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We had no right to invade a sovereign nation to begin with. Iraq never at any point posed a national security thread to the United States. Additionally, there is no Constitutional provision for "preemptive war." Hitler was the one who invented preemptive warfare. The only time the Constitution authorizes Congress(the only ones who can make a declaration of war) to declare war is when the national security of the homeland of this country is directly at risk. That means, we had no right to attack Iraq because we "thought" they "might" have WMDs in 5 or 10 years.
We need a 100% immediate withdrawl of all troops&civilians from the country. No foreign force has ever been able to effectively occupy a country with any success. It is not "Al-Qaeda" fighting us, it is a pissed off Iraqi population that wants us out of their country which we wrongly invaded. It would be no different if China invaded the United States, many of us would be taking up arms against them until they left. I know myself like many Americans would rather us all die before we let a foreign tyrant have control of our country. That is what we are to the Iraqi's, foreign tyrants, they do not view us as liberators, thats only the propaganda that you hear at 6pm on Fox News every night...