccine is younger than John McCain.

    14. MCDONALD’S.

    McDonald’s is younger than John McCain.

    15. AARP.

    The American Association of Retired People is younger than John McCain.

    16. DICK CHENEY.

    Dick Cheney is younger than John McCain.


    Mount Rushmore is younger than John McCain.

    18. TEFLON.

    Teflon is younger than John McCain. Teflon is inert to virtually all chemicals and is considered the most slippery material in existence.

    19. ISRAEL.

    Israel is younger than John McCain.

    20. SUPERMAN.

    Superman is younger than John McCain.


    The Hindenburg Disaster is younger than John McCain.


    The ballpoint pen is younger than John McCain.

    23. FM RADIO.

    FM radio is younger than John McCain.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  9. #129
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    In a bowl of rice
    Aw, come on, stop picking on the old guy.

    Carlos, you're lookin' jacked!

  10. #130
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSAR View Post
    Aw, come on, stop picking on the old guy.

    Carlos, you're lookin' jacked!
    Thanks man. I put on another 7 pounds since taking that pict. I'll post updated pictures in the member pict section at the end of June. It's the deadline I set to see how much size I could put on.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E View Post
    It looks like dumb White people don't want a Black president.
    That comment is uncalled for.

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E View Post
    It looks like dumb White people don't want a Black president.
    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06 View Post
    That comment is uncalled for.
    While overall discomfort with an African-American president is much lower, it rises among less-educated whites. Among whites who haven't gone through college, 17 percent say they'd be at least somewhat uncomfortable with a black president; that compares with just 4 percent of white college graduates.
    Should I substitute less educated for dumb? Put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  13. #133
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    The OBAMA contribution game!

    The rules: Every time you see certain words used by a Clinton or McCain supporter, you make a contribution to Obama's campaign.

    Here's the chart. Participate if you can.

    muslim 5 cents
    racist 5 cents
    Wright 10 cents
    Ayers 10 cents
    liberal 5 cents
    socialist 5 cents
    disenfranchise/revote 5 cents
    hamas 10 cents
    unelectable 10 cents
    weather underground 5 cents
    black church 5 cents
    Kool aid/cult 5 cents
    Elitist 5 cents
    Bitter 5 cents
    Hussein 5 cents
    Messiah 5 cents

    Contribute at the end of each month.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigt10 View Post
    so again can someone please list the reasons to vote for obama?

    Also what is going on with our free markets in this country.

    Americans and our forefathers fought for an independent prosperous nation not this 1 world government were heading towards where 1 government and 1 bank runs all and we have no rights or choice.

    This isnt america anymore its just a quest to a boarderless 1 world government run by a bunch of bankers with all their citizens chipped with radio chips.

    History does repeat it self and i suggest the rest of you all wake up.

    go google the zeitgest movie.

    Reasons I like Obama:
    #1 I like his stance on foreign policy. He will talk to other nations who we dont agree with. This non-recognition is BS.

    #2 He is against the war in Iraq but at the same time wants to focus more Afganistan. Over 4000 dead and lots critically injured. For what I ask????

    #3 He knows that this country was built from the ground up not from the top down. Current administration as well as McCain want to strengthn the top thinking that it will trickle down. Well folks it dont work that way.

    Guys the world is changing and I think he is open minded enough to start us on the path to changing too. Im sick of the same old same old.

    May I also ad the Ron Paul would also be a great President and he would get my vote but he has no chance. I attribute that to the media.

  15. #135
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    ron paul...i want my aas at walgreens

  16. #136
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    I love this quote from a West Virginia voter.

    "I'm going to vote for the colored guy," said Henry Ford -- "no, not that Henry Ford," the 87-year old retired carpenter in the Napa Auto Parts hat pointed out. "I don't dislike her, but I don't think a woman can be president of the United States. I don't think she can handle the job."

    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  17. #137
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    People keep saying "No one knows what Obama stands for, he just wants change w/o defining what change is". The man has given many speeches on the specifics of his campaign, the reason why pundits don't know what he stands for is because they are focused one issue...RACE!

  18. #138
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  19. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by jchopper1 View Post
    ron paul...i want my aas at walgreens
    is that what ron paul is for?? shit i am voting for him.

  20. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    People keep saying "No one knows what Obama stands for, he just wants change w/o defining what change is". The man has given many speeches on the specifics of his campaign, the reason why pundits don't know what he stands for is because they are focused one issue...RACE!
    Higher taxes and less personal freedoms, including a nationwide ban on conceal&carry. That pretty much sums up his platform, he is against personal liberties.

  21. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Higher taxes and less personal freedoms, including a nationwide ban on conceal&carry. That pretty much sums up his platform, he is against personal liberties.
    Thanks GodFather! You are about the only one who sticks to the issues and are not voting for the man based on his politics.

    But in response to your response, how do you suggest we pay for the debt our country has incurred and continue to keep up infrastructure? Some people don't mind paying higher taxes if they can see the results of those higher taxes directly. Saying Barack is against personal freedoms is typical rhetoric trying to point Barack as some tyrannical communist and that simply is not true...and you know this!

  22. #142
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    Godfather has it right,

    Alll the problems start with the monetary system and printing paper money.

    There shouldnt be all this nonsense just money backed by gold.

    The government should never have the right to issue their currencyas the only legal tender.

    I have been reading some stuff on austrian economics by ron paul and ludwig von mises. im tellin ya the stuff makes alot of sense.

    As godfather hit the ball out of the park the only people who benefit from the war is the bank/war & industrial complex.

    YOu have to remeber its government and big business benefiting from the inflation and the printing money. they get to use this as a way of paying thier own bills as they keep lowering the value of our dollar.

    And to anyone hwo doesnt think this effects forein policy no way in hell. BAsicaly printing money is allowing them to create an endless line of credit with these bubbles and the buble will always burst.

    The term recession and crash is stupid and could be avoided.

    It's an old arguement that paper has no value it doesnt. And as history will repeat everypaper currency has failed and the only way again is gold.

    The USA would not be running a world empire if our money was based on gold. they simply couldnt afford it and the citizens would not approve. BUt if they can pay for it by printing more money why not....

    The thing that makes me cry these days is how people can talk about some relatinship with obama and his priest. Your crying over fvckin bread crums will people ignore the whole loaf and the bag of flour it was made from.

    What would happen if china called in all debt we owed to them??? Can you imagine if the currency could be cashed in gold. never never would we see such wasteful spending.

    Getting rid of paper or atleast making gold and other commodities compete also stops these special interests who benefit from the paper.

    I hate this whole idea of basing everything on credit.

    I dont know how we lost our ways, to think we are a wealthy, prospourous nation 9 trillion dollars in DEBT. and to think that it is okay to use paper as a means of wealth? with no backing.

    The ony backing paper has is by the government and the federal reserve. Againthis makes the reserve the centre of the world.

    atleast gold and other metals have value as to wear paper has no value.

  23. #143
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by bigt10 View Post
    Godfather has it right,

    Alll the problems start with the monetary system and printing paper money.

    There shouldnt be all this nonsense just money backed by gold.

    The government should never have the right to issue their currencyas the only legal tender.

    I have been reading some stuff on austrian economics by ron paul and ludwig von mises. im tellin ya the stuff makes alot of sense.

    As godfather hit the ball out of the park the only people who benefit from the war is the bank/war & industrial complex.

    YOu have to remeber its government and big business benefiting from the inflation and the printing money. they get to use this as a way of paying thier own bills as they keep lowering the value of our dollar.

    And to anyone hwo doesnt think this effects forein policy no way in hell. BAsicaly printing money is allowing them to create an endless line of credit with these bubbles and the buble will always burst.

    The term recession and crash is stupid and could be avoided.

    It's an old arguement that paper has no value it doesnt. And as history will repeat everypaper currency has failed and the only way again is gold.

    The USA would not be running a world empire if our money was based on gold. they simply couldnt afford it and the citizens would not approve. BUt if they can pay for it by printing more money why not....

    The thing that makes me cry these days is how people can talk about some relatinship with obama and his priest. Your crying over fvckin bread crums will people ignore the whole loaf and the bag of flour it was made from.

    What would happen if china called in all debt we owed to them??? Can you imagine if the currency could be cashed in gold. never never would we see such wasteful spending.

    Getting rid of paper or atleast making gold and other commodities compete also stops these special interests who benefit from the paper.

    I hate this whole idea of basing everything on credit.

    I dont know how we lost our ways, to think we are a wealthy, prospourous nation 9 trillion dollars in DEBT. and to think that it is okay to use paper as a means of wealth? with no backing.

    The ony backing paper has is by the government and the federal reserve. Againthis makes the reserve the centre of the world.

    atleast gold and other metals have value as to wear paper has no value.
    Lets be realistic, going back to the gold standard isn't attainable. Granted in a perfect world, its the best solution, BUT it will never happen. And therein lies the problem with Ron Paul and his faithful. Even some of us liberals agree with some of his ideas, but most are just not attainable and are based in fantasy, Washington doesn't allow for that type of change. And that is the reason many support Obama. The changes he is proposing are actually attainable.

    GodFather is usually right on with some of his politics, but we have to be realistic in this day and age. Washington as well as the American public in general, couldn't/wouldn't be able to handle Ron Paul type change, but we have to start somewhere!

  24. #144
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    we cant have 100 % gold standard,

    and you trust the government to make all money.

    its been said over and over again.

    look at history, everytime the government has the power to create money out of thin air never works. They use it to pay their bills over inflate it and it will always crash.

    You cant keep creating fiat currency,

    this shit pisssess me off.

    go look up the founders of the federal reserve.

    there is an article in the consitution that the fore fathers made that siad government can only COIN MONEY. this means that all they can do is coin gold not create out of thin air.

    gold and other commodites cant be counterfitted, they have a weight, value, and certain characteristics will paper and computer digits are worth nothing.

    as before any fiat empire will crash.

    Its been over so many times in history you cant run an empire based on credit and paper, it will always crash and when all else fails you resort back to gold.

    There is no perfect but all i know is the founders of america created the consitution so that the government couldnt rule them and to limit their power.

    they precisely made it clear that all the government could do is COIN MONEY. not create it.

  25. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    But in response to your response, how do you suggest we pay for the debt our country has incurred and continue to keep up infrastructure? Some people don't mind paying higher taxes if they can see the results of those higher taxes directly. Saying Barack is against personal freedoms is typical rhetoric trying to point Barack as some tyrannical communist and that simply is not true...and you know this!
    So you believe that Obama, who's proposed to drastically increase the size of goverment, would pay down the debt by only increasing the taxes? That's not gonna happen you and I both know that. The only way to truly reduce the debt is to reduce the size of government, while at the same time reducing taxes. None of the three candidates will do this. Infrastructure, on the other hand, is payed for by excise taxes, which wouldn't be cut.

    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Lets be realistic, going back to the gold standard isn't attainable. Granted in a perfect world, its the best solution, BUT it will never happen. And therein lies the problem with Ron Paul and his faithful. Even some of us liberals agree with some of his ideas, but most are just not attainable and are based in fantasy, Washington doesn't allow for that type of change. And that is the reason many support Obama. The changes he is proposing are actually attainable.

    GodFather is usually right on with some of his politics, but we have to be realistic in this day and age. Washington as well as the American public in general, couldn't/wouldn't be able to handle Ron Paul type change, but we have to start somewhere!
    Something most people don't understand about Ron Paul, and he's stated this many times, is that he wouldn't be able to correct all the wrong policies that this country has implemented in the past 100 years in only 8 years. Most of his supporters know this and we accpet it. Changes happen slowly, so as to not drastically disrupt the entire economy and throw us into a depression. What most people also don't understand is that the executive branch of goverment is no more powerful than congress. In fact, congress is the first branch of government for a reason. Therefore, Ron Paul would not have unlimited power (as some people think the President has) or the authority to run the country the way he sees fit.

    For example, He wouldn't be able to get rid of the FED, but he would be able to introduce competing currencies, which would inevitably lead to good money beating out bad money and the eventual (a few decades) replacement of the FED. He wouldn't be able to fix SS, but he would allow individuals to opt out of it in place of something more stable. This would, of course, undermine the entire SS system and lead to it's demise, again within several decades. The income tax wouldn't be abolished either, but he would make incremental steps towards being able to substantially reduce it (ie reducing the size of goverment with the consent of Congress). This applies to nearly all of his policies.

    When people say things like "the changes Ron Paul wants to make are too drastic" they don't understand that the reason he's talking about these issues is not because he thinks he could actually implement them; it's solely to get an honest dialouge of the true problems we face as a nation. Yet, as always, we get distracted by things that don't really matter (ie reverend wright, religious affiliations, who a specific demagraphic will vote for, why a candidate doesn't wear a flag pin, etc.) or we get told that Ron Paul is a loon and that none of his policies would work. Candidates, like Obama, who claim they stand for change really just want to keep up the status quo, but the rhetoric they use suggests otherwise and people eat it up. Yet when people, like Ron Paul, stand for real change, not just empty promises, they get called radical or they're ignored altogether.

  26. #146
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    I'm putting in my vote for Barack. I believe that he is the one that can take this country beyond the racial issue and bridge the races together. I think that he has the best chance with foreign countries to bridge the gap there. I do not like his stance on personal liberities, like removing gun permits and own guns period, but you have to take the good with the bad sometimes.

    The Clinton's have had their chance and I can't believe a word that comes out of Mrs. Clinton's mouth.

  27. #147
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E View Post
    It looks like dumb White people don't want a Black president.
    When the candidates all started appearing I thought, "hey, this Obama guy might be just what we need". Then all these facts Im really uncomfortable with began to come to surface. I was kinda proud of myself for not basing my decision on race and it felt good as a conformation to myself that I was not racist. Shiit head comments like the one you made here and some you made previously in this thread show your racial bias and make your true reasoning for your choice of candidate evident which should make any reasonably intelligent people completely dismiss any arguement you try to make. Furthermore, you only fan the flames of racial hatred with your small minded pathetic comments towards white Americans. You should be real proud of yourself. Douche

  28. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY View Post
    When the candidates all started appearing I thought, "hey, this Obama guy might be just what we need". Then all these facts Im really uncomfortable with began to come to surface. I was kinda proud of myself for not basing my decision on race and it felt good as a conformation to myself that I was not racist. Shiit head comments like the one you made here and some you made previously in this thread show your racial bias and make your true reasoning for your choice of candidate evident which should make any reasonably intelligent people completely dismiss any arguement you try to make. Furthermore, you only fan the flames of racial hatred with your small minded pathetic comments towards white Americans. You should be real proud of yourself. Douche
    Oh please get a grip. This is a quote pulled for an article. My comment was not directed at all of White America. Just the stupid people who would not vote for someone based on race.
    While overall discomfort with an African-American president is much lower, it rises among less-educated whites. Among whites who haven't gone through college, 17 percent say they'd be at least somewhat uncomfortable with a black president; that compares with just 4 percent of white college graduates.
    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Should I substitute less educated for dumb? Put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig.
    Less educated Whites? Does that make you feel better. It is dumb to vote or not vote for someone based on race. For you to sit here and say it isn't is foolish. I am not supporting Obama because of race. If you paid attention, when the primaries first started, I was a Clinton supporter. My second choice was Obama and my third was Ron Paul. Wow, look! My first choice used to be White! So is my 3rd choice. I guess that means I'm racist!!!!
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  29. #149
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    I cannot vote for any of the appointed...not even a chance. I will move into the woods after this country goes into shambles because one of these clowns gets elected. I don;t think Mcain is horrible, but he is like 97 years old I mean seriously.

  30. #150
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    BTW I think Obama has a good chance to win...all the blacks will vote for him and lots of ignorant lefties.

    I think McCain will be our next president though...

    and this was a great statement n this debate, enjoyed reading guys

    Perhaps the impression that your getting that they don't believe racism still exists is just them moving on beyond racism, rather than exasperating and letting it drag on forever.

  31. #151
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    well sence we have had bush for 8 years im voting for boobs. lol i no stupid

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